34 research outputs found

    Grid classes and the Fibonacci dichotomy for restricted permutations

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    We introduce and characterise grid classes, which are natural generalisations of other well-studied permutation classes. This characterisation allows us to give a new, short proof of the Fibonacci dichotomy: the number of permutations of length n in a permutation class is either at least as large as the nth Fibonacci number or is eventually polynomial

    On the Implicit Graph Conjecture

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    The implicit graph conjecture states that every sufficiently small, hereditary graph class has a labeling scheme with a polynomial-time computable label decoder. We approach this conjecture by investigating classes of label decoders defined in terms of complexity classes such as P and EXP. For instance, GP denotes the class of graph classes that have a labeling scheme with a polynomial-time computable label decoder. Until now it was not even known whether GP is a strict subset of GR. We show that this is indeed the case and reveal a strict hierarchy akin to classical complexity. We also show that classes such as GP can be characterized in terms of graph parameters. This could mean that certain algorithmic problems are feasible on every graph class in GP. Lastly, we define a more restrictive class of label decoders using first-order logic that already contains many natural graph classes such as forests and interval graphs. We give an alternative characterization of this class in terms of directed acyclic graphs. By showing that some small, hereditary graph class cannot be expressed with such label decoders a weaker form of the implicit graph conjecture could be disproven.Comment: 13 pages, MFCS 201

    Densities of Minor-Closed Graph Families

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    We define the limiting density of a minor-closed family of simple graphs F to be the smallest number k such that every n-vertex graph in F has at most kn(1+o(1)) edges, and we investigate the set of numbers that can be limiting densities. This set of numbers is countable, well-ordered, and closed; its order type is at least {\omega}^{\omega}. It is the closure of the set of densities of density-minimal graphs, graphs for which no minor has a greater ratio of edges to vertices. By analyzing density-minimal graphs of low densities, we find all limiting densities up to the first two cluster points of the set of limiting densities, 1 and 3/2. For multigraphs, the only possible limiting densities are the integers and the superparticular ratios i/(i+1).Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Hereditary properties of partitions, ordered graphs and ordered hypergraphs

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    In this paper we use the Klazar-Marcus-Tardos method to prove that if a hereditary property of partitions P has super-exponential speed, then for every k-permutation pi, P contains the partition of [2k] with parts {i, pi(i) + k}, where 1 <= i <= k. We also prove a similar jump, from exponential to factorial, in the possible speeds of monotone properties of ordered graphs, and of hereditary properties of ordered graphs not containing large complete, or complete bipartite ordered graphs. Our results generalize the Stanley-Wilf Conjecture on the number of n-permutations avoiding a fixed permutation, which was recently proved by the combined results of Klazar and of Marcus and Tardos. Our main results follow from a generalization to ordered hypergraphs of the theorem of Marcus and Tardos.Comment: 25 pgs, no figure

    Hereditary properties of combinatorial structures: posets and oriented graphs

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    A hereditary property of combinatorial structures is a collection of structures (e.g. graphs, posets) which is closed under isomorphism, closed under taking induced substructures (e.g. induced subgraphs), and contains arbitrarily large structures. Given a property P, we write P_n for the collection of distinct (i.e., non-isomorphic) structures in a property P with n vertices, and call the function n -> |P_n| the speed (or unlabelled speed) of P. Also, we write P^n for the collection of distinct labelled structures in P with vertices labelled 1,...,n, and call the function n -> |P^n| the labelled speed of P. The possible labelled speeds of a hereditary property of graphs have been extensively studied, and the aim of this paper is to investigate the possible speeds of other combinatorial structures, namely posets and oriented graphs. More precisely, we show that (for sufficiently large n), the labelled speed of a hereditary property of posets is either 1, or exactly a polynomial, or at least 2^n - 1. We also show that there is an initial jump in the possible unlabelled speeds of hereditary properties of posets, tournaments and directed graphs, from bounded to linear speed, and give a sharp lower bound on the possible linear speeds in each case.Comment: 26 pgs, no figure

    How I got to like graph polynomials

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    For Boris Zilber on his 75th birthday. I trace the roots of my collaboration with Boris Zilber, which combines categoricity theory, finite model theory, algorithmics, and combinatorics.Comment: 11 page