45,652 research outputs found

    Application of Laguerre based adaptive predictive control to Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators

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    This paper discusses the use of an existing adaptive predictive controller to control some Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) linear actuators. The model consists in a truncated linear combination of Laguerre filters identified online. The controller stability is studied in details. It is proven that the tracking error is asymptotically stable under some conditions on the modelling error. Moreover, the tracking error converge toward zero for step references, even if the identified model is inaccurate. Experimentalcresults obtained on two different kind of actuator validate the proposed control. They also show that it is robust with regard to input constraints.ANR MAFESM

    Can VAR models capture regime shifts in asset returns? a long-horizon strategic asset allocation perspective

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    In the empirical portfolio choice literature it is often invoked that through the choice of predictors that may closely track business cycle conditions and market sentiment, simple Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models could produce optimal strategic portfolio allocations that hedge against the bull and bear dynamics typical of financial markets. However, a distinct literature exists that shows that non-linear econometric frameworks, such as Markov switching, are also natural tools to compute optimal portfolios arising from the existence of good and bad market states. In this paper we examine whether and how simple VARs can produce empirical portfolio rules similar to those obtained under a range of multivariate Markov switching models, by studying the effects of expanding both the order of the VAR and the number/selection of predictor variables included. In a typical stock-bond strategic asset allocation problem on US data, we compute the out-of-sample certainty equivalent returns for a wide range of VARs and compare these measures of performance with those typical of non-linear models that account for bull-bear dynamics and characterize the differences in the implied hedging demands for a long-horizon investor with constant relative risk aversion preferences. We conclude that most (if not all) VARs cannot produce portfolio rules, hedging demands, or out-of-sample performances that approximate those obtained from equally simple non-linear frameworks.Econometric models ; Vector autoregression ; Asset pricing ; Rate of return

    1/N and long run optimal portfolios: results for mixed asset menus

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    Recent research [e.g., DeMiguel, Garlappi and Uppal, (2009), Rev. Fin. Studies] has cast doubts on the out-of-sample performance of optimizing portfolio strategies relative to naive, equally weighted ones. However, existing results concern the simple case in which an investor has a one-month horizon and meanvariance preferences. In this paper, we examine whether their result holds for longer investment horizons, when the asset menu includes bonds and real estate beyond stocks and cash, and when the investor is characterized by constant relative risk aversion preferences which are not locally mean-variance for long horizons. Our experiments indicates that power utility investors with horizons of one year and longer would have on average benefited, ex-post, from an optimizing strategy that exploits simple linear predictability in asset returns over the period January 1995 - December 2007. This result is insensitive to the degree of risk aversion, to the number of predictors being included in the forecasting model, and to the deduction of transaction costs from measured portfolio performance.Econometric models ; Asset pricing ; Rate of return

    Finite-time behavior of inner systems

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    In this paper, we investigate how nonminimum phase characteristics of a dynamical system affect its controllability and tracking properties. For the class of linear time-invariant dynamical systems, these characteristics are determined by transmission zeros of the inner factor of the system transfer function. The relation between nonminimum phase zeros and Hankel singular values of inner systems is studied and it is shown how the singular value structure of a suitably defined operator provides relevant insight about system invertibility and achievable tracking performance. The results are used to solve various tracking problems both on finite as well as on infinite time horizons. A typical receding horizon control scheme is considered and new conditions are derived to guarantee stabilizability of a receding horizon controller

    Combining multivariate density forecasts using predictive criteria

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    This paper combines multivariate density forecasts of output growth, inflation and interest rates from a suite of models. An out-of-sample weighting scheme based on the predictive likelihood as proposed by Eklund and Karlsson (2005) and Andersson and Karlsson (2007) is used to combine the models. Three classes of models are considered: a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR), a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) and a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. Using Australian data, we find that, at short forecast horizons, the Bayesian VAR model is assigned the most weight, while at intermediate and longer horizons the factor model is preferred. The DSGE model is assigned little weight at all horizons, a result that can be attributed to the DSGE model producing density forecasts that are very wide when compared with the actual distribution of observations. While a density forecast evaluation exercise reveals little formal evidence that the optimally combined densities are superior to those from the best-performing individual model, or a simple equal-weighting scheme, this may be a result of the short sample available.Density forecasts, combining forecasts, predictive criteria

    A rolling-horizon quadratic-programming approach to the signal control problem in large-scale congested urban road networks

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    The paper investigates the efficiency of a recently developed signal control methodology, which offers a computationally feasible technique for real-time network-wide signal control in large-scale urban traffic networks and is applicable also under congested traffic conditions. In this methodology, the traffic flow process is modeled by use of the store-and-forward modeling paradigm, and the problem of network-wide signal control (including all constraints) is formulated as a quadratic-programming problem that aims at minimizing and balancing the link queues so as to minimize the risk of queue spillback. For the application of the proposed methodology in real time, the corresponding optimization algorithm is embedded in a rolling-horizon (model-predictive) control scheme. The control strategy’s efficiency and real-time feasibility is demonstrated and compared with the Linear-Quadratic approach taken by the signal control strategy TUC (Traffic-responsive Urban Control) as well as with optimized fixed-control settings via their simulation-based application to the road network of the city centre of Chania, Greece, under a number of different demand scenarios. The comparative evaluation is based on various criteria and tools including the recently proposed fundamental diagram for urban network traffic