7 research outputs found

    On the reconstruction of binary and permutation matrices under (binary) tomographic constraints

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    AbstractThe paper studies the problem of reconstructing binary matrices constrained by binary tomographic information. We prove new NP-hardness results that sharpen previous complexity results in the realm of discrete tomography but also allow applications to related problems for permutation matrices. Hence our results can be interpreted in terms of other combinatorial problems including the queens’ problem

    Solution of a uniqueness problem in the discrete tomography of algebraic Delone sets

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    We consider algebraic Delone sets Λ\varLambda in the Euclidean plane and address the problem of distinguishing convex subsets of Λ\varLambda by X-rays in prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions, i.e., directions parallel to nonzero interpoint vectors of Λ\varLambda. Here, an X-ray in direction uu of a finite set gives the number of points in the set on each line parallel to uu. It is shown that for any algebraic Delone set Λ\varLambda there are four prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions such that any two convex subsets of Λ\varLambda can be distinguished by the corresponding X-rays. We further prove the existence of a natural number cΛc_{\varLambda} such that any two convex subsets of Λ\varLambda can be distinguished by their X-rays in any set of cΛc_{\varLambda} prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions. In particular, this extends a well-known result of Gardner and Gritzmann on the corresponding problem for planar lattices to nonperiodic cases that are relevant in quasicrystallography.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Reconstructing Binary Matrices underWindow Constraints from their Row and Column Sums

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    The present paper deals with the discrete inverse problem of reconstructing binary matrices from their row and column sums under additional constraints on the number and pattern of entries in specified minors. While the classical consistency and reconstruction problems for two directions in discrete tomography can be solved in polynomial time, it turns out that these window constraints cause various unexpected complexity jumps back and forth from polynomial-time solvability to NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hardness

    Dynamic discrete tomography

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing the paths of a set of points over time, where, at each of a finite set of moments in time the current positions of points in space are only accessible through some small number of their X-rays. This particular particle tracking problem, with applications, e.g., in plasma physics, is the basic problem in dynamic discrete tomography. We introduce and analyze various different algorithmic models. In particular, we determine the computational complexity of the problem (and various of its relatives) and derive algorithms that can be used in practice. As a byproduct we provide new results on constrained variants of min-cost flow and matching problems.Comment: In Pres


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    Super-resolution imaging aims at improving the resolution of an image by enhancing it with other images or data that might have been acquired using different imaging techniques or modalities. In this paper we consider the task of doubling, in each dimension, the resolution of grayscale images of binary objects by fusion with double-resolution tomographic data that have been acquired from two viewing angles. We show that this task is polynomial-time solvable if the gray levels have been reliably determined. The problem becomes NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hard if the gray levels of some pixels come with an error of ±1\pm1 or larger. The NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hardness persists for any larger resolution enhancement factor. This means that noise does not only affect the quality of a reconstructed image but, less expectedly, also the algorithmic tractability of the inverse problem itself.Comment: 26 pages, to appear in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    On the Reconstruction of Static and Dynamic Discrete Structures

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    We study inverse problems of reconstructing static and dynamic discrete structures from tomographic data (with a special focus on the `classical' task of reconstructing finite point sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d). The main emphasis is on recent mathematical developments and new applications, which emerge in scientific areas such as physics and materials science, but also in inner mathematical fields such as number theory, optimization, and imaging. Along with a concise introduction to the field of discrete tomography, we give pointers to related aspects of computerized tomography in order to contrast the worlds of continuous and discrete inverse problems