116 research outputs found

    On the complexity of computing the kk-restricted edge-connectivity of a graph

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    The \emph{kk-restricted edge-connectivity} of a graph GG, denoted by λk(G)\lambda_k(G), is defined as the minimum size of an edge set whose removal leaves exactly two connected components each containing at least kk vertices. This graph invariant, which can be seen as a generalization of a minimum edge-cut, has been extensively studied from a combinatorial point of view. However, very little is known about the complexity of computing λk(G)\lambda_k(G). Very recently, in the parameterized complexity community the notion of \emph{good edge separation} of a graph has been defined, which happens to be essentially the same as the kk-restricted edge-connectivity. Motivated by the relevance of this invariant from both combinatorial and algorithmic points of view, in this article we initiate a systematic study of its computational complexity, with special emphasis on its parameterized complexity for several choices of the parameters. We provide a number of NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, as well as FPT-algorithms.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    New Abilities and Limitations of Spectral Graph Bisection

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    Spectral based heuristics belong to well-known commonly used methods which determines provably minimal graph bisection or outputs "fail" when the optimality cannot be certified. In this paper we focus on Boppana\u27s algorithm which belongs to one of the most prominent methods of this type. It is well known that the algorithm works well in the random planted bisection model - the standard class of graphs for analysis minimum bisection and relevant problems. In 2001 Feige and Kilian posed the question if Boppana\u27s algorithm works well in the semirandom model by Blum and Spencer. In our paper we answer this question affirmatively. We show also that the algorithm achieves similar performance on graph classes which extend the semirandom model. Since the behavior of Boppana\u27s algorithm on the semirandom graphs remained unknown, Feige and Kilian proposed a new semidefinite programming (SDP) based approach and proved that it works on this model. The relationship between the performance of the SDP based algorithm and Boppana\u27s approach was left as an open problem. In this paper we solve the problem in a complete way by proving that the bisection algorithm of Feige and Kilian provides exactly the same results as Boppana\u27s algorithm. As a consequence we get that Boppana\u27s algorithm achieves the optimal threshold for exact cluster recovery in the stochastic block model. On the other hand we prove some limitations of Boppana\u27s approach: we show that if the density difference on the parameters of the planted bisection model is too small then the algorithm fails with high probability in the model

    Balanced Judicious Bipartition is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    The family of judicious partitioning problems, introduced by Bollob\u27as and Scott to the field of extremal combinatorics, has been extensively studied from a structural point of view for over two decades. This rich realm of problems aims to counterbalance the objectives of classical partitioning problems such as Min Cut, Min Bisection and Max Cut. While these classical problems focus solely on the minimization/maximization of the number of edges crossing the cut, judicious (bi)partitioning problems ask the natural question of the minimization/maximization of the number of edges lying in the (two) sides of the cut. In particular, Judicious Bipartition (JB) seeks a bipartition that is "judicious" in the sense that neither side is burdened by too many edges, and Balanced JB also requires that the sizes of the sides themselves are "balanced" in the sense that neither of them is too large. Both of these problems were defined in the work by Bollob\u27as and Scott, and have received notable scientific attention since then. In this paper, we shed light on the study of judicious partitioning problems from the viewpoint of algorithm design. Specifically, we prove that BJB is FPT (which also proves that JB is FPT)

    Unifying mesh- and tree-based programmable interconnect

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    We examine the traditional, symmetric, Manhattan mesh design for field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) routing along with tree-of-meshes (ToM) and mesh-of-trees (MoT) based designs. All three networks can provide general routing for limited bisection designs (Rent's rule with p<1) and allow locality exploitation. They differ in their detailed topology and use of hierarchy. We show that all three have the same asymptotic wiring requirements. We bound this tightly by providing constructive mappings between routes in one network and routes in another. For example, we show that a (c,p) MoT design can be mapped to a (2c,p) linear population ToM and introduce a corner turn scheme which will make it possible to perform the reverse mapping from any (c,p) linear population ToM to a (2c,p) MoT augmented with a particular set of corner turn switches. One consequence of this latter mapping is a multilayer layout strategy for N-node, linear population ToM designs that requires only /spl Theta/(N) two-dimensional area for any p when given sufficient wiring layers. We further show upper and lower bounds for global mesh routes based on recursive bisection width and show these are within a constant factor of each other and within a constant factor of MoT and ToM layout area. In the process we identify the parameters and characteristics which make the networks different, making it clear there is a unified design continuum in which these networks are simply particular regions

    A Parameterized Centrality Metric for Network Analysis

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    A variety of metrics have been proposed to measure the relative importance of nodes in a network. One of these, alpha-centrality [Bonacich, 2001], measures the number of attenuated paths that exist between nodes. We introduce a normalized version of this metric and use it to study network structure, specifically, to rank nodes and find community structure of the network. Specifically, we extend the modularity-maximization method [Newman and Girvan, 2004] for community detection to use this metric as the measure of node connectivity. Normalized alpha-centrality is a powerful tool for network analysis, since it contains a tunable parameter that sets the length scale of interactions. By studying how rankings and discovered communities change when this parameter is varied allows us to identify locally and globally important nodes and structures. We apply the proposed method to several benchmark networks and show that it leads to better insight into network structure than alternative methods.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Exploiting Dense Structures in Parameterized Complexity

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    Over the past few decades, the study of dense structures from the perspective of approximation algorithms has become a wide area of research. However, from the viewpoint of parameterized algorithm, this area is largely unexplored. In particular, properties of random samples have been successfully deployed to design approximation schemes for a number of fundamental problems on dense structures [Arora et al. FOCS 1995, Goldreich et al. FOCS 1996, Giotis and Guruswami SODA 2006, Karpinksi and Schudy STOC 2009]. In this paper, we fill this gap, and harness the power of random samples as well as structure theory to design kernelization as well as parameterized algorithms on dense structures. In particular, we obtain linear vertex kernels for Edge-Disjoint Paths, Edge Odd Cycle Transversal, Minimum Bisection, d-Way Cut, Multiway Cut and Multicut on everywhere dense graphs. In fact, these kernels are obtained by designing a polynomial-time algorithm when the corresponding parameter is at most ?(n). Additionally, we obtain a cubic kernel for Vertex-Disjoint Paths on everywhere dense graphs. In addition to kernelization results, we obtain randomized subexponential-time parameterized algorithms for Edge Odd Cycle Transversal, Minimum Bisection, and d-Way Cut. Finally, we show how all of our results (as well as EPASes for these problems) can be de-randomized
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