12 research outputs found

    Observation and Distinction. Representing Information in Infinite Games

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    We compare two approaches for modelling imperfect information in infinite games by using finite-state automata. The first, more standard approach views information as the result of an observation process driven by a sequential Mealy machine. In contrast, the second approach features indistinguishability relations described by synchronous two-tape automata. The indistinguishability-relation model turns out to be strictly more expressive than the one based on observations. We present a characterisation of the indistinguishability relations that admit a representation as a finite-state observation function. We show that the characterisation is decidable, and give a procedure to construct a corresponding Mealy machine whenever one exists

    Rule-restricted Automaton-grammar transducers: Power and Linguistic Applications

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    This paper introduces the notion of a new transducer as a two-component system, which consists of a nite automaton and a context-free grammar. In essence, while the automaton reads its input string, the grammar produces its output string, and their cooperation is controlled by a set, which restricts the usage of their rules. From a theoretical viewpoint, the present paper discusses the power of this system working in an ordinary way as well as in a leftmost way. In addition, the paper introduces an appearance checking, which allows us to check whether some symbols are present in the rewritten string, and studies its e ect on the power. It achieves the following three main results. First, the system generates and accepts languages de ned by matrix grammars and partially blind multi-counter automata, respectively. Second, if we place a leftmost restriction on derivation in the context-free grammar, both accepting and generating power of the system is equal to generative power of context-free grammars. Third, the system with appearance checking can accept and generate all recursively enumerable languages. From more pragmatical viewpoint, this paper describes several linguistic applications. A special attention is paid to the Japanese-Czech translation

    Finite-Valued Weighted Automata

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    Any weighted automaton (WA) defines a relation from finite words to values: given an input word, its set of values is obtained as the set of values computed by each accepting run on that word. A WA is k-valued if the relation it defines has degree at most k, i.e., every set of values associated with an input word has cardinality at most k. We investigate the class of quantitative languages defined by k-valued automata, for all parameters k. We consider several measures to associate values with runs: sum, discounted-sum, and more generally values in groups. We define a general procedure which decides, given a bound k and a WA over a group, whether this automaton is k-valued. We also show that any k-valued WA over a group, under some general conditions, can be decomposed as a union of k unambiguous WA. While inclusion and equivalence are undecidable problems for arbitrary sum-automata, we show, based on this decomposition, that they are decidable for k-valued sum-automata, and k-valued discounted sum-automata over inverted integer discount factors. We finally show that the quantitative Church problem is undecidable for k-valued sum-automata, even given as finite unions of deterministic sum-automata

    On Equivalence and Uniformisation Problems for Finite Transducers

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    Transductions are binary relations of finite words. For rational transductions, i.e., transductions defined by finite transducers, the inclusion, equivalence and sequential uniformisation problems are known to be undecidable. In this paper, we investigate stronger variants of inclusion, equivalence and sequential uniformisation, based on a general notion of transducer resynchronisation, and show their decidability. We also investigate the classes of finite-valued rational transductions and deterministic rational transductions, which are known to have a decidable equivalence problem. We show that sequential uniformisation is also decidable for them

    On the decomposition of finite-valued streaming string transducers

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    We prove the following decomposition theorem: every 1-register streaming string transducer that associates a uniformly bounded number of outputs with each input can be effectively decomposed as a finite union of functional 1-register streaming string transducers. This theorem relies on a combinatorial result by Kortelainen concerning word equations with iterated factors. Our result implies the decidability of the equivalence problem for the considered class of transducers. This can be seen as a first step towards proving a more general decomposition theorem for streaming string transducers with multiple registers

    Automatic structures of bounded degree revisited

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    The first-order theory of a string automatic structure is known to be decidable, but there are examples of string automatic structures with nonelementary first-order theories. We prove that the first-order theory of a string automatic structure of bounded degree is decidable in doubly exponential space (for injective automatic presentations, this holds even uniformly). This result is shown to be optimal since we also present a string automatic structure of bounded degree whose first-order theory is hard for 2EXPSPACE. We prove similar results also for tree automatic structures. These findings close the gaps left open in a previous paper of the second author by improving both, the lower and the upper bounds.Comment: 26 page