34,023 research outputs found

    Reversible Simulation of Irreversible Computation by Pebble Games

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    Reversible simulation of irreversible algorithms is analyzed in the stylized form of a `reversible' pebble game. While such simulations incur little overhead in additional computation time, they use a large amount of additional memory space during the computation. The reacheable reversible simulation instantaneous descriptions (pebble configurations) are characterized completely. As a corollary we obtain the reversible simulation by Bennett and that among all simulations that can be modelled by the pebble game, Bennett's simulation is optimal in that it uses the least auxiliary space for the greatest number of simulated steps. One can reduce the auxiliary storage overhead incurred by the reversible simulation at the cost of allowing limited erasing leading to an irreversibility-space tradeoff. We show that in this resource-bounded setting the limited erasing needs to be performed at precise instants during the simulation. We show that the reversible simulation can be modified so that it is applicable also when the simulated computation time is unknown.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, Submitted to Physica

    Analysis of the spin dynamics of a single-engine low-wing aeroplane

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    As spinning is still involved in around 60% of all aircraft accidents (BFU, 1985 and Belcastro, 2009), this aerodynamic phenomenon is still not fully understood. As U.S. and European Certification Specifications do not require recoveries from fully developed spins of Normal Category aeroplanes, certification test flights will not discover aeroplane mass and centre of gravity combinations which may result in unrecoverable spins.This thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the spin phenomenon through investigating the spin regime for normal, utility and aerobatic aircraft, and to explain what happens to the aircraft in terms of the aerodynamics, flight mechanics and the aircraft stability. The approach used is to vary the main geometric parameters such as the centre of gravity position and the aeroplane’s mass across the flight envelope, and to investigate the subsequent effect on the main spin characteristic parameters such as the angle of attack, pitch angle, sideslip angle, rotational rates, and recovery time.First of all, a literature review sums up the range of technical aspects that affect the problem of spinning. It reviews the experimental measurement techniques used, theoretical methods developed and flight test results obtained by previous researchers. The published results have been studied to extract the effect on spinning of aircraft geometry, control surface effectiveness, flight operational parameters and atmospheric effects. Consideration is also made of the influence on human performance of spinning, the current spin regulations and the available training material for pilots.A conventional-geometry, single-engine low-wing aeroplane, the basic trainer Fuji FA-200-160, has been instrumented with a proven digital flight measurement system and 27 spins have been systematically conducted inside and outside the certified flight envelope. The accuracy of the flight measurements is ensured through effective calibration, and the choice of sensors has varied through the study, with earlier sensors suffering from more drift than the current sensors (Belcastro, 2009 and Schrader, 2013). In-flight parameter data collected includes left and right wing α and β-angles, roll-pitch-yaw angles and corresponding rates, all control surface deflections, vertical speeds, altitude losses and the aeroplane’s accelerations in all three directions. Such data have been statistically analysed. The pitch behaviour has been mathematically modelled on the basis of the gathered flight test data.Nine hypotheses have been proposed. These mainly cover the effects of centre of gravity and aircraft mass variations on spin characteristic behaviour. They have all been proven as true through the results of this thesis. The final hypothesis concerns the generalisation of the Fuji results, to the spin behaviour of other aircraft in the same category.These hypotheses can be used to improve flight test programmes, aircraft design processes, flight training materials and hence contribute strongly to better flight safety

    Elevating commodity storage with the SALSA host translation layer

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    To satisfy increasing storage demands in both capacity and performance, industry has turned to multiple storage technologies, including Flash SSDs and SMR disks. These devices employ a translation layer that conceals the idiosyncrasies of their mediums and enables random access. Device translation layers are, however, inherently constrained: resources on the drive are scarce, they cannot be adapted to application requirements, and lack visibility across multiple devices. As a result, performance and durability of many storage devices is severely degraded. In this paper, we present SALSA: a translation layer that executes on the host and allows unmodified applications to better utilize commodity storage. SALSA supports a wide range of single- and multi-device optimizations and, because is implemented in software, can adapt to specific workloads. We describe SALSA's design, and demonstrate its significant benefits using microbenchmarks and case studies based on three applications: MySQL, the Swift object store, and a video server.Comment: Presented at 2018 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS

