12 research outputs found

    Shared Memory Parallel Subgraph Enumeration

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    The subgraph enumeration problem asks us to find all subgraphs of a target graph that are isomorphic to a given pattern graph. Determining whether even one such isomorphic subgraph exists is NP-complete---and therefore finding all such subgraphs (if they exist) is a time-consuming task. Subgraph enumeration has applications in many fields, including biochemistry and social networks, and interestingly the fastest algorithms for solving the problem for biochemical inputs are sequential. Since they depend on depth-first tree traversal, an efficient parallelization is far from trivial. Nevertheless, since important applications produce data sets with increasing difficulty, parallelism seems beneficial. We thus present here a shared-memory parallelization of the state-of-the-art subgraph enumeration algorithms RI and RI-DS (a variant of RI for dense graphs) by Bonnici et al. [BMC Bioinformatics, 2013]. Our strategy uses work stealing and our implementation demonstrates a significant speedup on real-world biochemical data---despite a highly irregular data access pattern. We also improve RI-DS by pruning the search space better; this further improves the empirical running times compared to the already highly tuned RI-DS.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, To appear at the 7th IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Computing and Optimization (PDCO 2017

    Experimental Evaluation of Subgraph Isomorphism Solvers

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    International audienceSubgraph Isomorphism (SI) is an NP-complete problem which is at the heart of many structural pattern recognition tasks as it involves finding a copy of a pattern graph into a target graph. In the pattern recognition community, the most well-known SI solvers are VF2, VF3, and RI. SI is also widely studied in the constraint programming community, and many constraint-based SI solvers have been proposed since Ullman, such as LAD and Glasgow, for example. All these SI solvers can solve very quickly some large SI instances, that involve graphs with thousands of nodes. However, McCreesh et al. have recently shown how to randomly generate SI instances the hardness of which can be controlled and predicted, and they have built small instances which are computationally challenging for all solvers. They have also shown that some small instances, which are predicted to be easy and are easily solved by constraint-based solvers, appear to be challenging for VF2 and VF3. In this paper, we widen this study by considering a large test suite coming from eight benchmarks. We show that, as expected for an NP-complete problem, the solving time of an instance does not depend on its size, and that some small instances coming from real applications are not solved by any of the considered solvers. We also show that, if RI and VF3 can solve very quickly a large number of easy instances, for which Glasgow or LAD need more time, they fail at solving some other instances that are quickly solved by Glasgow or LAD, and they are clearly outperformed by Glasgow on hard instances. Finally, we show that we can easily combine solvers to take benefit of their complementarity

    Efficient Control-Flow Subgraph Matching for Detecting Hardware Trojans in RTL Models

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    Only few solutions for Hardware Trojan (HT) detection work at Register-Transfer Level (RTL), thus delaying the identification of possible security issues at lower abstraction levels of the design process. In addition, the most of existing approaches work only for specific kinds of HTs. To overcome these limitations, we present a verification approach that detects different types of HTs in RTL models by exploiting an efficient control-flow subgraph matching algorithm. The prototypes of HTs that can be detected are modelled in a library by using Control-Flow Graphs (CFGs) that can be parametrised and extended to cover several variants of Trojan patterns. Experimental results show that our approach is effective and efficient in comparison with other state-of-the-art solutions

    TemporalRI: subgraph isomorphism in temporal networks with multiple contacts

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    AbstractTemporal networks are graphs where each edge is associated with a timestamp denoting when two nodes interact. Temporal Subgraph Isomorphism (TSI) aims at retrieving all the subgraphs of a temporal network (called target) matching a smaller temporal network (called query), such that matched target edges appear in the same chronological order of corresponding query edges. Few algorithms have been proposed to solve the TSI problem (or variants of it) and most of them are applicable only to small or specific queries. In this paper we present TemporalRI, a new subgraph isomorphism algorithm for temporal networks with multiple contacts between nodes, which is inspired by RI algorithm. TemporalRI introduces the notion of temporal flows and uses them to filter the search space of candidate nodes for the matching. Our algorithm can handle queries of any size and any topology. Experiments on real networks of different sizes show that TemporalRI is very efficient compared to the state-of-the-art, especially for large queries and targets

    GRAPES-DD: exploiting decision diagrams for index-driven search in biological graph databases

