422 research outputs found

    OBDD-Based Representation of Interval Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) can be described by the characteristic function of the edge set χE\chi_E which maps a pair of binary encoded nodes to 1 iff the nodes are adjacent. Using \emph{Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams} (OBDDs) to store χE\chi_E can lead to a (hopefully) compact representation. Given the OBDD as an input, symbolic/implicit OBDD-based graph algorithms can solve optimization problems by mainly using functional operations, e.g. quantification or binary synthesis. While the OBDD representation size can not be small in general, it can be provable small for special graph classes and then also lead to fast algorithms. In this paper, we show that the OBDD size of unit interval graphs is O( V /log V )O(\ | V \ | /\log \ | V \ |) and the OBDD size of interval graphs is $O(\ | V \ | \log \ | V \ |)whichbothimproveaknownresultfromNunkesserandWoelfel(2009).Furthermore,wecanshowthatusingourvariableorderandnodelabelingforintervalgraphstheworstcaseOBDDsizeis which both improve a known result from Nunkesser and Woelfel (2009). Furthermore, we can show that using our variable order and node labeling for interval graphs the worst-case OBDD size is \Omega(\ | V \ | \log \ | V \ |).Weusethestructureoftheadjacencymatricestoprovethesebounds.Thismethodmaybeofindependentinterestandcanbeappliedtoothergraphclasses.Wealsodevelopamaximummatchingalgorithmonunitintervalgraphsusing. We use the structure of the adjacency matrices to prove these bounds. This method may be of independent interest and can be applied to other graph classes. We also develop a maximum matching algorithm on unit interval graphs using O(\log \ | V \ |)operationsandacoloringalgorithmforunitandgeneralintervalsgraphsusing operations and a coloring algorithm for unit and general intervals graphs using O(\log^2 \ | V \ |)$ operations and evaluate the algorithms empirically.Comment: 29 pages, accepted for 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts 201

    Ackermann Encoding, Bisimulations, and OBDDs

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    We propose an alternative way to represent graphs via OBDDs based on the observation that a partition of the graph nodes allows sharing among the employed OBDDs. In the second part of the paper we present a method to compute at the same time the quotient w.r.t. the maximum bisimulation and the OBDD representation of a given graph. The proposed computation is based on an OBDD-rewriting of the notion of Ackermann encoding of hereditarily finite sets into natural numbers.Comment: To appear on 'Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

    MALL proof equivalence is Logspace-complete, via binary decision diagrams

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    Proof equivalence in a logic is the problem of deciding whether two proofs are equivalent modulo a set of permutation of rules that reflects the commutative conversions of its cut-elimination procedure. As such, it is related to the question of proofnets: finding canonical representatives of equivalence classes of proofs that have good computational properties. It can also be seen as the word problem for the notion of free category corresponding to the logic. It has been recently shown that proof equivalence in MLL (the multiplicative with units fragment of linear logic) is PSPACE-complete, which rules out any low-complexity notion of proofnet for this particular logic. Since it is another fragment of linear logic for which attempts to define a fully satisfactory low-complexity notion of proofnet have not been successful so far, we study proof equivalence in MALL- (multiplicative-additive without units fragment of linear logic) and discover a situation that is totally different from the MLL case. Indeed, we show that proof equivalence in MALL- corresponds (under AC0 reductions) to equivalence of binary decision diagrams, a data structure widely used to represent and analyze Boolean functions efficiently. We show these two equivalent problems to be LOGSPACE-complete. If this technically leaves open the possibility for a complete solution to the question of proofnets for MALL-, the established relation with binary decision diagrams actually suggests a negative solution to this problem.Comment: in TLCA 201

    SDDs are Exponentially More Succinct than OBDDs

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    Introduced by Darwiche (2011), sentential decision diagrams (SDDs) are essentially as tractable as ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs), but tend to be more succinct in practice. This makes SDDs a prominent representation language, with many applications in artificial intelligence and knowledge compilation. We prove that SDDs are more succinct than OBDDs also in theory, by constructing a family of boolean functions where each member has polynomial SDD size but exponential OBDD size. This exponential separation improves a quasipolynomial separation recently established by Razgon (2013), and settles an open problem in knowledge compilation