114 research outputs found

    Harvesting and Structuring Social Data in Music Information Retrieval

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    Abstract. An exponentially growing amount of music and sound resources are being shared by communities of users on the Internet. Social media content can be found with different levels of structuring, and the contributing users might be experts or non-experts of the domain. Harvesting and structuring this information semantically would be very useful in context-aware Music Information Retrieval (MIR). Until now, scant research in this field has taken advantage of the use of formal knowledge representations in the process of structuring information. We propose a methodology that combines Social Media Mining, Knowledge Extraction and Natural Language Processing techniques, to extract meaningful context information from social data. By using the extracted information we aim to improve retrieval, discovery and annotation of music and sound resources. We define three different scenarios to test and develop our methodology

    Social software for music

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Profiling user interactions on online social networks.

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    Over the last couple of years, there has been signi_cant research e_ort in mining user behavior on online social networks for applications ranging from sentiment analysis to marketing. In most of those applications, usually a snapshot of user attributes or user relationships are analyzed to build the data mining models, without considering how user attributes and user relationships can be utilized together. In this thesis, we will describe how user relationships within a social network can be further augmented by information gathered from user generated texts to analyze large scale dynamics of social networks. Speci_cally, we aim at explaining social network interactions by using information gleaned from friendships, pro_les, and status posts of users. Our approach pro_les user interactions in terms of shared similarities among users, and applies the gained knowledge to help users in understanding the inherent reasons, consequences and bene_ts of interacting with other social network users

    state of the art analysis ; working packages in project phase II

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    In this report, we introduce our goals and present our requirement analysis for the second phase of the Corporate Semantic Web project. Corporate ontology engineering will improve the facilitation of agile ontology engineering to lessen the costs of ontology development and, especially, maintenance. Corporate semantic collaboration focuses the human-centered aspects of knowledge management in corporate contexts. Corporate semantic search is settled on the highest application level of the three research areas and at that point it is a representative for applications working on and with the appropriately represented and delivered background knowledge

    Toward Geo-social Information Systems: Methods and Algorithms

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    The widespread adoption of GPS-enabled tagging of social media content via smartphones and social media services (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare) uncovers a new window into the spatio-temporal activities of hundreds of millions of people. These \footprints" open new possibilities for understanding how people can organize for societal impact and lay the foundation for new crowd-powered geo-social systems. However, there are key challenges to delivering on this promise: the slow adoption of location sharing, the inherent bias in the users that do share location, imbalanced location granularity, respecting location privacy, among many others. With these challenges in mind, this dissertation aims to develop the framework, algorithms, and methods for a new class of geo-social information systems. The dissertation is structured in two main parts: the rst focuses on understanding the capacity of existing footprints; the second demonstrates the potential of new geo-social information systems through two concrete prototypes. First, we investigate the capacity of using these geo-social footprints to build new geo-social information systems. (i): we propose and evaluate a probabilistic framework for estimating a microblog user's location based purely on the content of the user's posts. With the help of a classi cation component for automatically identifying words in tweets with a strong local geo-scope, the location estimator places 51% of Twitter users within 100 miles of their actual location. (ii): we investigate a set of 22 million check-ins across 220,000 users and report a quantitative assessment of human mobility patterns by analyzing the spatial, temporal, social, and textual aspects associated with these footprints. Concretely, we observe that users follow simple reproducible mobility patterns. (iii): we compare a set of 35 million publicly shared check-ins with a set of over 400 million private query logs recorded by a commercial hotel search engine. Although generated by users with fundamentally di erent intentions, we nd common conclusions may be drawn from both data sources, indicating the viability of publicly shared location information to complement (and replace, in some cases), privately held location information. Second, we introduce a couple of prototypes of new geo-social information systems that utilize the collective intelligence from the emerging geo-social footprints. Concretely, we propose an activity-driven search system, and a local expert nding system that both take advantage of the collective intelligence. Speci cally, we study location-based activity patterns revealed through location sharing services and nd that these activity patterns can identify semantically related locations, and help with both unsupervised location clustering, and supervised location categorization with a high con dence. Based on these results, we show how activity-driven semantic organization of locations may be naturally incorporated into location-based web search. In addition, we propose a local expert nding system that identi es top local experts for a topic in a location. Concretely, the system utilizes semantic labels that people label each other, people's locations in current location-based social networks, and can identify top local experts with a high precision. We also observe that the proposed local authority metrics that utilize collective intelligence from expert candidates' core audience (list labelers), signi cantly improve the performance of local experts nding than the more intuitive way that only considers candidates' locations. ii

    Personalized Expert Recommendation: Models and Algorithms

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    Many large-scale information sharing systems including social media systems, questionanswering sites and rating and reviewing applications have been growing rapidly, allowing millions of human participants to generate and consume information on an unprecedented scale. To manage the sheer growth of information generation, there comes the need to enable personalization of information resources for users — to surface high-quality content and feeds, to provide personally relevant suggestions, and so on. A fundamental task in creating and supporting user-centered personalization systems is to build rich user profile to aid recommendation for better user experience. Therefore, in this dissertation research, we propose models and algorithms to facilitate the creation of new crowd-powered personalized information sharing systems. Specifically, we first give a principled framework to enable personalization of resources so that information seekers can be matched with customized knowledgeable users based on their previous historical actions and contextual information; We then focus on creating rich user models that allows accurate and comprehensive modeling of user profiles for long tail users, including discovering user’s known-for profile, user’s opinion bias and user’s geo-topic profile. In particular, this dissertation research makes two unique contributions: First, we introduce the problem of personalized expert recommendation and propose the first principled framework for addressing this problem. To overcome the sparsity issue, we investigate the use of user’s contextual information that can be exploited to build robust models of personal expertise, study how spatial preference for personally-valuable expertise varies across regions, across topics and based on different underlying social communities, and integrate these different forms of preferences into a matrix factorization-based personalized expert recommender. Second, to support the personalized recommendation on experts, we focus on modeling and inferring user profiles in online information sharing systems. In order to tap the knowledge of most majority of users, we provide frameworks and algorithms to accurately and comprehensively create user models by discovering user’s known-for profile, user’s opinion bias and user’s geo-topic profile, with each described shortly as follows: —We develop a probabilistic model called Bayesian Contextual Poisson Factorization to discover what users are known for by others. Our model considers as input a small fraction of users whose known-for profiles are already known and the vast majority of users for whom we have little (or no) information, learns the implicit relationships between user?s known-for profiles and their contextual signals, and finally predict known-for profiles for those majority of users. —We explore user’s topic-sensitive opinion bias, propose a lightweight semi-supervised system called “BiasWatch” to semi-automatically infer the opinion bias of long-tail users, and demonstrate how user’s opinion bias can be exploited to recommend other users with similar opinion in social networks. — We study how a user’s topical profile varies geo-spatially and how we can model a user’s geo-spatial known-for profile as the last step in our dissertation for creation of rich user profile. We propose a multi-layered Bayesian hierarchical user factorization to overcome user heterogeneity and an enhanced model to alleviate the sparsity issue by integrating user contexts into the two-layered hierarchical user model for better representation of user’s geo-topic preference by others
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