35,394 research outputs found

    On the size-Ramsey number of cycles

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    For given graphs G1,,GkG_1,\ldots,G_k, the size-Ramsey number R^(G1,,Gk)\hat{R}(G_1,\ldots,G_k) is the smallest integer mm for which there exists a graph HH on mm edges such that in every kk-edge coloring of HH with colors 1,,k1,\ldots,k, H H contains a monochromatic copy of GiG_i of color ii for some 1ik1\leq i\leq k. We denote R^(G1,,Gk)\hat{R}(G_1,\ldots,G_k) by R^k(G)\hat{R}_{k}(G) when G1==Gk=GG_1=\cdots=G_k=G. Haxell, Kohayakawa and \L{}uczak showed that the size-Ramsey number of a cycle CnC_n is linear in nn i.e. R^k(Cn)ckn\hat{R}_{k}(C_{n})\leq c_k n for some constant ckc_k. Their proof, however, is based on the regularity lemma of Szemer\'{e}di and so no specific constant ckc_k is known. In this paper, we give various upper bounds for the size-Ramsey numbers of cycles. We provide an alternative proof of R^k(Cn)ckn\hat{R}_{k}(C_{n})\leq c_k n, avoiding the use of the regularity lemma, where ck c_k is exponential and doubly-exponential in k k , when n n is even and odd, respectively. In particular, we show that for sufficiently large nn we have R^(Cn,Cn)105×cn,\hat{R}(C_{n},C_{n}) \leq 10^5\times cn, where c=6.5c=6.5 if nn is even and c=1989c=1989 otherwise

    Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs

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    An ordered graph is a pair G=(G,)\mathcal{G}=(G,\prec) where GG is a graph and \prec is a total ordering of its vertices. The ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is the minimum number NN such that every ordered complete graph with NN vertices and with edges colored by two colors contains a monochromatic copy of G\mathcal{G}. In contrast with the case of unordered graphs, we show that there are arbitrarily large ordered matchings Mn\mathcal{M}_n on nn vertices for which R(Mn)\overline{R}(\mathcal{M}_n) is superpolynomial in nn. This implies that ordered Ramsey numbers of the same graph can grow superpolynomially in the size of the graph in one ordering and remain linear in another ordering. We also prove that the ordered Ramsey number R(G)\overline{R}(\mathcal{G}) is polynomial in the number of vertices of G\mathcal{G} if the bandwidth of G\mathcal{G} is constant or if G\mathcal{G} is an ordered graph of constant degeneracy and constant interval chromatic number. The first result gives a positive answer to a question of Conlon, Fox, Lee, and Sudakov. For a few special classes of ordered paths, stars or matchings, we give asymptotically tight bounds on their ordered Ramsey numbers. For so-called monotone cycles we compute their ordered Ramsey numbers exactly. This result implies exact formulas for geometric Ramsey numbers of cycles introduced by K\'arolyi, Pach, T\'oth, and Valtr.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatoric

    Bipartite, Size, and Online Ramsey Numbers of Some Cycles and Paths

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    The basic premise of Ramsey Theory states that in a sufficiently large system, complete disorder is impossible. One instance from the world of graph theory says that given two fixed graphs F and H, there exists a finitely large graph G such that any red/blue edge coloring of the edges of G will produce a red copy of F or a blue copy of H. Much research has been conducted in recent decades on quantifying exactly how large G must be if we consider different classes of graphs for F and H. In this thesis, we explore several Ramsey- type problems with a particular focus on paths and cycles. We first examine the bipartite size Ramsey number of a path on n vertices, bˆr(Pn), and give an upper bound using a random graph construction motivated by prior upper bound improvements in similar problems. Next, we consider the size Ramsey number Rˆ (C, Pn) and provide a significant improvement to the upper bound using a very structured graph, the cube of a path, as opposed to a random construction. We also prove a small improvement to the lower bound and show that the r-colored version of this problem is asymptotically linear in rn. Lastly, we give an upper bound for the online Ramsey number R˜ (C, Pn)

    Online size Ramsey numbers: Odd cycles vs connected graphs

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    Given two graph families H1\mathcal H_1 and H2\mathcal H_2, a size Ramsey game is played on the edge set of KNK_\mathbb{N}. In every round, Builder selects an edge and Painter colours it red or blue. Builder is trying to force Painter to create as soon as possible a red copy of a graph from H1\mathcal H_1 or a blue copy of a graph from H2\mathcal H_2. The online (size) Ramsey number r~(H1,H2)\tilde{r}(\mathcal H_1,\mathcal H_2) is the smallest number of rounds in the game provided Builder and Painter play optimally. We prove that if H1\mathcal H_1 is the family of all odd cycles and H2\mathcal H_2 is the family of all connected graphs on nn vertices and mm edges, then r~(H1,H2)φn+m2φ+1\tilde{r}(\mathcal H_1,\mathcal H_2)\ge \varphi n + m-2\varphi+1, where φ\varphi is the golden ratio, and for n3n\ge 3, m(n1)2/4m\le (n-1)^2/4 we have r~(H1,H2)n+2m+O(mn+1)\tilde{r}(\mathcal H_1,\mathcal H_2)\le n+2m+O(\sqrt{m-n+1}). We also show that r~(C3,Pn)3n4\tilde{r}(C_3,P_n)\le 3n-4 for n3n\ge 3. As a consequence we get 2.6n3r~(C3,Pn)3n42.6n-3\le \tilde{r}(C_3,P_n)\le 3n-4 for every n3n\ge 3.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures; added appendix containing intuition behind the potential function used for lower bound; corrected typos and added a few clarification

    Packings and coverings with Hamilton cycles and on-line Ramsey theory

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    A major theme in modern graph theory is the exploration of maximal packings and minimal covers of graphs with subgraphs in some given family. We focus on packings and coverings with Hamilton cycles, and prove the following results in the area. • Let ε > 0, and let GG be a large graph on n vertices with minimum degree at least (1=2+ ε)n. We give a tight lower bound on the size of a maximal packing of GG with edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles. • Let TT be a strongly k-connected tournament. We give an almost tight lower bound on the size of a maximal packing of TT with edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles. • Let log 1^11^17^7 nn/nnpp≤1-nn^-1^1/^/8^8. We prove that GGn_n,_,p_p may a.a.s be covered by a set of ⌈Δ(GGn_n,_,p_p)/2⌉ Hamilton cycles, which is clearly best possible. In addition, we consider some problems in on-line Ramsey theory. Let r(GG,HH) denote the on-line Ramsey number of GG and HH. We conjecture the exact values of r (PPk_k,PP_ℓ) for all kk≤ℓ. We prove this conjecture for kk=2, prove it to within an additive error of 10 for kk=3, and prove an asymptotically tight lower bound for kk=4. We also determine r(PP3_3,CC_ℓ exactly for all ℓ