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    BACKGROUND: Graphs are mathematical structures widely used for expressing relationships among elements when representing biomedical and biological information. On top of these representations, several analyses are performed. A common task is the search of one substructure within one graph, called target. The problem is referred to as one-to-one subgraph search, and it is known to be NP-complete. Heuristics and indexing techniques can be applied to facilitate the search. Indexing techniques are also exploited in the context of searching in a collection of target graphs, referred to as one-to-many subgraph problem. Filter-and-verification methods that use indexing approaches provide a fast pruning of target graphs or parts of them that do not contain the query. The expensive verification phase is then performed only on the subset of promising targets. Indexing strategies extract graph features at a sufficient granularity level for performing a powerful filtering step. Features are memorized in data structures allowing an efficient access. Indexing size, querying time and filtering power are key points for the development of efficient subgraph searching solutions.RESULTS: An existing approach, GRAPES, has been shown to have good performance in terms of speed-up for both one-to-one and one-to-many cases. However, it suffers in the size of the built index. For this reason, we propose GRAPES-DD, a modified version of GRAPES in which the indexing structure has been replaced with a Decision Diagram. Decision Diagrams are a broad class of data structures widely used to encode and manipulate functions efficiently. Experiments on biomedical structures and synthetic graphs have confirmed our expectation showing that GRAPES-DD has substantially reduced the memory utilization compared to GRAPES without worsening the searching time.CONCLUSION: The use of Decision Diagrams for searching in biochemical and biological graphs is completely new and potentially promising thanks to their ability to encode compactly sets by exploiting their structure and regularity, and to manipulate entire sets of elements at once, instead of exploring each single element explicitly. Search strategies based on Decision Diagram makes the indexing for biochemical graphs, and not only, more affordable allowing us to potentially deal with huge and ever growing collections of biochemical and biological structures

    Computational Techniques for the Structural and Dynamic Analysis of Biological Networks

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    The analysis of biological systems involves the study of networks from different omics such as genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics. In general, the computational techniques used in the analysis of biological networks can be divided into those that perform (i) structural analysis, (ii) dynamic analysis of structural prop- erties and (iii) dynamic simulation. Structural analysis is related to the study of the topology or stoichiometry of the biological network such as important nodes of the net- work, network motifs and the analysis of the flux distribution within the network. Dy- namic analysis of structural properties, generally, takes advantage from the availability of interaction and expression datasets in order to analyze the structural properties of a biological network in different conditions or time points. Dynamic simulation is useful to study those changes of the biological system in time that cannot be derived from a structural analysis because it is required to have additional information on the dynamics of the system. This thesis addresses each of these topics proposing three computational techniques useful to study different types of biological networks in which the structural and dynamic analysis is crucial to answer to specific biological questions. In particu- lar, the thesis proposes computational techniques for the analysis of the network motifs of a biological network through the design of heuristics useful to efficiently solve the subgraph isomorphism problem, the construction of a new analysis workflow able to integrate interaction and expression datasets to extract information about the chromo- somal connectivity of miRNA-mRNA interaction networks and, finally, the design of a methodology that applies techniques coming from the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) field that allows the dynamic simulation of biochemical interaction networks and the parameter estimation

    Monte Carlo based techniques for quantum magnets with long-range interactions

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    Long-range interactions are relevant for a large variety of quantum systems in quantum optics and condensed matter physics. In particular, the control of quantum-optical platforms promises to gain deep insights in quantum-critical properties induced by the long-range nature of interactions. From a theoretical perspective, long-range interactions are notoriously complicated to treat. Here, we give an overview of recent advancements to investigate quantum magnets with long-range interactions focusing on two techniques based on Monte Carlo integration. First, the method of perturbative continuous unitary transformations where classical Monte Carlo integration is applied within the embedding scheme of white graphs. This linked-cluster expansion allows to extract high-order series expansions of energies and observables in the thermodynamic limit. Second, stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo which enables calculations on large finite systems. Finite-size scaling can then be used to determine physical properties of the infinite system. In recent years, both techniques have been applied successfully to one- and two-dimensional quantum magnets involving long-range Ising, XY, and Heisenberg interactions on various bipartite and non-bipartite lattices. Here, we summarise the obtained quantum-critical properties including critical exponents for all these systems in a coherent way. Further, we review how long-range interactions are used to study quantum phase transitions above the upper critical dimension and the scaling techniques to extract these quantum critical properties from the numerical calculations.Comment: 141 pages, 38 figure

    On the variable ordering in subgraph isomorphism algorithms.

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    Graphs are mathematical structures to model several biological data. Applications to analyze them require to apply solutions for the subgraph isomorphism problem, which is NP-complete. Here, we investigate the existing strategies to reduce the subgraph isomorphism algorithm running time with emphasis on the importance of the order with which the graph vertices are taken into account during the search, called variable ordering, and its incidence on the total running time of the algorithms. We focus on two recent solutions, which are based on an effective variable ordering strategy. We discuss their comparison both with the variable ordering strategies reviewed in the paper and the other algorithms present in the ICPR2014 contest on graph matching algorithms for pattern search in biological databases