137 research outputs found

    Relative generalized hamming weights and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications ICMCTA 2017: Coding Theory and Applications, 207-216. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66278-7_17 .This paper is devoted to giving a generalization from linear codes to the larger class of almost affine codes of two different results. One such result is how one can express the relative generalized Hamming weights of a pair of codes in terms of intersection properties between the smallest of these codes and subcodes of the largest code. The other result tells how one can find the extended weight polynomials, expressing the number of codewords of each possible weight, for each code in an infinite hierarchy of extensions of a code over a given alphabet. Our tools will be demi-matroids and matroids

    On the similarities between generalized rank and Hamming weights and their applications to network coding

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    Rank weights and generalized rank weights have been proven to characterize error and erasure correction, and information leakage in linear network coding, in the same way as Hamming weights and generalized Hamming weights describe classical error and erasure correction, and information leakage in wire-tap channels of type II and code-based secret sharing. Although many similarities between both cases have been established and proven in the literature, many other known results in the Hamming case, such as bounds or characterizations of weight-preserving maps, have not been translated to the rank case yet, or in some cases have been proven after developing a different machinery. The aim of this paper is to further relate both weights and generalized weights, show that the results and proofs in both cases are usually essentially the same, and see the significance of these similarities in network coding. Some of the new results in the rank case also have new consequences in the Hamming case

    The Error-Pattern-Correcting Turbo Equalizer

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    The error-pattern correcting code (EPCC) is incorporated in the design of a turbo equalizer (TE) with aim to correct dominant error events of the inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel at the output of its matching Viterbi detector. By targeting the low Hamming-weight interleaved errors of the outer convolutional code, which are responsible for low Euclidean-weight errors in the Viterbi trellis, the turbo equalizer with an error-pattern correcting code (TE-EPCC) exhibits a much lower bit-error rate (BER) floor compared to the conventional non-precoded TE, especially for high rate applications. A maximum-likelihood upper bound is developed on the BER floor of the TE-EPCC for a generalized two-tap ISI channel, in order to study TE-EPCC's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain for various channel conditions and design parameters. In addition, the SNR gain of the TE-EPCC relative to an existing precoded TE is compared to demonstrate the present TE's superiority for short interleaver lengths and high coding rates.Comment: This work has been submitted to the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory titled: "Facets of Coding Theory: from Algorithms to Networks". This work was supported in part by the NSF Theoretical Foundation Grant 0728676

    Higher Hamming weights for locally recoverable codes on algebraic curves

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    We study the locally recoverable codes on algebraic curves. In the first part of this article, we provide a bound of generalized Hamming weight of these codes. Whereas in the second part, we propose a new family of algebraic geometric LRC codes, that are LRC codes from Norm-Trace curve. Finally, using some properties of Hermitian codes, we improve the bounds of distance proposed in [1] for some Hermitian LRC codes. [1] A. Barg, I. Tamo, and S. Vlladut. Locally recoverable codes on algebraic curves. arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.04904, 2015

    Linear Codes associated to Determinantal Varieties

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    We consider a class of linear codes associated to projective algebraic varieties defined by the vanishing of minors of a fixed size of a generic matrix. It is seen that the resulting code has only a small number of distinct weights. The case of varieties defined by the vanishing of 2 x 2 minors is considered in some detail. Here we obtain the complete weight distribution. Moreover, several generalized Hamming weights are determined explicitly and it is shown that the first few of them coincide with the distinct nonzero weights. One of the tools used is to determine the maximum possible number of matrices of rank 1 in a linear space of matrices of a given dimension over a finite field. In particular, we determine the structure and the maximum possible dimension of linear spaces of matrices in which every nonzero matrix has rank 1.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in Discrete Mat

    Generalized weights: an anticode approach

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    In this paper we study generalized weights as an algebraic invariant of a code. We first describe anticodes in the Hamming and in the rank metric, proving in particular that optimal anticodes in the rank metric coincide with Frobenius-closed spaces. Then we characterize both generalized Hamming and rank weights of a code in terms of the intersection of the code with optimal anticodes in the respective metrics. Inspired by this description, we propose a new algebraic invariant, which we call "Delsarte generalized weights", for Delsarte rank-metric codes based on optimal anticodes of matrices. We show that our invariant refines the generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes proposed by Kurihara, Matsumoto and Uyematsu, and establish a series of properties of Delsarte generalized weights. In particular, we characterize Delsarte optimal codes and anticodes in terms of their generalized weights. We also present a duality theory for the new algebraic invariant, proving that the Delsarte generalized weights of a code completely determine the Delsarte generalized weights of the dual code. Our results extend the theory of generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes. Finally, we prove the analogue for Gabidulin codes of a theorem of Wei, proving that their generalized rank weights characterize the worst-case security drops of a Gabidulin rank-metric code