10,293 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Classification of Exceptional EFTs Part II: Supersymmetry

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    We present a novel approach to classify supersymmetric effective field theories (EFTs) whose scattering amplitudes exhibit enhanced soft limits. These enhancements arise due to non-linearly realised symmetries on the Goldstone modes of such EFTs and we classify the algebras that these symmetries can form. Our main focus is on so-called exceptional algebras which lead to field-dependent transformation rules and EFTs with the maximum possible soft enhancement at a given derivative power counting. We adapt existing techniques for Poincar\'{e} invariant theories to the supersymmetric case, and introduce superspace inverse Higgs constraints as a method of reducing the number of Goldstone modes while maintaining all symmetries. Restricting to the case of a single Goldstone supermultiplet in four dimensions, we classify the exceptional algebras and EFTs for a chiral, Maxwell or real linear supermultiplet. Moreover, we show how our algebraic approach allows one to read off the soft weights of the different component fields from superspace inverse Higgs trees, which are the algebraic cousin of the on-shell soft data one provides to soft bootstrap EFTs using on-shell recursion. Our Lie-superalgebraic approach extends the results of on-shell methods and provides a complementary perspective on non-linear realisations

    Birkhoff type decompositions and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff recursion

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    We describe a unification of several apparently unrelated factorizations arisen from quantum field theory, vertex operator algebras, combinatorics and numerical methods in differential equations. The unification is given by a Birkhoff type decomposition that was obtained from the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula in our study of the Hopf algebra approach of Connes and Kreimer to renormalization in perturbative quantum field theory. There we showed that the Birkhoff decomposition of Connes and Kreimer can be obtained from a certain Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff recursion formula in the presence of a Rota-Baxter operator. We will explain how the same decomposition generalizes the factorization of formal exponentials and uniformization for Lie algebras that arose in vertex operator algebra and conformal field theory, and the even-odd decomposition of combinatorial Hopf algebra characters as well as to the Lie algebra polar decomposition as used in the context of the approximation of matrix exponentials in ordinary differential equations.Comment: accepted for publication in Comm. in Math. Phy

    Dynkin operators and renormalization group actions in pQFT

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    Renormalization techniques in perturbative quantum field theory were known, from their inception, to have a strong combinatorial content emphasized, among others, by Zimmermann's celebrated forest formula. The present article reports on recent advances on the subject, featuring the role played by the Dynkin operators (actually their extension to the Hopf algebraic setting) at two crucial levels of renormalization, namely the Bogolioubov recursion and the renormalization group (RG) equations. For that purpose, an iterated integrals toy model is introduced to emphasize how the operators appear naturally in the setting of renormalization group analysis. The toy model, in spite of its simplicity, captures many key features of recent approaches to RG equations in pQFT, including the construction of a universal Galois group for quantum field theories

    Initial-seed recursions and dualities for d-vectors

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    We present an initial-seed-mutation formula for d-vectors of cluster variables in a cluster algebra. We also give two rephrasings of this recursion: one as a duality formula for d-vectors in the style of the g-vectors/c-vectors dualities of Nakanishi and Zelevinsky, and one as a formula expressing the highest powers in the Laurent expansion of a cluster variable in terms of the d-vectors of any cluster containing it. We prove that the initial-seed-mutation recursion holds in a varied collection of cluster algebras, but not in general. We conjecture further that the formula holds for source-sink moves on the initial seed in an arbitrary cluster algebra, and we prove this conjecture in the case of surfaces.Comment: 21 Pages, 20 Figures. Version 2: Expanded introduction, other minor expository changes. Version 3: Very minor corrections. Final version to appear in the Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Spitzer's Identity and the Algebraic Birkhoff Decomposition in pQFT

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    In this article we continue to explore the notion of Rota-Baxter algebras in the context of the Hopf algebraic approach to renormalization theory in perturbative quantum field theory. We show in very simple algebraic terms that the solutions of the recursively defined formulae for the Birkhoff factorization of regularized Hopf algebra characters, i.e. Feynman rules, naturally give a non-commutative generalization of the well-known Spitzer's identity. The underlying abstract algebraic structure is analyzed in terms of complete filtered Rota-Baxter algebras.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Mathematics of CLIFFORD - A Maple package for Clifford and Grassmann algebras

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    CLIFFORD performs various computations in Grassmann and Clifford algebras. It can compute with quaternions, octonions, and matrices with entries in Cl(B) - the Clifford algebra of a vector space V endowed with an arbitrary bilinear form B. Two user-selectable algorithms for Clifford product are implemented: 'cmulNUM' - based on Chevalley's recursive formula, and 'cmulRS' - based on non-recursive Rota-Stein sausage. Grassmann and Clifford bases can be used. Properties of reversion in undotted and dotted wedge bases are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, update contains new material included in published versio
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