96 research outputs found

    Dumbo-NG: Fast Asynchronous BFT Consensus with Throughput-Oblivious Latency

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    Despite recent progresses of practical asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus, the state-of-the-art designs still suffer from suboptimal performance. Particularly, to obtain maximum throughput, most existing protocols with guaranteed linear amortized communication complexity require each participating node to broadcast a huge batch of transactions, which dramatically sacrifices latency. Worse still, the f slowest nodes' broadcasts might never be agreed to output and thus can be censored (where f is the number of faults). Implementable mitigation to the threat either uses computationally costly threshold encryption or incurs communication blow-up, thus causing further efficiency issues. We present Dumbo-NG, a novel asynchronous BFT consensus (atomic broadcast) to solve the remaining practical issues. Its technical core is a non-trivial direct reduction from asynchronous atomic broadcast to multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) with quality property. Most interestingly, the new protocol structure empowers completely concurrent execution of transaction dissemination and asynchronous agreement. This brings about two benefits: (i) the throughput-latency tension is resolved to approach peak throughput with minimal increase in latency; (ii) the transactions broadcasted by any honest node can be agreed to output, thus conquering the censorship threat with no extra cost. We implement Dumbo-NG and compare it to the state-of-the-art asynchronous BFT with guaranteed censorship resilience including Dumbo (CCS'20) and Speeding-Dumbo (NDSS'22). We also apply the techniques from Speeding-Dumbo to DispersedLedger (NSDI'22) and obtain an improved variant of DispersedLedger called sDumbo-DL for comprehensive comparison. Extensive experiments reveal: Dumbo-NG realizes better peak throughput performance and its latency can almost remain stable when throughput grows

    Oracular Byzantine Reliable Broadcast

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    Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (BRB) is a fundamental distributed computing primitive, with applications ranging from notifications to asynchronous payment systems. Motivated by practical consideration, we study Client-Server Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (CSB), a multi-shot variant of BRB whose interface is split between broadcasting clients and delivering servers. We present Draft, an optimally resilient implementation of CSB. Like most implementations of BRB, Draft guarantees both liveness and safety in an asynchronous environment. Under good conditions, however, Draft achieves unparalleled efficiency. In a moment of synchrony, free from Byzantine misbehaviour, and at the limit of infinitely many broadcasting clients, a Draft server delivers a b-bits payload at an asymptotic amortized cost of 0 signature verifications, and (log?(c) + b) bits exchanged, where c is the number of clients in the system. This is the information-theoretical minimum number of bits required to convey the payload (b bits, assuming it is compressed), along with an identifier for its sender (log?(c) bits, necessary to enumerate any set of c elements, and optimal if broadcasting frequencies are uniform or unknown). These two achievements have profound practical implications. Real-world BRB implementations are often bottlenecked either by expensive signature verifications, or by communication overhead. For Draft, instead, the network is the limit: a server can deliver payloads as quickly as it would receive them from an infallible oracle

    Dumbo: Faster Asynchronous BFT Protocols

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    HoneyBadgerBFT, proposed by Miller et al. [32] as the first practical asynchronous atomic broadcast protocol, demonstrated impressive performance. The core of HoneyBadgerBFT (HB-BFT) is to achieve batching consensus using asynchronous common subset protocol (ACS) of Ben-Or et al., constituted with nn reliable broadcast protocol (RBC) to have each node propose its input, followed by nn asynchronous binary agreement protocol (ABA) to make a decision for each proposed value (nn is the total number of nodes). In this paper, we propose two new atomic broadcast protocols (called Dumbo1, Dumbo2) both of which have asymptotically and practically better efficiency. In particular, the ACS of Dumbo1 only runs a small kk (independent of nn) instances of ABA, while that of Dumbo2 further reduces it to constant! At the core of our techniques are two major observations: (1) reducing the number of ABA instances significantly improves efficiency; and (2) using multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) which was considered sub-optimal for ACS in [32] in a more careful way could actually lead to a much more efficient ACS. We implement both Dumbo1, Dumbo2 and deploy them as well as HB-BFT on 100 Amazon EC2 t2.medium instances uniformly distributed throughout 10 different regions across the globe, and run extensive experiments in the same environments. The experimental results show that our protocols achieve multi-fold improvements over HoneyBadgerBFT on both latency and throughput, especially when the system scale becomes moderately large

