11 research outputs found

    Phylo: A Citizen Science Approach for Improving Multiple Sequence Alignment

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    BACKGROUND: Comparative genomics, or the study of the relationships of genome structure and function across different species, offers a powerful tool for studying evolution, annotating genomes, and understanding the causes of various genetic disorders. However, aligning multiple sequences of DNA, an essential intermediate step for most types of analyses, is a difficult computational task. In parallel, citizen science, an approach that takes advantage of the fact that the human brain is exquisitely tuned to solving specific types of problems, is becoming increasingly popular. There, instances of hard computational problems are dispatched to a crowd of non-expert human game players and solutions are sent back to a central server. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We introduce Phylo, a human-based computing framework applying "crowd sourcing" techniques to solve the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. The key idea of Phylo is to convert the MSA problem into a casual game that can be played by ordinary web users with a minimal prior knowledge of the biological context. We applied this strategy to improve the alignment of the promoters of disease-related genes from up to 44 vertebrate species. Since the launch in November 2010, we received more than 350,000 solutions submitted from more than 12,000 registered users. Our results show that solutions submitted contributed to improving the accuracy of up to 70% of the alignment blocks considered. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrate that, combined with classical algorithms, crowd computing techniques can be successfully used to help improving the accuracy of MSA. More importantly, we show that an NP-hard computational problem can be embedded in casual game that can be easily played by people without significant scientific training. This suggests that citizen science approaches can be used to exploit the billions of "human-brain peta-flops" of computation that are spent every day playing games. Phylo is available at: http://phylo.cs.mcgill.ca

    Towards realistic benchmarks for multiple alignments of non-coding sequences

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    <p><b>Abstract</b></p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the continued development of new computational tools for multiple sequence alignment, it is necessary today to develop benchmarks that aid the selection of the most effective tools. Simulation-based benchmarks have been proposed to meet this necessity, especially for non-coding sequences. However, it is not clear if such benchmarks truly represent real sequence data from any given group of species, in terms of the difficulty of alignment tasks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that the conventional simulation approach, which relies on empirically estimated values for various parameters such as substitution rate or insertion/deletion rates, is unable to generate synthetic sequences reflecting the broad genomic variation in conservation levels. We tackle this problem with a new method for simulating non-coding sequence evolution, by relying on genome-wide distributions of evolutionary parameters rather than their averages. We then generate synthetic data sets to mimic orthologous sequences from the <it>Drosophila </it>group of species, and show that these data sets truly represent the variability observed in genomic data in terms of the difficulty of the alignment task. This allows us to make significant progress towards estimating the alignment accuracy of current tools in an absolute sense, going beyond only a relative assessment of different tools. We evaluate six widely used multiple alignment tools in the context of <it>Drosophila </it>non-coding sequences, and find the accuracy to be significantly different from previously reported values. Interestingly, the performance of most tools degrades more rapidly when there are more insertions than deletions in the data set, suggesting an asymmetric handling of insertions and deletions, even though none of the evaluated tools explicitly distinguishes these two types of events. We also examine the accuracy of two existing tools for annotating insertions versus deletions, and find their performance to be close to optimal in <it>Drosophila </it>non-coding sequences if provided with the true alignments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed a method to generate benchmarks for multiple alignments of <it>Drosophila </it>non-coding sequences, and shown it to be more realistic than traditional benchmarks. Apart from helping to select the most effective tools, these benchmarks will help practitioners of comparative genomics deal with the effects of alignment errors, by providing accurate estimates of the extent of these errors.</p

    A Macaque's-Eye View of Human Insertions and Deletions: Differences in Mechanisms

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    Insertions and deletions (indels) cause numerous genetic diseases and lead to pronounced evolutionary differences among genomes. The macaque sequences provide an opportunity to gain insights into the mechanisms generating these mutations on a genome-wide scale by establishing the polarity of indels occurring in the human lineage since its divergence from the chimpanzee. Here we apply novel regression techniques and multiscale analyses to demonstrate an extensive regional indel rate variation stemming from local fluctuations in divergence, GC content, male and female recombination rates, proximity to telomeres, and other genomic factors. We find that both replication and, surprisingly, recombination are significantly associated with the occurrence of small indels. Intriguingly, the relative inputs of replication versus recombination differ between insertions and deletions, thus the two types of mutations are likely guided in part by distinct mechanisms. Namely, insertions are more strongly associated with factors linked to recombination, while deletions are mostly associated with replication-related features. Indel as a term misleadingly groups the two types of mutations together by their effect on a sequence alignment. However, here we establish that the correct identification of a small gap as an insertion or a deletion (by use of an outgroup) is crucial to determining its mechanism of origin. In addition to providing novel insights into insertion and deletion mutagenesis, these results will assist in gap penalty modeling and eventually lead to more reliable genomic alignments

