29,608 research outputs found

    Generalizations and Some Applications of Kronecker and Hadamard Products of Matrices

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    In this thesis, generalizations of Kronecker, Hadamard and usual products (sums) that depend on the partitioned of matrices are studied and defined. Namely: Tracy- Singh, Khatri-Rao, box, strong Kronecker, block Kronecker, block Hadamard, restricted Khatri-Rao products (sums) which are extended the meaning of Kronecker, Hadamard and usual products (sums). The matrix convolution products, namely: matrix convolution, Kronecker convolution and Hadamard convolution products of matrices with entries in set of functions are also considered. The connections among them are derived and most useful properties are studied in order to find new applications of Tracy-Singh and Khatri-Rao products (sums). These applications are: a family of generalized inverses, a family of coupled singular matrix problems, a family of matrix inequalities and a family of geometric means. In the theory of generalized inverses of matrices and their applications, the five generalized inverses, namely Moore-Penrose, weighted Moore-Penrose, Drazin, weighted Drazin and group inverses and their expressions and properties are studied. Moreover, some new numerous matrix expressions involving these generalized inverses and weighted matrix norms of the Tracy-Singh products matrices are also derived. In addition, we establish some necessary and sufficient conditions for the reverse order law of Drazin and weighted Drazin inverses. These results play a central role in our applications and many other applications. In the field of system identification and matrix products work, we propose several algorithms for computing the solutions of the coupled matrix differential equations, coupled matrix convolution differential, coupled matrix equations, restricted coupled singular matrix equations, coupled matrix least-squares problems and weighted Least -squares problems based on idea of Kronecker (Hadamard) and Tracy-Singh(Khatri-Rao) products (sums) of matrices. The way exists which transform the coupled matrix problems and coupled matrix differential equations into forms for which solutions may be readily computed. The common vector exact solutions of these coupled are presented and, subsequently, construct a computationally - efficient solution of coupled matrix linear least-squares problems and nonhomogeneous coupled matrix differential equations. We give new applications for the representations of weighted Drazin, Drazin and Moore-Penrose inverses of Kronecker products to the solutions of restricted singular matrix and coupled matrix equations. The analysis indicates that the Kronecker (Hadamard) structure method can achieve good efficient while the Hadamard structure method achieve more efficient when the unknown matrices are diagonal. Several special cases of these systems are also considered and solved, and then we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of each case, which includes the well-known coupled Sylvester matrix equations. We show also that the solutions of non-homogeneous matrix differential equations can be written in convolution forms. The analysis indicates also that the algorithms can be easily to find the common exact solutions to the coupled matrix and matrix differential equations for partitioned matrices by using the connections between Tracy-Singh, Block Kronecker and Khatri -Rao products and partitioned vector row (column) and our definition which is the so-called partitioned diagonal extraction operators. Unlike Matrix algebra, which is based on matrices, analysis must deal with estimates. In other words, Inequalities lie at the core of analysis. For this reason, it’s of great importance to give bounds and inequalities involving matrices. In this situation, the results are organized in the following five ways: First, we find some extensions and generalizations of the inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of positive (semi) definite matrices. We turn to results relating Khatri-Rao and Tracy- Singh powers and usual powers, extending and generalizing work of previous authors. Second, we derive some new attractive inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of positive (semi) definite matrices. We remark that some known inequalities and many other new interesting inequalities can easily be found by using our approaches. Third, we study some sufficient and necessary conditions under which inequalities below become equalities. Fourth, some counter examples are considered to show that some inequalities do not hold in general case. Fifth, we find Hölder-type inequalities for Tracy-Singh and Khatri-Rao products of positive (semi) definite matrices. The results lead to inequalities involving Hadamard and Kronecker products, as a special case, which includes the well-known inequalities involving Hadamard product of matrices, for instance, Kantorovich-type inequalities and generalization of Styan's inequality. We utilize the commutativity of the Hadamard product (sum) for possible to develop and improve some interesting inequalities which do not follow simply from the work of researchers, for example, Visick's inequality. Finally, a family of geometric means for positive two definite matrices is studied; we discuss possible definitions of the geometric means of positive definite matrices. We study the geometric means of two positive definite matrices to arrive the definitions of the weighted operator means of positive definite matrices. By means of several examples, we show that there is no known definition which is completely satisfactory. We have succeeded to find many new desirable properties and connections for geometric means related to Tracy-Singh products in order to obtain new unusual estimates for the Khatri-Rao (Tracy-Singh) products of several positive definite matrices