    Context Adaptive Cooperation

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    Reliable broadcast and consensus are the two pillars that support a lot of non-trivial fault-tolerant distributed middleware and fault-tolerant distributed systems. While they have close definitions, they strongly differ in the underlying assumptions needed to implement each of them. Reliable broadcast can be implemented in asynchronous systems in the presence of crash or Byzantine failures while Consensus cannot. This key difference stems from the fact that consensus involves synchronization between multiple processes that concurrently propose values, while reliable broadcast simply involves delivering a message from a predefined sender. This paper strikes a balance between these two agreement abstractions in the presence of Byzantine failures. It proposes CAC, a novel agreement abstraction that enables multiple processes to broadcast messages simultaneously, while guaranteeing that (despite potential conflicts, asynchrony, and Byzantine behaviors) the non-faulty processes will agree on messages deliveries. We show that this novel abstraction can enable more efficient algorithms for a variety of applications (such as money transfer where several people can share a same account). This is obtained by focusing the need for synchronization only on the processes that actually need to synchronize

    The Honey Badger of BFT Protocols

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    The surprising success of cryptocurrencies has led to a surge of interest in deploying large scale, highly robust, Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) proto- cols for mission-critical applications, such as finan- cial transactions. Although the conventional wisdom is to build atop a (weakly) synchronous protocol such as PBFT (or a variation thereof), such protocols rely critically on network timing assumptions, and only guarantee liveness when the network behaves as ex- pected. We argue these protocols are ill-suited for this deployment scenario. We present an alternative, HoneyBadgerBFT, the first practical asynchronous BFT protocol, which guarantees liveness without making any timing as- sumptions. We base our solution on a novel atomic broadcast protocol that achieves optimal asymptotic efficiency. We present an implementation and ex- perimental results to show our system can achieve throughput of tens of thousands of transactions per second, and scales to over a hundred nodes on a wide area network. We even conduct BFT experi- ments over Tor, without needing to tune any parame- ters. Unlike the alternatives, HoneyBadgerBFT sim- ply does not care about the underlying network

    Speeding Dumbo: Pushing Asynchronous BFT Closer to Practice

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    Asynchronous BFT consensus can implement robust mission-critical decentralized services in the unstable or even adversarial wide-area network without relying on any form of timing assumption. Starting from the work of HoneyBadgerBFT (CCS 2016), several studies tried to push asynchronous BFT towards practice. In particular, in a recent work of Dumbo (CCS 2020), they redesigned the protocol backbone and used one multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) to replace nn concurrent asynchronous binary agreement (ABA) protocols and dramatically improved the performance. Despite those efforts, asynchronous BFT protocols remain to be slow, and in particular, the latency is still quite large. There are two reasons contributing to the inferior performance: (1) the reliable broadcast (RBC) protocols still incur substantial costs; (2) the MVBA protocols are quite complicated and heavy, and all existing constructions need dozens of rounds and take the majority of he overall latency. We first present a new construction of asynchronous BFT that replaces RBC instance with a cheaper broadcast component. It not only reduces the O(n3)O(n^3) message complexity incurred by nn RBCs to O(n2)O(n^2), but also saves up to 67% communications (in the presence of a fair network scheduler). Moreover, our technical core is a new MVBA protocol, Speeding MVBA, which is concretely more efficient than all existing MVBAs. It requires only 6 rounds in the best case and expected 12 rounds in the worst case (by contrast, several dozens of rounds in the MVBA from Cachin et al. [12] and the recent Dumbo-MVBA [32], and around 20 rounds in the MVBA from Abraham et al. [4]). Our new technique of the construction might be of independent interests. We implemented Speeding Dumbo and did extensive tests among up to 150 EC2 t2.medium instances evenly allocated in 15 AWS regions across the globe. The experimental results show that Speeding Dumbo reduces the latency to about a half of Dumbo\u27s, and also doubles the throughput of Dumbo, through all system scales from 4 nodes to 150 nodes. We also did tests to benchmark individual components such as the broadcasts and the MVBA protocols, which may be of interests for future improvements

