620 research outputs found

    Complexity of Discrete Energy Minimization Problems

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    Discrete energy minimization is widely-used in computer vision and machine learning for problems such as MAP inference in graphical models. The problem, in general, is notoriously intractable, and finding the global optimal solution is known to be NP-hard. However, is it possible to approximate this problem with a reasonable ratio bound on the solution quality in polynomial time? We show in this paper that the answer is no. Specifically, we show that general energy minimization, even in the 2-label pairwise case, and planar energy minimization with three or more labels are exp-APX-complete. This finding rules out the existence of any approximation algorithm with a sub-exponential approximation ratio in the input size for these two problems, including constant factor approximations. Moreover, we collect and review the computational complexity of several subclass problems and arrange them on a complexity scale consisting of three major complexity classes -- PO, APX, and exp-APX, corresponding to problems that are solvable, approximable, and inapproximable in polynomial time. Problems in the first two complexity classes can serve as alternative tractable formulations to the inapproximable ones. This paper can help vision researchers to select an appropriate model for an application or guide them in designing new algorithms.Comment: ECCV'16 accepte

    Graphical Models for Optimal Power Flow

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    Optimal power flow (OPF) is the central optimization problem in electric power grids. Although solved routinely in the course of power grid operations, it is known to be strongly NP-hard in general, and weakly NP-hard over tree networks. In this paper, we formulate the optimal power flow problem over tree networks as an inference problem over a tree-structured graphical model where the nodal variables are low-dimensional vectors. We adapt the standard dynamic programming algorithm for inference over a tree-structured graphical model to the OPF problem. Combining this with an interval discretization of the nodal variables, we develop an approximation algorithm for the OPF problem. Further, we use techniques from constraint programming (CP) to perform interval computations and adaptive bound propagation to obtain practically efficient algorithms. Compared to previous algorithms that solve OPF with optimality guarantees using convex relaxations, our approach is able to work for arbitrary distribution networks and handle mixed-integer optimization problems. Further, it can be implemented in a distributed message-passing fashion that is scalable and is suitable for "smart grid" applications like control of distributed energy resources. We evaluate our technique numerically on several benchmark networks and show that practical OPF problems can be solved effectively using this approach.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2016

    Computational Hardness of Certifying Bounds on Constrained PCA Problems

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    Given a random n×n symmetric matrix W drawn from the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), we consider the problem of certifying an upper bound on the maximum value of the quadratic form x⊤Wx over all vectors x in a constraint set S⊂Rn. For a certain class of normalized constraint sets S we show that, conditional on certain complexity-theoretic assumptions, there is no polynomial-time algorithm certifying a better upper bound than the largest eigenvalue of W. A notable special case included in our results is the hypercube S={±1/n−−√}n, which corresponds to the problem of certifying bounds on the Hamiltonian of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model from statistical physics. Our proof proceeds in two steps. First, we give a reduction from the detection problem in the negatively-spiked Wishart model to the above certification problem. We then give evidence that this Wishart detection problem is computationally hard below the classical spectral threshold, by showing that no low-degree polynomial can (in expectation) distinguish the spiked and unspiked models. This method for identifying computational thresholds was proposed in a sequence of recent works on the sum-of-squares hierarchy, and is believed to be correct for a large class of problems. Our proof can be seen as constructing a distribution over symmetric matrices that appears computationally indistinguishable from the GOE, yet is supported on matrices whose maximum quadratic form over x∈S is much larger than that of a GOE matrix.ISSN:1868-896

    Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation for Maximum A Posterior Estimation