    Kronecher powers and character polynomials

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    In this talk, I will present joint works with Cedric Chauve and Adriano Garsia. With C. Chauve, we studied Kronecker powers of the irreducible representation of Sn indexed with (n-1,1). We gave a combinatorial interpretation and a generating function for the coefficients of any irreducible representation in a k-th Kronecker power ( χ(n-1,1) )⊗k. With A. Garsia, we studied character polynomials qλ(x1,…,xn) which are polynomials in several variables with the fundamental property that their evaluation on the multiplicities (m1,m2, …,mn) of a partition µ of n gives the value of the irreducible character χ( n- | λ | , λ ) of the symmetric group Sn on the conjugacy class Cµ . Character polynomials are closely related to the problem of decomposition of Kronecker product of representations of Sn. They were defined by Specht in 1960. Since then they received little attention from the combinatorics community. I will show how character polyomials are related to Kronecker products, how to produce them, their algebraic structure and show some applications

    Addressing Computational Bottlenecks in Higher-Order Graph Matching with Tensor Kronecker Product Structure

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    Graph matching, also known as network alignment, is the problem of finding a correspondence between the vertices of two separate graphs with strong applications in image correspondence and functional inference in protein networks. One class of successful techniques is based on tensor Kronecker products and tensor eigenvectors. A challenge with these techniques are memory and computational demands that are quadratic (or worse) in terms of problem size. In this manuscript we present and apply a theory of tensor Kronecker products to tensor based graph alignment algorithms to reduce their runtime complexity from quadratic to linear with no appreciable loss of quality. In terms of theory, we show that many matrix Kronecker product identities generalize to straightforward tensor counterparts, which is rare in tensor literature. Improved computation codes for two existing algorithms that utilize this new theory achieve a minimum 10 fold runtime improvement.Comment: 14 pages, 2 pages Supplemental, 5 figure

    Spectral Properties of Structured Kronecker Products and Their Applications

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    We study certain spectral properties of some fundamental matrix functions of pairs of symmetric matrices. Our study includes eigenvalue inequalities and various interlacing properties of eigenvalues. We also discuss the role of interlacing in inverse eigenvalue problems for structured matrices. Interlacing is the main ingredient of many fundamental eigenvalue inequalities. This thesis also recounts a historical development of the eigenvalue inequalities relating the sum of two matrices to its summands with some recent findings motivated by problems arising in compressed sensing. One of the fundamental matrix functions on pairs of matrices is the Kronecker product. It arises in many fields such as image processing, signal processing, quantum information theory, differential equations and semidefinite optimization. Kronecker products enjoy useful algebraic properties that have proven to be useful in applications. The less-studied symmetric Kronecker product and skew-symmetric Kronecker product (a contribution of this thesis) arise in semidefinite optimization. This thesis focuses on certain interlacing and eigenvalue inequalities of structured Kronecker products in the context of semidefinite optimization. A popular method used in semidefinite optimization is the primal-dual interior point path following algorithms. In this framework, the Jordan-Kronecker products arise naturally in the computation of Newton search direction. This product also appears in many linear matrix equations, especially in control theory. We study the properties of this product and present some nice algebraic relations. Then, we revisit the symmetric Kronecker product and present its counterpart the skew-symmetric Kronecker product with its basic properties. We settle the conjectures posed by Tunçel and Wolkowicz, in 2003, on interlacing properties of eigenvalues of the Jordan-Kronecker product and inequalities relating the extreme eigenvalues of the Jordan-Kronecker product. We disprove these conjectures in general, but we also identify large classes of matrices for which the interlacing properties hold. Furthermore, we present techniques to generate classes of matrices for which these conjectures fail. In addition, we present a generalization of the Jordan-Kronecker product (by replacing the transpose operator with an arbitrary symmetric involution operator). We study its spectral structure in terms of eigenvalues and eigenvectors and show that the generalization enjoys similar properties of the Jordan-Kronecker product. Lastly, we propose a related structure, namely Lie-Kronecker products and characterize their eigenvectors

    About Notations in Multiway Array Processing

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    This paper gives an overview of notations used in multiway array processing. We redefine the vectorization and matricization operators to comply with some properties of the Kronecker product. The tensor product and Kronecker product are also represented with two different symbols, and it is shown how these notations lead to clearer expressions for multiway array operations. Finally, the paper recalls the useful yet widely unknown properties of the array normal law with suggested notations

    Permutation Equivalence Classes of Kronecker Products of Unitary Fourier Matrices

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    Kronecker products of unitary Fourier matrices play important role in solving multilevel circulant systems by a multidimensional Fast Fourier Transform. They are also special cases of complex Hadamard (Zeilinger) matrices arising in many problems of mathematics and theoretical physics. The main result of the paper is splitting the set of all kronecker products of unitary Fourier matrices into permutation equivalence classes. The choice of permutation equivalence to relate the products is motivated by the quantum information theory problem of constructing maximally entangled bases of finite dimensional quantum systems. Permutation inequivalent products can be used to construct inequivalent, in a certain sense, maximally entangled bases.Comment: 26 page