6 research outputs found

    On the combinatorics of plethysm

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    AbstractWe construct three (large, reduced) incidence algebras whose semigroups of multiplicative functions, under convolution, are anti-isomorphic, respectively, to the semigroups of what we call partitional, permutational and exponential formal power series without constant term, in infinitely many variables x = (x1, x2,…), under plethysm. We compute the Möbius function in each case. These three incidence algebras are the linear duals of incidence bialgebras arising, respectively, from the classes of transversals of partitions (with an order that we define), partitions compatible with permutations (with the usual refinement order), and linear transversals of linear partitions (with the order induced by that on transversals). We define notions of morphisms between partitions, permutations and linear partitions, respectively, whose kernels are defined to be, in each case, transversals, compatible partitions and linear transversals. We introduce, in each case, a pair of sequences of polynomials in x of binomial type, counting morphisms and monomorphisms, and obtain expressions for their connection constants, by summation and Möbius inversion over the corresponding posets of kernels

    A selected survey of umbral calculus

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    We survey the mathematical literature on umbral calculus (otherwise known as the calculus of finite differences) from its roots in the 19th century (and earlier) as a set of "magic rules" for lowering and raising indices, through its rebirth in the 1970’s as Rota’s school set it on a firm logical foundation using operator methods, to the current state of the art with numerous generalizations and applications. The survey itself is complemented by a fairly complete bibliography (over 500 references) which we expect to update regularly

    Plethysms and operads

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABWe introduce the T-construction, an endofunctor on the category of generalized operads, as a general mechanism by which various notions of plethystic substitution arise from more ordinary notions of substitution. In the special case of one-object unary operads, i.e. monoids, we recover the T-construction of Giraudo. We realize several kinds of plethysm as convolution products arising from the homotopy cardinality of the incidence bialgebra of the bar construction of various operads obtained from the T-construction. The bar constructions are simplicial groupoids, and in the special case of the terminal reduced operad Sym, we recover the simplicial groupoid of Cebrian (Algebraic Geom Topol 21(1):421-446, 2021), a combinatorial model for ordinary plethysm in the sense of Pólya, given in the spirit of Waldhausen S and Quillen Q constructions. In some of the cases of the T-construction, an analogous interpretation is possible

    The Umbral Calculus of Symmetric Functions

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