497 research outputs found

    On the use of discrete cosine transforms for multicarrier communications

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    In this correspondence, the conditions to use any kind of discrete cosine transform (DCT) for multicarrier data transmission are derived. The symmetric convolution-multiplication property of each DCT implies that when symmetric convolution is performed in the time domain, an element-by-element multiplication is performed in the corresponding discrete trigonometric domain. Therefore, appending symmetric redun-dancy (as prefix and suffix) into each data symbol to be transmitted, and also enforcing symmetry for the equivalent channel impulse response, the linear convolution performed in the transmission channel becomes a symmetric convolution in those samples of interest. Furthermore, the channel equalization can be carried out by means of a bank of scalars in the corresponding discrete cosine transform domain. The expressions for obtaining the value of each scalar corresponding to these one-tap per subcarrier equalizers are presented. This study is completed with several computer simulations in mobile broadband wireless communication scenarios, considering the presence of carrier frequency offset (CFO). The obtained results indicate that the proposed systems outperform the standardized ones based on the DFT

    Peak to average power ratio reduction in NC–OFDM systems

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    Non contiguous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (NC-OFDM) is an efficient and adaptable multicarrier modulation scheme to be used in cognitive radio communications. However like OFDM, NC-OFDM also suffers from the main drawback of high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). In this paper PAPR has been reduced by employing three different trigonometric transforms. Discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete sine transform (DST) and fractional fourier transform (FRFT) has been combined with conventional selected level mapping (SLM) technique to reduce the PAPR of both OFDM and NC-OFDM based systems. The method combines all the transforms with SLM in different ways. Transforms DCT, DST and FRFT have been applied before the SLM block or inside the SLM block before IFFT. Simulation results show the comparative analysis of all the transforms using SLM in case of both OFDM and NC-OFDM based systems

    Performance analysis and optimization of DCT-based multicarrier system on frequency-selective fading channels

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    Regarded as one of the most promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system employs cosine basis as orthogonal functions for real-modulated symbols multiplexing, by which the minimum orthogonal frequency spacing can be reduced by half compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based one. With a time-reversed pre-filter employed at the front of the receiver, interference-free one-tap equalization is achievable for the DCT-based systems. However, due to the correlated pre-filtering operation in time domain, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is enhanced as a result at the output. This leads to reformulated detection criterion to compensate for such filtering effect, rendering minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) and maximum likelihood (ML) detections applicable to the DCT-based multicarrier system. In this paper, following on the pre-filtering based DCT-MCM model that build in the literature work, we extend the overall system by considering both transceiver perfections and imperfections, where frequency offset, time offset and insufficient guard sequence are included. In the presence of those imperfection errors, the DCT-MCM systems are analysed in terms of desired signal power, inter-carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Thereafter, new detection algorithms based on zero forcing (ZF) iterative results are proposed to mitigate the imperfection effect. Numerical results show that the theoretical analysis match the simulation results, and the proposed iterative detection algorithms are able to improve the overall system performance significantly

    Efficient DCT-MCM Detection for Single and Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems

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    The discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system is regarded as one of the promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications. By employing cosine basis as orthogonal functions for multiplexing each real-valued symbol with symbol period of T, it is able to maintain the subcarrier orthogonality while reducing frequency spacing to 1/(2T) Hz, which is only half of that compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based multicarrier systems. In this paper, following one of the effective transmission models by which zeros are inserted as guard sequence and the DCT operation at the receiver is replaced by DFT of double length, we reformulate and evaluate three classic detection methods by appropriately processing the post-DFT signals both for single antenna and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) DCT-MCM systems. In all cases, we show that with our reformulated detection approaches, DCT-MCM schemes can outperform, in terms of error-rate, conventional OFDM-based systems

    Filter Bank Multicarrier for Massive MIMO

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    This paper introduces filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) as a potential candidate in the application of massive MIMO communication. It also points out the advantages of FBMC over OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) in the application of massive MIMO. The absence of cyclic prefix in FBMC increases the bandwidth efficiency. In addition, FBMC allows carrier aggregation straightforwardly. Self-equalization, a property of FBMC in massive MIMO that is introduced in this paper, has the impact of reducing (i) complexity; (ii) sensitivity to carrier frequency offset (CFO); (iii) peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR); (iv) system latency; and (v) increasing bandwidth efficiency. The numerical results that corroborate these claims are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    On the application of raised-cosine wavelets for multicarrier systems design

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    YesNew orthogonal wavelet transforms can be designed by changing the wavelet basis functions or by constructing new low-pass filters (LPF). One family of wavelet may appeal, in use, to a particular application than another. In this study, the wavelet transform based on raisedcosine spectrum is used as an independent orthogonal wavelet to study multicarrier modulation behaviour over multipath channel environment. Then, the raised-cosine wavelet is compared with other well-known orthogonal wavelets that are used, also, to build multicarrier modulation systems. Traditional orthogonal wavelets do not have side-lobes, while the raised-cosine wavelets have lots of side-lobes; these characteristics influence the wavelet behaviour. It will be shown that the raised-cosine wavelet transform, as an orthogonal wavelet, does not support the design of multicarrier application well like the existing well-known orthogonal wavelets

    Orthogonal transmultiplexers : extensions to digital subscriber line (DSL) communications

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    An orthogonal transmultiplexer which unifies multirate filter bank theory and communications theory is investigated in this dissertation. Various extensions of the orthogonal transmultiplexer techniques have been made for digital subscriber line communication applications. It is shown that the theoretical performance bounds of single carrier modulation based transceivers and multicarrier modulation based transceivers are the same under the same operational conditions. Single carrier based transceiver systems such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Carrierless Amplitude and Phase (CAP) modulation scheme, multicarrier based transceiver systems such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Discrete Multi Tone (DMT) and Discrete Subband (Wavelet) Multicarrier based transceiver (DSBMT) techniques are considered in this investigation. The performance of DMT and DSBMT based transceiver systems for a narrow band interference and their robustness are also investigated. It is shown that the performance of a DMT based transceiver system is quite sensitive to the location and strength of a single tone (narrow band) interference. The performance sensitivity is highlighted in this work. It is shown that an adaptive interference exciser can alleviate the sensitivity problem of a DMT based system. The improved spectral properties of DSBMT technique reduces the performance sensitivity for variations of a narrow band interference. It is shown that DSBMT technique outperforms DMT and has a more robust performance than the latter. The superior performance robustness is shown in this work. Optimal orthogonal basis design using cosine modulated multirate filter bank is discussed. An adaptive linear combiner at the output of analysis filter bank is implemented to eliminate the intersymbol and interchannel interferences. It is shown that DSBMT is the most suitable technique for a narrow band interference environment. A blind channel identification and optimal MMSE based equalizer employing a nonmaximally decimated filter bank precoder / postequalizer structure is proposed. The performance of blind channel identification scheme is shown not to be sensitive to the characteristics of unknown channel. The performance of the proposed optimal MMSE based equalizer is shown to be superior to the zero-forcing equalizer