168 research outputs found

    Queueing network models of zoned RAID system performance

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    RAID systems are widely deployed, both as standalone storage solutions and as the building blocks of modern virtualised storage platforms. An accurate model of RAID system performance is therefore critical towards fulfilling quality of service constraints for fast, reliable storage. This thesis presents techniques and tools that model response times in zoned RAID systems. The inputs to this analysis are a specified I/O request arrival rate, an I/O request access profile, a given RAID configuration and physical disk parameters. The primary output of this analysis is an approximation to the cumulative distribution function of I/O request response time. From this, it is straightforward to calculate response time quantiles, as well as the mean, variance and higher moments of I/O request response time. The model supports RAID levels 0, 01, 10 and 5 and a variety of workload types. Our RAID model is developed in a bottom-up hierarchical fashion. We begin by modelling each zoned disk drive in the array as a single M/G/1 queue. The service time is modelled as the sum of the random variables of seek time, rotational latency and data transfer time. In doing so, we take into account the properties of zoned disks. We then abstract a RAID system as a fork-join queueing network. This comprises several queues, each of which represents one disk drive in the array. We tailor our basic fork-join approximation to account for the I/O request patterns associated with particular request types and request sizes under different RAID levels. We extend the RAID and disk models to support bulk arrivals, requests of different sizes and scheduling algorithms that reorder queueing requests to minimise disk head positioning time. Finally, we develop a corresponding simulation to improve and validate the model. To test the accuracy of all our models, we validate them against disk drive and RAID device measurements throughout

    Performance and reliability modelling of computing systems using spectral expansion

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis is concerned with the analytical modelling of computing and other discrete event systems, for steady state performance and dependability. That is carried out using a novel solution technique, known as the spectral expansion method. The type of problems considered, and the systems analysed, are represented by certain two-dimensional Markov-processes on finite or semi-infinite lattice strips. A sub set of these Markov processes are the Quasi-Birth-and-Death processes. These models are important because they have wide ranging applications in the design and analysis of modern communications, advanced computing systems, flexible manufacturing systems and in dependability modelling. Though the matrixgeometric method is the presently most popular method, in this area, it suffers from certain drawbacks, as illustrated in one of the chapters. Spectral expansion clearly rises above those limitations. This also, is shown with the aid of examples. The contributions of this thesis can be divided into two categories. They are, • The theoretical foundation of the spectral expansion method is laid. Stability analysis of these Markov processes is carried out. Efficient numerical solution algorithms are developed. A comparative study is performed to show that the spectral expansion algorithm has an edge over the matrix-geometric method, in computational efficiency, accuracy and ease of use. • The method is applied to several non-trivial and complicated modelling problems, occuring in computer and communication systems. Performance measures are evaluated and optimisation issues are addressed

    Performance Modelling and Network Monitoring for Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity

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    Unreliable Retrial Queues in a Random Environment

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    This dissertation investigates stability conditions and approximate steady-state performance measures for unreliable, single-server retrial queues operating in a randomly evolving environment. In such systems, arriving customers that find the server busy or failed join a retrial queue from which they attempt to regain access to the server at random intervals. Such models are useful for the performance evaluation of communications and computer networks which are characterized by time-varying arrival, service and failure rates. To model this time-varying behavior, we study systems whose parameters are modulated by a finite Markov process. Two distinct cases are analyzed. The first considers systems with Markov-modulated arrival, service, retrial, failure and repair rates assuming all interevent and service times are exponentially distributed. The joint process of the orbit size, environment state, and server status is shown to be a tri-layered, level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death (LDQBD) process, and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the positive recurrence of LDQBDs using classical techniques. Moreover, we apply efficient numerical algorithms, designed to exploit the matrix-geometric structure of the model, to compute the approximate steady-state orbit size distribution and mean congestion and delay measures. The second case assumes that customers bring generally distributed service requirements while all other processes are identical to the first case. We show that the joint process of orbit size, environment state and server status is a level-dependent, M/G/1-type stochastic process. By employing regenerative theory, and exploiting the M/G/1-type structure, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability of the system. Finally, for the exponential model, we illustrate how the main results may be used to simultaneously select mean time customers spend in orbit, subject to bound and stability constraints

    Stochastic scheduling and workload allocation : QoS support and profitable brokering in computing grids

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    Abstract: The Grid can be seen as a collection of services each of which performs some functionality. Users of the Grid seek to use combinations of these services to perform the overall task they need to achieve. In general this can be seen as aset of services with a workflow document describing how these services should be combined. The user may also have certain constraints on the workflow operations, such as execution time or cost ----t~ th~ user, specified in the form of a Quality of Service (QoS) document. The users . submit their workflow to a brokering service along with the QoS document. The brokering service's task is to map any given workflow to a subset of the Grid services taking the QoS and state of the Grid into account -- service availability and performance. We propose an approach for generating constraint equations describing the workflow, the QoS requirements and the state of the Grid. This set of equations may be solved using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP), which is the traditional method. We further develop a novel 2-stage stochastic MILP which is capable of dealing with the volatile nature of the Grid and adapting the selection of the services during the lifetime of the workflow. We present experimental results comparing our approaches, showing that the . 2-stage stochastic programming approach performs consistently better than other traditional approaches. Next we addresses workload allocation techniques for Grid workflows in a multi-cluster Grid We model individual clusters as MIMIk. queues and obtain a numerical solutio~ for missed deadlines (failures) of tasks of Grid workflows. We also present an efficient algorithm for obtaining workload allocations of clusters. Next we model individual cluster resources as G/G/l queues and solve an optimisation problem that minimises QoS requirement violation, provides QoS guarantee and outperforms reservation based scheduling algorithms. Both approaches are evaluated through an experimental simulation and the results confirm that the proposed workload allocation strategies combined with traditional scheduling algorithms performs considerably better in terms of satisfying QoS requirements of Grid workflows than scheduling algorithms that don't employ such workload allocation techniques. Next we develop a novel method for Grid brokers that aims at maximising profit whilst satisfying end-user needs with a sufficient guarantee in a volatile utility Grid. We develop a develop a 2-stage stochastic MILP which is capable of dealing with the volatile nature . of the Grid and obtaining cost bounds that ensure that end-user cost is minimised or satisfied and broker's profit is maximised with sufficient guarantee. These bounds help brokers know beforehand whether the budget limits of end-users can be satisfied and. if not then???????? obtain appropriate future leases from service providers. Experimental results confirm the efficacy of our approach.Imperial Users onl
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