9 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Broken Bar Fault Detection in Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Instantaneous Power Monitoring under Low Slip Range

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    The majority of research is about the detection of broken bar fault in three-phase induction motor at high slip. Thus, it becomes very interesting and demanding to detect faults in case of low slip range. In this study, a novel investigation of broken bar faults using instantaneous power is presented. The method is based on calculations and frequency analysis of partial and total instantaneous power under low slip range. The used model of squirrel cage induction machine takes into account the geometry and winding layout. This model will be used to analyze the impact of broken bar on instantaneous power spectrum. The proposed ideas in this paper are verified experimentally. The results show that broken bar fault can be more reliably detected under low slip range when using a large frequency area of both partial and total instantaneous power spectrums.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i1.461

    Application of the Wigner-Ville distribution for the detection of rotor asymmetries and eccentricity through high-order harmonics

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    The diagnosis of induction machines through the use of methods based on the study of the startup current has become an issue of special interest. These techniques may provide, in certain situations (unbalanced supply voltages, load torque oscillations, variable load, etc.) and for certain faults (broken bars, eccentricity, stator short circuit, etc.) substantial advantages in comparison with the classical method, based on the Fourier spectrum of the steady-state current. Nevertheless, in the case of rotor asymmetries, these transient-based techniques have been mainly focused on the tracing of the lower sideband harmonic (LSH). In this paper, a wideband diagnosis method is proposed, in which the Wigner-Ville distribution is applied to the detection of eccentricity and other high-order components also introduced by the rotor asymmetry. It is shown that the proposed wide band analysis might help to reach a more reliable diagnosis conclusion in cases in which the tracing of commonly used harmonics may be difficult (inter-bar currents, load torque oscillations, non stationary regimes, etc.). An evaluation of the method is carried out through simulations and laboratory tests. The results show the potential of the tool for the detection and quantification of these components as a basis to diagnose such faults. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Induction motor diagnosis by advanced notch FIR filters and the wigner-ville distribution

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    During the last years, several time-frequency decomposition tools have been applied for the diagnosis of induction motors, for those cases in which the traditional procedures, such as motor current signature analysis, cannot yield the necessary response. Among them, the Cohen distributions have been widely selected to study transient and even stationary operation due to their high-resolution and detailed information provided at all frequencies. Their main drawback, the cross-terms, has been tackled either modifying the distribution, or carrying out a pretreatment of the signal before computing its time-frequency decomposition. In this paper, a filtering process is proposed that uses advanced notch filters in order to remove constant frequency components present in the current of an induction motor, prior to the computation of its distribution, to study rotor asymmetries and mixed eccentricities. In transient operation of machines directly connected to the grid, this procedure effectively eliminates most of the artifacts that have prevented the use of these tools, allowing a wideband analysis and the definition of a precise quantification parameter able to follow the evolution of their state. © 1982-2012 IEEE

    Rotor-Bar Breakage Mechanism and Prognosis in an Induction Motor

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    [EN] This paper proposes a condition-based maintenance and prognostics and health management (CBM/ PHM) procedure for a rotor bar in an induction motor. The methodology is based on the results of a fatigue test intended to reproduce in the most natural way a bar breakage in order to carry out a comparison between transient and stationary diagnosis methods for incipient fault detection. Newly developed techniques in stator-current transient analysis have allowed tracking the developing fault during the last part of the test, identifying the failure mechanism, and establishing a physical model of the process. This nonlinear failure model is integrated in a particle filtering algorithm to diagnose the defect at an early stage and predict the remaining useful life of the bar. An initial generalization of the results to conditions differing from the ones under which the fatigue test was developed is studied.Climente Alarcon, V.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Strangas, EG.; Riera-Guasp, M. (2015). Rotor-Bar Breakage Mechanism and Prognosis in an Induction Motor. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1814-1825. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2336604S1814182562

    Diagnosis of Induction Motors Under Varying Speed Operation by Principal Slot Harmonic Tracking

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    © 1972-2012 IEEE. A detailed study on the energy content of a principal slot harmonic (PSH) in an induction motor operating at variable slip is carried out. The machine is tested under different faulty conditions, namely, broken rotor bar, mixed eccentricity, and interturn short circuit. The use of a combined time-frequency analysis and particle filtering feature extraction procedure allows tracking the evolution of a PSH under different load profiles and integrating its energy. The proposed fault indicator provides values that are equivalent with the traditional one for stationary operation even in the case of pulsating load. The results show that the energy in the PSH reflects the overall state of the machine under these conditions. Furthermore, procedures to discern the different faults in real applications are proposed

    Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Transient motor current signature analysis is a recently developed technique for motor diagnostics using speed transients. The whole speed range is used to create a unique stamp of each fault harmonic in the time-frequency plane. This greatly increases diagnostic reliability when compared with non-transient analysis, which is based on the detection of fault harmonics at a single speed. But this added functionality comes at a price: well-established signal analysis tools used in the permanent regime, mainly the Fourier transform, cannot be applied to the nonstationary currents of a speed transient. In this paper, a new method is proposed to fill this gap. By applying a polynomial-phase transform to the transient current, a new, stationary signal is generated. This signal contains information regarding the fault components along the different regimes covered by the transient, and can be analyzed using the Fourier transform. The polynomial-phase transform is used in radar, sonar, communications, and power systems fields, but this is the first time, to the best knowledge of the authors, that it has been applied to the diagnosis of induction motor faults. Experimental results obtained with two different commercial motors with broken bars are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia" in the framework of the "Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental," project reference DPI2008-06583/DPI.Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R. (2011). Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 58(4):1428-1439. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2010.2050755S1428143958

    Rotor-bar breakage mechanism and prognosis in an induction motor

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    © 1982-2012 IEEE. This paper proposes a condition-based maintenance and prognostics and health management (CBM/PHM) procedure for a rotor bar in an induction motor. The methodology is based on the results of a fatigue test intended to reproduce in the most natural way a bar breakage in order to carry out a comparison between transient and stationary diagnosis methods for incipient fault detection. Newly developed techniques in stator-current transient analysis have allowed tracking the developing fault during the last part of the test, identifying the failure mechanism, and establishing a physical model of the process. This nonlinear failure model is integrated in a particle filtering algorithm to diagnose the defect at an early stage and predict the remaining useful life of the bar. An initial generalization of the results to conditions differing from the ones under which the fatigue test was developed is studied

    Dynamic model of three-phase squirrel-cage induction machine based onfinite elements method

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    Тема докторске дисертације је развој и верификација новог динамичког модела трофазне кавезне асинхроне машине, који је заснован на методи коначних елемената. Применом линеарних магнетостатичких симулација и time-harmonic нелинеарних симулација се реконструишу индуктивности динамичког модела машине заснованог на вишеструко спрегнутим електричним колима. Модел се затим користи у истраживању феномена везаних за појаву жљебних хармоника, сатурацијом индукованих хармоника, као и у развоју нове методе детекције сломљних шипки у роторском кавезу.Tema doktorske disertacije je razvoj i verifikacija novog dinamičkog modela trofazne kavezne asinhrone mašine, koji je zasnovan na metodi konačnih elemenata. Primenom linearnih magnetostatičkih simulacija i time-harmonic nelinearnih simulacija se rekonstruišu induktivnosti dinamičkog modela mašine zasnovanog na višestruko spregnutim električnim kolima. Model se zatim koristi u istraživanju fenomena vezanih za pojavu žljebnih harmonika, saturacijom indukovanih harmonika, kao i u razvoju nove metode detekcije slomljnih šipki u rotorskom kavezu.Topic of this thesis is development and verification of the novel dynamical model of the three phase squirrel-cage induction machine, which is based on the finite elements method. Linear magnetostatic simulations and nonlinear time-harmonic simulations are used for calculation of the inductances of the dynamic model of the machine based on the moultiple coupled circuit approach. Model is then used for investigation of the rotor slot harmonics, saturation induced harmonics and in the development of the novel method for broken rotor bars detection

    Aportación al mantenimiento predictivo de motores de inducción mediante modernas técnicas de análisis de la señal

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    La presente tesis cuenta con dos objetivos. Por una parte introducir y validar un método de análisis de corrientes estatóricas para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción conectadas a la red que operan en estado transitorio, basado en el uso de filtros de rechazo de frecuencia en combinación con la distribución de Wigner-Ville, con especial interés en su aplicación para la detección incipiente de defectos. El segundo objetivo consiste en replicar de la manera más fidedigna posible el proceso de rotura de una barra en el rótor de un motor de inducción. Para ello se ha diseñado un ensayo encaminado a provocar dicha avería sometiendo un motor a fatiga. Con este objetivo se ha construido un banco de pruebas y emplazado los sensores necesarios, así como un sistema de recogida de datos de manera automatizada. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado los programas de procesamiento de los mismos, también para ser llevado a cabo de la manera lo más desatendida posible.Climente Alarcón, V. (2012). Aportación al mantenimiento predictivo de motores de inducción mediante modernas técnicas de análisis de la señal [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15915Palanci