280,635 research outputs found

    The Solution of the Eigenvector Problem in Synchrotron Radiation Based Anomalous Small Angle X ray Scattering

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    In the last three decades Synchrotron radiation became an indispensable experimental tool for chemical and structural analysis of nano scaled properties in solid state physics, chemistry, materials science and life science thereby rendering the explanation of the macroscopic behavior of the materials and systems under investigation. Especially the techniques known as Anomalous Small Angle X ray Scattering provide deep insight into the materials structural architecture ac cording to the different chemical components on lengths scales starting just above the atomic scale amp; 8776;1 nm up to sev eral 100 nm. The techniques sensitivity to the different chemical components makes use of the energy dependence of the atomic scattering factors, which are different for all chemical elements, thereby disentangling the nanostructure of the different chemical components by the signature of the elemental X ray absorption edges i.e. by employing synchro tron radiation. The paper wants to focus on the application of an algorithm from linear algebra in the field of synchro tron radiation. It provides a closer look to the algebraic prerequisites, which govern the system of linear equations es tablished by these experimental techniques and its solution by solving the eigenvector problem. The pair correlation functions of the so called basic scattering functions are expressed as a linear combination of eigenvector

    Calculation of Sensitivity Derivatives in an MDAO Framework

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    During gradient-based optimization of a system, it is necessary to generate the derivatives of each objective and constraint with respect to each design parameter. If the system is multidisciplinary, it may consist of a set of smaller "components" with some arbitrary data interconnection and process work ow. Analytical derivatives in these components can be used to improve the speed and accuracy of the derivative calculation over a purely numerical calculation; however, a multidisciplinary system may include both components for which derivatives are available and components for which they are not. Three methods to calculate the sensitivity of a mixed multidisciplinary system are presented: the finite difference method, where the derivatives are calculated numerically; the chain rule method, where the derivatives are successively cascaded along the system's network graph; and the analytic method, where the derivatives come from the solution of a linear system of equations. Some improvements to these methods, to accommodate mixed multidisciplinary systems, are also presented; in particular, a new method is introduced to allow existing derivatives to be used inside of finite difference. All three methods are implemented and demonstrated in the open-source MDAO framework OpenMDAO. It was found that there are advantages to each of them depending on the system being solved

    Bond graph based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis modelling for micro-scale multiphysics robust engineering design

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    Components within micro-scale engineering systems are often at the limits of commercial miniaturization and this can cause unexpected behavior and variation in performance. As such, modelling and analysis of system robustness plays an important role in product development. Here schematic bond graphs are used as a front end in a sensitivity analysis based strategy for modelling robustness in multiphysics micro-scale engineering systems. As an example, the analysis is applied to a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid. By using bond graphs to model power flow through components within different physical domains of the hearing aid, a set of differential equations to describe the system dynamics is collated. Based on these equations, sensitivity analysis calculations are used to approximately model the nature and the sources of output uncertainty during system operation. These calculations represent a robustness evaluation of the current hearing aid design and offer a means of identifying potential for improved designs of multiphysics systems by way of key parameter identification

    A finite element based formulation for sensitivity studies of piezoelectric systems

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    Sensitivity Analysis is a branch of numerical analysis which aims to quantify the affects that variability in the parameters of a numerical model have on the model output. A finite element based sensitivity analysis formulation for piezoelectric media is developed here and implemented to simulate the operational and sensitivity characteristics of a piezoelectric based distributed mode actuator (DMA). The work acts as a starting point for robustness analysis in the DMA technology

    FATODE: A Library for Forward, Adjoint, and Tangent Linear Integration of ODEs

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    FATODE is a FORTRAN library for the integration of ordinary differential equations with direct and adjoint sensitivity analysis capabilities. The paper describes the capabilities, implementation, code organization, and usage of this package. FATODE implements four families of methods -- explicit Runge-Kutta for nonstiff problems and fully implicit Runge-Kutta, singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta, and Rosenbrock for stiff problems. Each family contains several methods with different orders of accuracy; users can add new methods by simply providing their coefficients. For each family the forward, adjoint, and tangent linear models are implemented. General purpose solvers for dense and sparse linear algebra are used; users can easily incorporate problem-tailored linear algebra routines. The performance of the package is demonstrated on several test problems. To the best of our knowledge FATODE is the first publicly available general purpose package that offers forward and adjoint sensitivity analysis capabilities in the context of Runge Kutta methods. A wide range of applications are expected to benefit from its use; examples include parameter estimation, data assimilation, optimal control, and uncertainty quantification

    Sensitivity bond graphs

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    A sensitivity bond graph, of the same structure as the system bond graph, is shown to provide a simple and effective method of generating sensitivity functions of use in optimisation. The approach is illustrated in the context of partially known system parameter and state estimation
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