5,092 research outputs found

    The random paving property for uniformly bounded matrices

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    This note presents a new proof of an important result due to Bourgain and Tzafriri that provides a partial solution to the Kadison--Singer problem. The result shows that every unit-norm matrix whose entries are relatively small in comparison with its dimension can be paved by a partition of constant size. That is, the coordinates can be partitioned into a constant number of blocks so that the restriction of the matrix to each block of coordinates has norm less than one half. The original proof of Bourgain and Tzafriri involves a long, delicate calculation. The new proof relies on the systematic use of symmetrization and (noncommutative) Khintchine inequalities to estimate the norms of some random matrices.Comment: 12 pages; v2 with cosmetic changes; v3 with corrections to Prop. 4; v4 with minor changes to text; v5 with correction to discussion of noncommutative Khintchine inequality; v6 with slight improvement to main theore

    On Khintchine exponents and Lyapunov exponents of continued fractions

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    Assume that x[0,1)x\in [0,1) admits its continued fraction expansion x=[a1(x),a2(x),...]x=[a_1(x), a_2(x),...]. The Khintchine exponent γ(x)\gamma(x) of xx is defined by γ(x):=limn1nj=1nlogaj(x)\gamma(x):=\lim\limits_{n\to \infty}\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^n \log a_j(x) when the limit exists. Khintchine spectrum dimEξ\dim E_\xi is fully studied, where Eξ:={x[0,1):γ(x)=ξ}(ξ0) E_{\xi}:=\{x\in [0,1):\gamma(x)=\xi\} (\xi \geq 0) and dim\dim denotes the Hausdorff dimension. In particular, we prove the remarkable fact that the Khintchine spectrum dimEξ\dim E_{\xi}, as function of ξ[0,+)\xi \in [0, +\infty), is neither concave nor convex. This is a new phenomenon from the usual point of view of multifractal analysis. Fast Khintchine exponents defined by γϕ(x):=limn1ϕ(n)j=1nlogaj(x)\gamma^{\phi}(x):=\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}\frac{1}{\phi(n)} \sum_{j=1}^n \log a_j(x) are also studied, where ϕ(n)\phi (n) tends to the infinity faster than nn does. Under some regular conditions on ϕ\phi, it is proved that the fast Khintchine spectrum dim({x[0,1]:γϕ(x)=ξ})\dim (\{x\in [0,1]: \gamma^{\phi}(x)= \xi \}) is a constant function. Our method also works for other spectra like the Lyapunov spectrum and the fast Lyapunov spectrum.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ergodic Theory and Dyanmical System

    Some remarks on noncommutative Khintchine inequalities

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    Normalized free semi-circular random variables satisfy an upper Khintchine inequality in LL_\infty. We show that this implies the corresponding upper Khintchine inequality in any noncommutative Banach function space. As applications, we obtain a very simple proof of a well-known interpolation result for row and column operator spaces and, moreover, answer an open question on noncommutative moment inequalities concerning a paper by Bekjan and Chen

    Noncommutative Khintchine inequalities in interpolation spaces of LpL_p-spaces

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    We prove noncommutative Khintchine inequalities for all interpolation spaces between LpL_p and L2L_2 with p<2p<2. In particular, it follows that Khintchine inequalities hold in L1,L_{1,\infty}. Using a similar method, we find a new deterministic equivalent for the RCRC-norm in all interpolation spaces between LpL_p-spaces which unifies the cases p>2p > 2 and p<2p < 2. It produces a new proof of Khintchine inequalities for p<1p<1 for free variables. To complete the picture, we exhibit counter-examples which show that neither of the usual closed formulas for Khintchine inequalities can work in L2,L_{2,\infty}. We also give an application to martingale inequalities.Comment: 33 pages, published versio

    A Khintchine type theorem for hyperplanes

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    We prove that the convergence Khintchine theorem holds for affine hyperplanes whose parametrizing matrices satisfy a mild Diophantine condition. We use the dynamical method of Kleinbock-Margulis.Comment: 14 page

    Algorithmic Bayesian Persuasion

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    Persuasion, defined as the act of exploiting an informational advantage in order to effect the decisions of others, is ubiquitous. Indeed, persuasive communication has been estimated to account for almost a third of all economic activity in the US. This paper examines persuasion through a computational lens, focusing on what is perhaps the most basic and fundamental model in this space: the celebrated Bayesian persuasion model of Kamenica and Gentzkow. Here there are two players, a sender and a receiver. The receiver must take one of a number of actions with a-priori unknown payoff, and the sender has access to additional information regarding the payoffs. The sender can commit to revealing a noisy signal regarding the realization of the payoffs of various actions, and would like to do so as to maximize her own payoff assuming a perfectly rational receiver. We examine the sender's optimization task in three of the most natural input models for this problem, and essentially pin down its computational complexity in each. When the payoff distributions of the different actions are i.i.d. and given explicitly, we exhibit a polynomial-time (exact) algorithm, and a "simple" (11/e)(1-1/e)-approximation algorithm. Our optimal scheme for the i.i.d. setting involves an analogy to auction theory, and makes use of Border's characterization of the space of reduced-forms for single-item auctions. When action payoffs are independent but non-identical with marginal distributions given explicitly, we show that it is #P-hard to compute the optimal expected sender utility. Finally, we consider a general (possibly correlated) joint distribution of action payoffs presented by a black box sampling oracle, and exhibit a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) with a bi-criteria guarantee. We show that this result is the best possible in the black-box model for information-theoretic reasons