    PACE: Fully Parallelizable BFT from Reproposable Byzantine Agreement

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    The classic asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) framework of Ben-Or, Kemler, and Rabin (BKR) and its descendants rely on reliable broadcast (RBC) and asynchronous binary agreement (ABA). However, BKR does not allow all ABA instances to run in parallel, a well-known performance bottleneck. We propose PACE, a generic framework that removes the bottleneck, allowing fully parallelizable ABA instances. PACE is built on RBC and reproposable ABA (RABA). Different from the conventional ABA, RABA allows a replica to change its mind and vote twice. We show how to efficiently build RABA protocols from existing ABA protocols and a new ABA protocol that we introduce. We implement six new BFT protocols: three in the BKR framework, and three in the PACE framework. Via a deployment using 91 replicas on Amazon EC2 across five continents, we show that all PACE instantiations, in both failure-free and failure scenarios, significantly outperform their BKR counterparts, and prior BFT protocols such as BEAT and Dumbo, in terms of latency, throughput, latency vs. throughput, and scalability

    A Simple Reduction from State Machine Replication to Binary Agreement in Partially Synchronous or Asynchronous Networks

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    The recent advent of blockchains has spurred a huge interest in the research and development of numerous cryptocurrencies as well as understanding the fundamental concepts that underly this technology. At the heart of this design is the classic state machine replication protocol in which a group of n machines (out of which f are Byzantine) want to agree on an ever-growing log of transactions. In this paper, we present a simple black box reduction from state machine replication (SMR) to the classical binary agreement (BA) protocol on top of a fully decentralized network. We consider both synchronous and partially synchronous/asynchronous settings for our reduction. We also present an algorithm for a reduction from BA to SMR, thus establishing an equivalence between the two. In each of these settings, we analyze our algorithms with respect to the required security properties. Although there is prior work that establishes these reductions, our solutions are simpler (at the cost of efficiency) and useful from a pedagogical point of view

    Towards Optimal and Practical Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocols

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    With recent advancements in blockchain technology, people expect Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) protocols to be deployed more frequently in wide-area networks (WAN) as opposed to conventional in-house settings. Asynchronous BFT protocols, which do not rely on any form of timing assumption, are arguably robust in such a setting. Asynchronous BFT protocols have been studied since the 1980s, but these asynchronous BFT works mainly focus on understanding the theoretical limits and possibilities. Until the recent asynchronous BFT protocol, HoneyBadgerBFT (HBBFT), was proposed, the field received renewed attention. Dumbo family, a series of our works on the asynchronous BFT protocols, significantly pushed those protocols towards practice. First, all complexity metrics are pushed down to asymptotically optimal, simultaneously. Second, we identify the bottleneck in the state of the art and revisit the design methodology, identifying and utilizing the right components, and optimizing the protocol structure in various ways. Last but not least, we also open the box and optimize the critical components themselves. The resulting protocols are indeed significantly more performant, the latest protocol can have 100K tps and a few seconds of latency at a reasonable scale. This thesis focuses on the latest three members of the Dumbo family. To begin, we solved an open problem by proposing an optimal Multi-valued validated asynchronous Byzantine agreement protocol. Next, we present Dumbo-NG to address the challenge of latency-throughput tension by redesigning the methodology of asynchronous BFT protocols. Another benefit of the new methodology is that it can conquer the censorship threat without extra cost. Furthermore, we consider a realistic environment and present Bolt-Dumbo Transformer (BDT), a generic framework for practical optimistic asynchronous BFT to achieve the "best of both worlds" in terms of the advantages of deterministic BFT and randomized (asynchronous) BFT
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