5 research outputs found

    On the Scalability of Snapshot Isolation

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    International audienceMany distributed applications require transactions. However, transactional protocols that require strong synchronization are costly in large scale environments. Two properties help with scalability of a transactional system: genuine partial replication (GPR), which leverages the intrinsic parallelism of a workload, and snapshot isolation (SI), which decreases the need for synchronization. We show that under standard assumptions (data store accesses are not known in advance, and transactions may access arbitrary objects in the data store), it is impossible to have both SI and GPR. Our impossibility result is based on a novel decomposition of SI which proves that, like serializability, SI is expressible on plain histories

    PhysiCS-NMSI: efficient consistent snapshots for scalable snapshot isolation

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    International audienceNon-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation (NMSI), a variant of the widely deployed Snapshot Isolation (SI), aims at improving scalability by relaxing snapshots. In contrast to SI, NMSI snapshots are causally consistent, which allows for more par-allelism and a reduced abort rate. This work documents the design of PhysiCS-NMSI, a trans-actional protocol implementing NMSI in a partitioned data store. It is the first protocol to rely on a single scalar taken from a physical clock for tracking causal dependencies and building causally consistent snapshots. Its commit protocol ensures atomicity and the absence of write-write conflicts. We argue that PhysiCS-NMSI approach increases concur-rency and reduces abort rate and metadata overhead as compared to state-of-art systems

    Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation: scalable and strong consistency for geo-replicated transactional systems

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    International audienceModern cloud systems are geo-replicated to improve application latency and availability. Transactional consistency is essential for application developers; however, the corresponding concurrency control and commitment protocols are costly in a geo-replicated setting. To minimize this cost, we identify the following essential scalability properties: (i) only replicas updated by a transaction T make steps to execute T; (ii) a read-only transaction never waits for concurrent transactions and always commits; (iii) a transaction may read object versions committed after it started; and (iv) two transactions synchronize with each other only if their writes conflict. We present Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation (NMSI), the first strong consistency criterion to allow implementations with all four properties. We also present a practical implementation of NMSI called Jessy, which we compare experimentally against a number of well-known criteria. Our measurements show that the latency and throughput of NMSI are comparable to the weakest criterion, read-committed, and between two to fourteen times faster than well-known strong consistencies

    The PCL Theorem. Transactions cannot be Parallel, Consistent and Live.

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    We show that it is impossible to design a transactional memory system which ensures parallelism, i.e. transactions do not need to synchronize unless they access the same application objects, while ensuring very little consistency, i.e. a consistency condition, called weak adaptive consistency, introduced here and which is weaker than snapshot isolation, processor consistency, and any other consistency condition stronger than them (such as opacity, serializability, causal serializability, etc.), and very little liveness, i.e. that transactions eventually commit if they run solo

    Consistency Models in Distributed Systems with Physical Clocks

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    Most existing distributed systems use logical clocks to order events in the implementation of various consistency models. Although logical clocks are straightforward to implement and maintain, they may affect the scalability, availability, and latency of the system when being used to totally order events in strong consistency models. They can also incur considerable overhead when being used to track and check the causal relationships among events in some weak consistency models. In this thesis we explore how to efficiently implement different consistency models using loosely synchronized physical clocks. Compared with logical clocks, physical clocks move forward at approximately the same speed and can be loosely synchronized with well-known standard protocols. Hence a group of physical clocks located at different servers can be used to order events in a distributed system at very low cost. We first describe Clock-SI, a fully distributed implementation of snapshot isolation for partitioned data stores. It uses the local physical clock at each partition to assign snapshot and commit timestamps to transactions. By avoiding a centralized service for timestamp management, Clock-SI improves the throughput, latency, and availability of the system. We then introduce Clock-RSM, which is a low-latency state machine replication protocol that provides linearizability. It totally orders state machine commands by assigning them physical timestamps obtained from the local replica. By eliminating the message step for command ordering in existing solutions, Clock-RSM reduces the latency of consistent geo-replication across multiple data centers. Finally, we present Orbe, which provides an efficient and scalable implementation of causal consistency for both partitioned and replicated data stores. Orbe builds an explicit total order, consistent with causality, among all operations using physical timestamps. It reduces the number of dependencies that have to be carried in update replication messages and checked on installation of replicated updates. As a result, Orbe improves the throughput of the system