    Towards Tamper-Evident Storage on Patterned Media

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    We propose a tamper-evident storage system based on probe storage with a patterned magnetic medium. This medium supports normal read/write operations by out-of-plane magnetisation of individual magnetic dots. We report on measurements showing that in principle the medium also supports a separate class of write-once operation that destroys the out-of-plane magnetisation property of the dots irreversibly by precise local heating. We discuss the main issues of designing a tamper-evident storage device and file system using the properties of the medium

    Research studies on advanced optical module/head designs for optical devices

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    A summary is presented of research in optical data storage materials and of research at the center. The first section contains summary reports under the general headings of: (1) Magnetooptic media: modeling, design, fabrication, characterization, and testing; (2) Optical heads: holographic optical elements; and (3) Optical heads: integrated optics. The second section consist of a proposal entitled, Signal Processing Techniques for Optical Data Storage. And section three presents various publications prepared by the center

    On the power of real-time turing machines under varying specifications

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    We investigate the relative computing power of Turing machines with differences in the number of work tapes, heads pro work tape, instruction repertoire etc. We concentrate on the k-tape, k-head and k-head jump models as well as the 2-way multihead finite automata with and without jumps. Differences in computing power between machines of unlike specifications emerge under the real-time restriction. In particular it is shown that k+1 heads are more powerful than k heads for re

    Evaluation of electric and magnetic fields distribution and SAR induced in 3D models of water containers by radiofrequency radiation using FDTD and FEM simulation techniques

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    In this study, two software packages using different numerical techniques FEKO 6.3 with Finite-Element Method (FEM) and XFDTD 7 with Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD) were used to assess exposure of 3D models of square, rectangular, and pyramidal shaped water containers to electromagnetic waves at 300, 900, and 2400 MHz frequencies. Using the FEM simulation technique, the peak electric field of 25, 4.5, and 2 V/m at 300 MHz and 15.75, 1.5, and 1.75 V/m at 900 MHz were observed in pyramidal, rectangular, and square shaped 3D container models, respectively. The FDTD simulation method confirmed a peak electric field of 12.782, 10.907, and 10.625 V/m at 2400 MHz in the pyramidal, square, and rectangular shaped 3D models, respectively. The study demonstrated an exceptionally high level of electric field in the water in the two identical pyramid shaped 3D models analyzed using the two different simulation techniques. Both FEM and FDTD simulation techniques indicated variations in the distribution of electric, magnetic fields, and specific absorption rate of water stored inside the 3D container models. The study successfully demonstrated that shape and dimensions of 3D models significantly influence the electric and magnetic fields inside packaged materials; thus, specific absorption rates in the stored water vary according to the shape and dimensions of the packaging materials.Comment: 22 pages, 30 figures and 2 table


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    ABSTRACT Kampung houses are houses in kampung area of the city. Kampung House oftenly transformed into others use as urban dynamics. One of the transfomation is related to the commercial activities addition by the house owner. It make house with full private space become into mixused house with more public spaces or completely changed into full public commercial building. This study investigate the spatial transformation pattern of the kampung houses due to their commercial activities addition. Site observations, interviews and questionnaires were performed to study the spatial transformation. This study found that in kampung houses, the spatial transformation pattern was depend on type of commercial activities and owner perceptions, and there are several steps of the spatial transformation related the commercial activity addition. Keywords: spatial transformation pattern; commercial activity; owner perception, kampung house; adaptabilit

    Research Studies on Advanced Optical Module/Head Designs for Optical Data Storage

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    Preprints are presented from the recent 1992 Optical Data Storage meeting in San Jose. The papers are divided into the following topical areas: Magneto-optical media (Modeling/design and fabrication/characterization/testing); Optical heads (holographic optical elements); and Optical heads (integrated optics). Some representative titles are as follow: Diffraction analysis and evaluation of several focus and track error detection schemes for magneto-optical disk systems; Proposal for massively parallel data storage system; Transfer function characteristics of super resolving systems; Modeling and measurement of a micro-optic beam deflector; Oxidation processes in magneto-optic and related materials; and A modal analysis of lamellar diffraction gratings in conical mountings