18 research outputs found

    On the Notion of Abstract Platform in MDA Development

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    Although platform-independence is a central property in MDA models, the study of platform-independence has been largely overlooked in MDA. As a consequence, there is a lack of guidelines to select abstraction criteria and modelling concepts for platform-independent design. In addition, there is little methodological support to distinguish between platform-independent and platform-specific concerns, which could be detrimental to the beneficial exploitation of the PIM-PSM separation-of-concerns adopted by MDA. This work is an attempt towards clarifying the notion of platform-independent modelling in MDA development. We argue that each level of platform-independence must be accompanied by the identification of an abstract platform. An abstract platform is determined by the platform characteristics that are relevant for applications at a certain level of platform-independence, and must be established by balancing various design goals. We present some methodological principles for abstract platform design, which forms a basis for defining requirements for design languages intended to support platform-independent design. Since our methodological framework is based on the notion of abstract platform, we pay particular attention to the definition of abstract platforms and the language requirements to specify abstract platforms. We discuss how the concept of abstract platform relates to UML

    Development of Transformations from Business Process Models to Implementations by Reuse

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    This paper presents an approach for developing transformations from business process models to implementations that facilitates reuse. A transformation is developed as a composition of three smaller tasks: pattern recognition, pattern realization and activity transformation. The approach allows one to reuse the definition and implementation of pattern recognition and pattern realization in the development of transformations targeting different business process modeling and implementation languages. In order to decouple pattern recognition and pattern realization, the approach includes a pattern language to represent the output of the pattern recognition task, which forms the input of the pattern realization task

    Costs and benefits of multiple levels of models in MDA development

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    In Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) development, models of a distributed application are carefully defined so as to remain stable in face of changes in technology platforms. As we have argued previously in [1, 3], models in MDA can be organized into different levels of platformindependence. In this paper, we analyze the costs and benefits of maintaining separate levels of models with transformations between these levels. We argue that the number of levels of models and the degree of automation of transformations between these levels depend on a number of design goals to be balanced, including those of maximizing the efficiency of the design process and maximizing the reusability of models and transformations

    Abstract Platform and Transformations for Model-Driven Service-Oriented Development

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    In this paper, we discuss the use of abstract platforms and transformation for designing applications according to the principles of the service-oriented architecture. We illustrate our approach by discussing the use of the service discovery pattern at a platform-independent design level. We show how a trader service can be specified at a high-level of abstraction and incorporated in an abstract platform for service-oriented development. Designers can then build platform-independent models of applications by composing application parts with this abstract platform. Application parts can use the trader service to publish and discover service offers. We discuss how the abstract platform can be realized into two target platforms, namely Web Services (with UDDI) and CORBA (with the OMG trader)

    Abstract Interactions and Interaction Refinement in Model-Driven Design

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    In a model-driven design process the interaction between application parts can be described at various levels of platform-independence. At the lowest level of platform-independence, interaction is realized by interaction mechanisms provided by specific middleware platforms. At higher levels of platform-independence, interaction must be described in such a way that it can be further refined and realized onto a number of different middleware platforms, each with its particular interaction mechanisms and implementation constraints. In this paper, we investigate concepts that support interaction design at various levels of middleware-platform-independence. Also, we propose design operations for interaction refinement. The application of these operations to source designs results in target designs that take into account implementation constraints imposed by platforms, while preserving characteristics prescribed in source designs

    VETESS : IDM, Test et SysML

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    Selected paper from the 7-th NEPTUNE WorkshopNational audienceIl apparaĂźt souvent que les processus d'ingĂ©nierie systĂšme sont en fait dĂ©composĂ©s en phases discontinues oĂčtrop peu d'informations sont partagĂ©es entre les diffĂ©rentes Ă©quipes, par exemple entre les Ă©quipes de design et de tests.Cette faiblesse peut ĂȘtre palliĂ©e par l’utilisation de modĂšles de spĂ©cifications qui jouent alors le rĂŽle de rĂ©fĂ©rentiel pourl’ensemble des Ă©quipes participant au cycle de vie du logiciel. Ce type de modĂšle est couramment utilisĂ© comme basedans les activitĂ©s de conception, de vĂ©rification, ou encore de test. Le test basĂ© sur les modĂšles est une approcheoriginale oĂč sont automatiquement gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s des cas de test et des scripts de test exĂ©cutables Ă  partir d'une spĂ©cificationdu systĂšme sous test. Cette spĂ©cification prend la forme d'un modĂšle comportemental, permettant ainsi au gĂ©nĂ©rateur detests de dĂ©terminer, d'une part, quels sont les contextes d'exĂ©cution pertinents et, d'autre part, de prĂ©dire les effets sur lesystĂšme de ces exĂ©cutions. Le but du projet VETESS est de rendre possible cette approche pour valider les systĂšmesembarquĂ©s automobiles. Il s’agit ainsi de mettre en Ɠuvre et d’outiller un processus automatique permettant de dĂ©river,d'un modĂšle de spĂ©cification dĂ©crit avec un sous-ensemble du langage de modĂ©lisation SysML, des cas de test, et deproduire ensuite les scripts de test correspondants Ă  exĂ©cuter sur banc de test automobiles

    Construindo Mapas Conceituais utilizando a abordagem iMap

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    Este artigo discute a importĂąncia e aplicaçÔes dos mapas conceituais no ensino e aprendizagem destacando a necessidade de ferramentas que deem suporte aos professores na anĂĄlise dos mapas para acompanhar e avaliar a aprendizagem. Para tanto, Ă© projetada uma ferramenta inteligente de navegação e recuperação de informação, capaz de responder a perguntas sobre os mapas, baseando-se em sua capacidade de realizar inferĂȘncias. Uma prova de conceito Ă© tambĂ©m realizada

    Model-Driven Development of Context-Aware Services

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    Abstract. In this paper, we define a model-driven design trajectory for contextaware services consisting of three levels of models with different degrees of abstraction and platform independence. The models at the highest level of platform independence describe the behaviour of a context-aware service and its environment from an integrated perspective. The models at the intermediate level describe abstract components, which realize the context-aware service in terms of a service-oriented abstract platform. At the lowest level, the realization of a context-aware service is described in terms of specific target technologies, such as Web Services, BPEL and Parlay technologies. Our approach allows service designers to concentrate their efforts on the services they intend to create and offer, by facilitating the handling of context information and automating design steps through model transformation. In addition, our approach enables the reuse of platform-independent models for different target platforms