688,695 research outputs found

    On the Size of K-Cross-Free Families

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    Two subsets A,B of an n-element ground set X are said to be crossing, if none of the four sets A∩B, A\B, B\A and X\(A∪B) are empty. It was conjectured by Karzanov and Lomonosov forty years ago that if a family F of subsets of X does not contain k pairwise crossing elements, then |F|=O(kn). For k=2 and 3, the conjecture is true, but for larger values of k the best known upper bound, due to Lomonosov, is |F|=O(knlogn). In this paper, we improve this bound for large n by showing that |F|=Ok(nlog*n) holds, where log* denotes the iterated logarithm function. © 2018 János Bolyai Mathematical Society and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Natur

    Some New Bounds For Cover-Free Families Through Biclique Cover

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    An (r,w;d)(r,w;d) cover-free family (CFF)(CFF) is a family of subsets of a finite set such that the intersection of any rr members of the family contains at least dd elements that are not in the union of any other ww members. The minimum number of elements for which there exists an (r,w;d)CFF(r,w;d)-CFF with tt blocks is denoted by N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). In this paper, we show that the value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) is equal to the dd-biclique covering number of the bipartite graph It(r,w)I_t(r,w) whose vertices are all ww- and rr-subsets of a tt-element set, where a ww-subset is adjacent to an rr-subset if their intersection is empty. Next, we introduce some new bounds for N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). For instance, we show that for rwr\geq w and r2r\geq 2 N((r,w;1),t)c(r+ww+1)+(r+w1w+1)+3(r+w4w2)logrlog(tw+1), N((r,w;1),t) \geq c{{r+w\choose w+1}+{r+w-1 \choose w+1}+ 3 {r+w-4 \choose w-2} \over \log r} \log (t-w+1), where cc is a constant satisfies the well-known bound N((r,1;1),t)cr2logrlogtN((r,1;1),t)\geq c\frac{r^2}{\log r}\log t. Also, we determine the exact value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) for some values of dd. Finally, we show that N((1,1;d),4d1)=4d1N((1,1;d),4d-1)=4d-1 whenever there exists a Hadamard matrix of order 4d

    Families of sequences with good family complexity and cross-correlation measure

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    In this paper we study pseudorandomness of a family of sequences in terms of two measures, the family complexity (ff-complexity) and the cross-correlation measure of order \ell. We consider sequences not only on binary alphabet but also on kk-symbols (kk-ary) alphabet. We first generalize some known methods on construction of the family of binary pseudorandom sequences. We prove a bound on the ff-complexity of a large family of binary sequences of Legendre-symbols of certain irreducible polynomials. We show that this family as well as its dual family have both a large family complexity and a small cross-correlation measure up to a rather large order. Next, we present another family of binary sequences having high ff-complexity and low cross-correlation measure. Then we extend the results to the family of sequences on kk-symbols alphabet.Comment: 13 pages. Comments are welcome