17 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration of Colorable Sets in Classes of Perfect Graphs

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    A set of vertices in a graph is c-colorable if the subgraph induced by the set has a proper c-coloring. In this paper, we study the problem of finding a step-by-step transformation (reconfiguration) between two c-colorable sets in the same graph. This problem generalizes the well-studied Independent Set Reconfiguration problem. As the first step toward a systematic understanding of the complexity of this general problem, we study the problem on classes of perfect graphs. We first focus on interval graphs and give a combinatorial characterization of the distance between two c-colorable sets. This gives a linear-time algorithm for finding an actual shortest reconfiguration sequence for interval graphs. Since interval graphs are exactly the graphs that are simultaneously chordal and co-comparability, we then complement the positive result by showing that even deciding reachability is PSPACE-complete for chordal graphs and for co-comparability graphs. The hardness for chordal graphs holds even for split graphs. We also consider the case where c is a fixed constant and show that in such a case the reachability problem is polynomial-time solvable for split graphs but still PSPACE-complete for co-comparability graphs. The complexity of this case for chordal graphs remains unsettled. As by-products, our positive results give the first polynomial-time solvable cases (split graphs and interval graphs) for Feedback Vertex Set Reconfiguration

    Classes of Intersection Digraphs with Good Algorithmic Properties

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    While intersection graphs play a central role in the algorithmic analysis of hard problems on undirected graphs, the role of intersection digraphs in algorithms is much less understood. We present several contributions towards a better understanding of the algorithmic treatment of intersection digraphs. First, we introduce natural classes of intersection digraphs that generalize several classes studied in the literature. Second, we define the directed locally checkable vertex (DLCV) problems, which capture many well-studied problems on digraphs such as (Independent) Dominating Set, Kernel, and H-Homomorphism. Third, we give a new width measure of digraphs, bi-mim-width, and show that the DLCV problems are polynomial-time solvable when we are provided a decomposition of small bi-mim-width. Fourth, we show that several classes of intersection digraphs have bounded bi-mim-width, implying that we can solve all DLCV problems on these classes in polynomial time given an intersection representation of the input digraph. We identify reflexivity as a useful condition to obtain intersection digraph classes of bounded bi-mim-width, and therefore to obtain positive algorithmic results

    On the Directed Full Degree Spanning Tree Problem

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    Abstract. We study the parameterized complexity of a directed analog of the Full Degree Spanning Tree problem where, given a digraph D and a nonnegative integer k, the goal is to construct a spanning out-tree T of D such that at least k vertices in T have the same out-degree as in D. We show that this problem is W[1]-hard even on the class of directed acyclic graphs. In the dual version, called Reduced Degree Spanning Tree, one is required to construct a spanning out-tree T such that at most k vertices in T have out-degrees that are different from that in D. We show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable and that it admits a problem kernel with at most 8k vertices on strongly connected digraphs and O(k 2 ) vertices on general digraphs. We also give an algorithm for this problem on general digraphs with running time O(5.942 k · n O(1) ), where n is the number of vertices in the input digraph

    Acyclic, Star and Injective Colouring: A Complexity Picture for H-Free Graphs

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