    A Unifying Model of Genome Evolution Under Parsimony

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    We present a data structure called a history graph that offers a practical basis for the analysis of genome evolution. It conceptually simplifies the study of parsimonious evolutionary histories by representing both substitutions and double cut and join (DCJ) rearrangements in the presence of duplications. The problem of constructing parsimonious history graphs thus subsumes related maximum parsimony problems in the fields of phylogenetic reconstruction and genome rearrangement. We show that tractable functions can be used to define upper and lower bounds on the minimum number of substitutions and DCJ rearrangements needed to explain any history graph. These bounds become tight for a special type of unambiguous history graph called an ancestral variation graph (AVG), which constrains in its combinatorial structure the number of operations required. We finally demonstrate that for a given history graph GG, a finite set of AVGs describe all parsimonious interpretations of GG, and this set can be explored with a few sampling moves.Comment: 52 pages, 24 figure

    A general framework for genome interpretation using evolutionary signatures

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-57).Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.In the post-genomic era, characterized by the availability of the genome sequence data for many species, one of the biggest challenges to be solved is to identify the functional elements in our genome: the small subsequences containing units of biological function. Work has been done to computationally identify specific functional elements such as protein coding genes [11], RNA genes [17], microRNA genes [16], regulatory motifs and individual binding sites for transcription factors and microRNAs [10]. This work has benefited from the use of evolutionary signatures obtained by observing the genomics changes across the sequence data of related species. We propose in this work a general framework to perform functional element identification using evolutionary signatures. We first design several metrics of evolutionary signatures that are meant to capture different patterns of evolution expected from elements that have different biological function as well as novel patterns capturing diverse properties of evolutionary changes. We then compute these metrics for each of the elements in the human genome that are conserved across mammals and other vertebrate species in order to identify classes of functional elements. Based on these metrics, we first perform classification of specific known types of functional elements, such as protein coding sequences, RNA coding sequences and CpG-rich promoters. With success in this step, we go one step further and establish an unsupervised clustering framework for conserved elements based on these metrics. With this approach, we obtain clusters of known and unknown classes of functional elements. We find that some of these clusters correspond to known funtional elements, while others are depleted for known functions, while showing strong evidence of transcription and epigenetic modifications, suggesting these may correspond to novel classes of functional clusters. This illustrates the power of this method in identifying elements of known classes of functionality and to discover elements of novel classes of functionality.by Guilherme Issao Camarinha Fujiwara.M.Eng

    Probabilistic Phylogenetic Inference with Insertions and Deletions

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    A fundamental task in sequence analysis is to calculate the probability of a multiple alignment given a phylogenetic tree relating the sequences and an evolutionary model describing how sequences change over time. However, the most widely used phylogenetic models only account for residue substitution events. We describe a probabilistic model of a multiple sequence alignment that accounts for insertion and deletion events in addition to substitutions, given a phylogenetic tree, using a rate matrix augmented by the gap character. Starting from a continuous Markov process, we construct a non-reversible generative (birth–death) evolutionary model for insertions and deletions. The model assumes that insertion and deletion events occur one residue at a time. We apply this model to phylogenetic tree inference by extending the program dnaml in phylip. Using standard benchmarking methods on simulated data and a new “concordance test” benchmark on real ribosomal RNA alignments, we show that the extended program dnamlε improves accuracy relative to the usual approach of ignoring gaps, while retaining the computational efficiency of the Felsenstein peeling algorithm

    Integration of Alignment and Phylogeny in the Whole-Genome Era

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    With the development of new sequencing techniques, whole genomes of many species have become available. This huge amount of data gives rise to new opportunities and challenges. These new sequences provide valuable information on relationships among species, e.g. genome recombination and conservation. One of the principal ways to investigate such information is multiple sequence alignment (MSA). Currently, there is large amount of MSA data on the internet, such as the UCSC genome database, but how to effectively use this information to solve classical and new problems is still an area lacking of exploration. In this thesis, we explored how to use this information in four problems, i.e. sequence orthology search problem, multiple alignment improvement problem, short read mapping problem, and genome rearrangement inference problem. For the first problem, we developed a EM algorithm to iteratively align a query with a multiple alignment database with the information from a phylogeny relating the query species and the species in the multiple alignment. We also infer the query\u27s location in the phylogeny. We showed that by doing alignment and phylogeny inference together, we can improve the accuracies for both problems. For the second problem, we developed an optimization algorithm to iteratively refine the multiple alignment quality. Experiment results showed our algorithm is very stable in term of resulting alignments. The results showed that our method is more accurate than existing methods, i.e. Mafft, Clustal-O, and Mavid, on test data from three sets of species from the UCSC genome database. For the third problem, we developed a model, PhyMap, to align a read to a multiple alignment allowing mismatches and indels. PhyMap computes local alignments of a query sequence against a fixed multiple-genome alignment of closely related species. PhyMap uses a known phylogenetic tree on the species in the multiple alignment to improve the quality of its computed alignments while also estimating the placement of the query on this tree. Both theoretical computation and experiment results show that our model can differentiate between orthologous and paralogous alignments better than other popular short read mapping tools (BWA, BOWTIE and BLAST). For the fourth problem, we gave a simple genome recombination model which can express insertions, deletions, inversions, translocations and inverted translocations on aligned genome segments. We also developed an MCMC algorithm to infer the order of the query segments. We proved that using any Euclidian metrics to measure distance between two sequence orders in the tree optimization goal function will lead to a degenerated solution where the inferred order will be the order of one of the leaf nodes. We also gave a graph-based formulation of the problem which can represent the probability distribution of the order of the query sequences