16 research outputs found

    A biologically inspired computational vision front-end based on a self-organised pseudo-randomly tessellated artificial retina

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    This paper considers the construction of a biologically inspired front-end for computer vision based on an artificial retina pyramid with a self-organised pseudo-randomly tessellated receptive field tessellation. The organisation of photoreceptors and receptive fields in biological retinae locally resembles a hexagonal mosaic, whereas globally these are organised with a very densely tessellated central foveal region which seamlessly merges into an increasingly sparsely tessellated periphery. In contrast, conventional computer vision approaches use a rectilinear sampling tessellation which samples the whole field of view with uniform density. Scale-space interest points which are suitable for higher level attention and reasoning tasks are efficiently extracted by our vision front-end by performing hierarchical feature extraction on the pseudo-randomly spaced visual information. All operations were conducted on a geometrically irregular foveated representation (data structure for visual information) which is radically different to the uniform rectilinear arrays used in conventional computer vision

    Wide-Angle Foveation for All-Purpose Use

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    This paper proposes a model of a wide-angle space-variant image that provides a guide for designing a fovea sensor. First, an advanced wide-angle foveated (AdWAF) model is formulated, taking all-purpose use into account. This proposed model uses both Cartesian (linear) coordinates and logarithmic coordinates in both planar projection and spherical projection. Thus, this model divides its wide-angle field of view into four areas, such that it can represent an image by various types of lenses, flexibly. The first simulation compares with other lens models, in terms of image height and resolution. The result shows that the AdWAF model can reduce image data by 13.5%, compared to a log-polar lens model, both having the same resolution in the central field of view. The AdWAF image is remapped from an actual input image by the prototype fovea lens, a wide-angle foveated (WAF) lens, using the proposed model. The second simulation compares with other foveation models used for the existing log-polar chip and vision system. The third simulation estimates a scale-invariant property by comparing with the existing fovea lens and the log-polar lens. The AdWAF model gives its planar logarithmic part a complete scale-invariant property, while the fovea lens has 7.6% error at most in its spherical logarithmic part. The fourth simulation computes optical flow in order to examine the unidirectional property when the fovea sensor by the AdWAF model moves, compared to the pinhole camera. The result obtained by using a concept of a virtual cylindrical screen indicates that the proposed model has advantages in terms of computation and application of the optical flow when the fovea sensor moves forward

    Comparison of Randomized Multifocal Mapping and Temporal Phase Mapping of Visual Cortex for Clinical Use

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    fMRI is becoming an important clinical tool for planning and guidance of surgery to treat brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations, and epileptic foci. For visual cortex mapping, the most popular paradigm by far is temporal phase mapping, although random multifocal stimulation paradigms have drawn increased attention due to their ability to identify complex response fields and their random properties. In this study we directly compared temporal phase and multifocal vision mapping paradigms with respect to clinically relevant factors including: time efficiency, mapping completeness, and the effects of noise. Randomized, multifocal mapping accurately decomposed the response of single voxels to multiple stimulus locations and made correct retinotopic assignments as noise levels increased despite decreasing sensitivity. Also, multifocal mapping became less efficient as the number of stimulus segments (locations) increased from 13 to 25 to 49 and when duty cycle was increased from 25% to 50%. Phase mapping, on the other hand, activated more extrastriate visual areas, was more time efficient in achieving statistically significant responses, and had better sensitivity as noise increased, though with an increase in systematic retinotopic mis-assignments. Overall, temporal phase mapping is likely to be a better choice for routine clinical applications though random multifocal mapping may offer some unique advantages for selected applications

    Foveated image processing for faster object detection and recognition in embedded systems using deep convolutional neural networks

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    Object detection and recognition algorithms using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) tend to be computationally intensive to implement. This presents a particular challenge for embedded systems, such as mobile robots, where the computational resources tend to be far less than for workstations. As an alternative to standard, uniformly sampled images, we propose the use of foveated image sampling here to reduce the size of images, which are faster to process in a CNN due to the reduced number of convolution operations. We evaluate object detection and recognition on the Microsoft COCO database, using foveated image sampling at different image sizes, ranging from 416×416 to 96×96 pixels, on an embedded GPU – an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 with 256 CUDA cores. The results show that it is possible to achieve a 4× speed-up in frame rates, from 3.59 FPS to 15.24 FPS, using 416×416 and 128×128 pixel images respectively. For foveated sampling, this image size reduction led to just a small decrease in recall performance in the foveal region, to 92.0% of the baseline performance with full-sized images, compared to a significant decrease to 50.1% of baseline recall performance in uniformly sampled images, demonstrating the advantage of foveated sampling

    Knowledge-based vision and simple visual machines

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    The vast majority of work in machine vision emphasizes the representation of perceived objects and events: it is these internal representations that incorporate the 'knowledge' in knowledge-based vision or form the 'models' in model-based vision. In this paper, we discuss simple machine vision systems developed by artificial evolution rather than traditional engineering design techniques, and note that the task of identifying internal representations within such systems is made difficult by the lack of an operational definition of representation at the causal mechanistic level. Consequently, we question the nature and indeed the existence of representations posited to be used within natural vision systems (i.e. animals). We conclude that representations argued for on a priori grounds by external observers of a particular vision system may well be illusory, and are at best place-holders for yet-to-be-identified causal mechanistic interactions. That is, applying the knowledge-based vision approach in the understanding of evolved systems (machines or animals) may well lead to theories and models that are internally consistent, computationally plausible, and entirely wrong

    Eccentricity Compensator for Log-Polar Sensor

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    his paper aims at acquiring robust rotation, scale, and translation-invariant feature from a space-variant image by a fovea sensor. A proposed model of eccentricity compensator corrects deformation that occurs in a log-polar image when the fovea sensor is not centered at a target, that is, when eccentricity exists. An image simulator in discrete space remaps a compensated log-polar image using this model. This paper proposes unreliable feature omission (UFO) that reduces local high frequency noise in the space-variant image using discrete wavelet transform. It discards coefficients when they are regarded as unreliable based on digitized errors of the input image. The first simulation mainly tests geometric performance of the compensator, in case without noise. This result shows the compensator performs well and its root mean square error (RMSE) changes only by up to 2.54 [%] in condition of eccentricity within 34.08[deg]. The second simulation applies UFO to the log-polar image remapped by the compensator, taking its space-variant resolution into account. The result draws a conclusion that UFO performs better in case with more white Gaussian noise (WGN), even if the resolution of the compensated log-polar image is not isotropic

    Eccentricity Compensator for Log-Polar Sensor

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    A space-variant visual pathway model for data efficient deep learning

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    We present an investigation into adopting a model of the retino-cortical mapping, found in biological visual systems, to improve the efficiency of image analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Nets (DCNNs) in the context of robot vision and egocentric perception systems. This work has now enabled DCNNs to process input images approaching one million pixels in size, in real time, using only consumer grade graphics processor (GPU) hardware in a single pass of the DCNN

    Wide-Angle Foveation for All-Purpose Use

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