27,684 research outputs found

    On Pseudocodewords and Improved Union Bound of Linear Programming Decoding of HDPC Codes

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    In this paper, we present an improved union bound on the Linear Programming (LP) decoding performance of the binary linear codes transmitted over an additive white Gaussian noise channels. The bounding technique is based on the second-order of Bonferroni-type inequality in probability theory, and it is minimized by Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm. The bound calculation needs the fundamental cone generators of a given parity-check matrix rather than only their weight spectrum, but involves relatively low computational complexity. It is targeted to high-density parity-check codes, where the number of their generators is extremely large and these generators are spread densely in the Euclidean space. We explore the generator density and make a comparison between different parity-check matrix representations. That density effects on the improvement of the proposed bound over the conventional LP union bound. The paper also presents a complete pseudo-weight distribution of the fundamental cone generators for the BCH[31,21,5] code

    Improving success probability and embedding efficiency in code based steganography

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    For stegoschemes arising from error correcting codes, embedding depends on a decoding map for the corresponding code. As decoding maps are usually not complete, embedding can fail. We propose a method to ensure or increase the probability of embedding success for these stegoschemes. This method is based on puncturing codes. We show how the use of punctured codes may also increase the embedding efficiency of the obtained stegoschemes

    Maximum-likelihood decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes is NP-hard

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    Maximum-likelihood decoding is one of the central algorithmic problems in coding theory. It has been known for over 25 years that maximum-likelihood decoding of general linear codes is NP-hard. Nevertheless, it was so far unknown whether maximum- likelihood decoding remains hard for any specific family of codes with nontrivial algebraic structure. In this paper, we prove that maximum-likelihood decoding is NP-hard for the family of Reed-Solomon codes. We moreover show that maximum-likelihood decoding of Reed-Solomon codes remains hard even with unlimited preprocessing, thereby strengthening a result of Bruck and Naor.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    The problem with the SURF scheme

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    There is a serious problem with one of the assumptions made in the security proof of the SURF scheme. This problem turns out to be easy in the regime of parameters needed for the SURF scheme to work. We give afterwards the old version of the paper for the reader's convenience.Comment: Warning : we found a serious problem in the security proof of the SURF scheme. We explain this problem here and give the old version of the paper afterward

    Structured Random Linear Codes (SRLC): Bridging the Gap between Block and Convolutional Codes

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    Several types of AL-FEC (Application-Level FEC) codes for the Packet Erasure Channel exist. Random Linear Codes (RLC), where redundancy packets consist of random linear combinations of source packets over a certain finite field, are a simple yet efficient coding technique, for instance massively used for Network Coding applications. However the price to pay is a high encoding and decoding complexity, especially when working on GF(28)GF(2^8), which seriously limits the number of packets in the encoding window. On the opposite, structured block codes have been designed for situations where the set of source packets is known in advance, for instance with file transfer applications. Here the encoding and decoding complexity is controlled, even for huge block sizes, thanks to the sparse nature of the code and advanced decoding techniques that exploit this sparseness (e.g., Structured Gaussian Elimination). But their design also prevents their use in convolutional use-cases featuring an encoding window that slides over a continuous set of incoming packets. In this work we try to bridge the gap between these two code classes, bringing some structure to RLC codes in order to enlarge the use-cases where they can be efficiently used: in convolutional mode (as any RLC code), but also in block mode with either tiny, medium or large block sizes. We also demonstrate how to design compact signaling for these codes (for encoder/decoder synchronization), which is an essential practical aspect.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Computing coset leaders and leader codewords of binary codes

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    In this paper we use the Gr\"obner representation of a binary linear code C\mathcal C to give efficient algorithms for computing the whole set of coset leaders, denoted by CL(C)\mathrm{CL}(\mathcal C) and the set of leader codewords, denoted by L(C)\mathrm L(\mathcal C). The first algorithm could be adapted to provide not only the Newton and the covering radius of C\mathcal C but also to determine the coset leader weight distribution. Moreover, providing the set of leader codewords we have a test-set for decoding by a gradient-like decoding algorithm. Another contribution of this article is the relation stablished between zero neighbours and leader codewords
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