9,052 research outputs found

    Upper bounds on the Laplacian spread of graphs

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    The Laplacian spread of a graph GG is defined as the difference between the largest and the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of GG. In this work, an upper bound for this graph invariant, that depends on first Zagreb index, is given. Moreover, another upper bound is obtained and expressed as a function of the nonzero coefficients of the Laplacian characteristic polynomial of a graph

    Laplacian spread of graphs: lower bounds and relations with invariant parameters

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    The spread of an n×nn\times n complex matrix BB with eigenvalues β1,β2,…,βn\beta _{1},\beta _{2},\ldots ,\beta _{n} is defined by \begin{equation*} s\left( B\right) =\max_{i,j}\left\vert \beta _{i}-\beta _{j}\right\vert , \end{equation*}% where the maximum is taken over all pairs of eigenvalues of BB. Let GG be a graph on nn vertices. The concept of Laplacian spread of GG is defined by the difference between the largest and the second smallest Laplacian eigenvalue of GG. In this work, by combining old techniques of interlacing eigenvalues and rank 11 perturbation matrices new lower bounds on the Laplacian spread of graphs are deduced, some of them involving invariant parameters of graphs, as it is the case of the bandwidth, independence number and vertex connectivity

    Strongly Regular Graphs as Laplacian Extremal Graphs

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    The Laplacian spread of a graph is the difference between the largest eigenvalue and the second-smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of the graph. We find that the class of strongly regular graphs attains the maximum of largest eigenvalues, the minimum of second-smallest eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices and hence the maximum of Laplacian spreads among all simple connected graphs of fixed order, minimum degree, maximum degree, minimum size of common neighbors of two adjacent vertices and minimum size of common neighbors of two nonadjacent vertices. Some other extremal graphs are also provided.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Bounds for different spreads of line and total graphs

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    In this paper we explore some results concerning the spread of the line and the total graph of a given graph. A sufficient condition for the spread of a unicyclic graph with an odd girth to be at most the spread of its line graph is presented. Additionally, we derive an upper bound for the spread of the line graph of graphs on nn vertices having a vertex (edge) connectivity at most a positive integer kk. Combining techniques of interlacing of eigenvalues, we derive lower bounds for the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spread of the total graph of a connected graph. Moreover, for a regular graph, an upper and lower bound for the spread of its total graph is given.publishe

    A Spectral Graph Uncertainty Principle

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    The spectral theory of graphs provides a bridge between classical signal processing and the nascent field of graph signal processing. In this paper, a spectral graph analogy to Heisenberg's celebrated uncertainty principle is developed. Just as the classical result provides a tradeoff between signal localization in time and frequency, this result provides a fundamental tradeoff between a signal's localization on a graph and in its spectral domain. Using the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian as a surrogate Fourier basis, quantitative definitions of graph and spectral "spreads" are given, and a complete characterization of the feasibility region of these two quantities is developed. In particular, the lower boundary of the region, referred to as the uncertainty curve, is shown to be achieved by eigenvectors associated with the smallest eigenvalues of an affine family of matrices. The convexity of the uncertainty curve allows it to be found to within ε\varepsilon by a fast approximation algorithm requiring O(ε−1/2)O(\varepsilon^{-1/2}) typically sparse eigenvalue evaluations. Closed-form expressions for the uncertainty curves for some special classes of graphs are derived, and an accurate analytical approximation for the expected uncertainty curve of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs is developed. These theoretical results are validated by numerical experiments, which also reveal an intriguing connection between diffusion processes on graphs and the uncertainty bounds.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figure
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