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    Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference over discrete Markov random fields is a fundamental task spanning a wide spectrum of real-world applications, which is known to be NP-hard for general graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel semidefinite relaxation formulation (referred to as SDR) to estimate the MAP assignment. Algorithmically, we develop an accelerated variant of the alternating direction method of multipliers (referred to as SDPAD-LR) that can effectively exploit the special structure of the new relaxation. Encouragingly, the proposed procedure allows solving SDR for large-scale problems, e.g., problems on a grid graph comprising hundreds of thousands of variables with multiple states per node. Compared with prior SDP solvers, SDPAD-LR is capable of attaining comparable accuracy while exhibiting remarkably improved scalability, in contrast to the commonly held belief that semidefinite relaxation can only been applied on small-scale MRF problems. We have evaluated the performance of SDR on various benchmark datasets including OPENGM2 and PIC in terms of both the quality of the solutions and computation time. Experimental results demonstrate that for a broad class of problems, SDPAD-LR outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in producing better MAP assignment in an efficient manner.Comment: accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014

    Worst-case Optimal Submodular Extensions for Marginal Estimation

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    Submodular extensions of an energy function can be used to efficiently compute approximate marginals via variational inference. The accuracy of the marginals depends crucially on the quality of the submodular extension. To identify the best possible extension, we show an equivalence between the submodular extensions of the energy and the objective functions of linear programming (LP) relaxations for the corresponding MAP estimation problem. This allows us to (i) establish the worst-case optimality of the submodular extension for Potts model used in the literature; (ii) identify the worst-case optimal submodular extension for the more general class of metric labeling; and (iii) efficiently compute the marginals for the widely used dense CRF model with the help of a recently proposed Gaussian filtering method. Using synthetic and real data, we show that our approach provides comparable upper bounds on the log-partition function to those obtained using tree-reweighted message passing (TRW) in cases where the latter is computationally feasible. Importantly, unlike TRW, our approach provides the first practical algorithm to compute an upper bound on the dense CRF model.Comment: Accepted to AISTATS 201

    Advances in Learning Bayesian Networks of Bounded Treewidth

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    This work presents novel algorithms for learning Bayesian network structures with bounded treewidth. Both exact and approximate methods are developed. The exact method combines mixed-integer linear programming formulations for structure learning and treewidth computation. The approximate method consists in uniformly sampling kk-trees (maximal graphs of treewidth kk), and subsequently selecting, exactly or approximately, the best structure whose moral graph is a subgraph of that kk-tree. Some properties of these methods are discussed and proven. The approaches are empirically compared to each other and to a state-of-the-art method for learning bounded treewidth structures on a collection of public data sets with up to 100 variables. The experiments show that our exact algorithm outperforms the state of the art, and that the approximate approach is fairly accurate.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Probabilistic Clustering Using Maximal Matrix Norm Couplings

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    In this paper, we present a local information theoretic approach to explicitly learn probabilistic clustering of a discrete random variable. Our formulation yields a convex maximization problem for which it is NP-hard to find the global optimum. In order to algorithmically solve this optimization problem, we propose two relaxations that are solved via gradient ascent and alternating maximization. Experiments on the MSR Sentence Completion Challenge, MovieLens 100K, and Reuters21578 datasets demonstrate that our approach is competitive with existing techniques and worthy of further investigation.Comment: Presented at 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 201

    Protein side-chain placement: probabilistic inference and integer programming methods

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    The prediction of energetically favorable side-chain conformations is a fundamental element in homology modeling of proteins and the design of novel protein sequences. The space of side-chain conformations can be approximated by a discrete space of probabilistically representative side-chain conformations (called rotamers). The problem is, then, to find a rotamer selection for each amino acid that minimizes a potential energy function. This is called the Global Minimum Energy Conformation (GMEC) problem. This problem is an NP-hard optimization problem. The Dead-End Elimination theorem together with the A* algorithm (DEE/A*) has been successfully applied to this problem. However, DEE fails to converge for some complex instances. In this paper, we explore two alternatives to DEE/A* in solving the GMEC problem. We use a probabilistic inference method, the max-product (MP) belief-propagation algorithm, to estimate (often exactly) the GMEC. We also investigate integer programming formulations to obtain the exact solution. There are known ILP formulations that can be directly applied to the GMEC problem. We review these formulations and compare their effectiveness using CPLEX optimizers. We also present preliminary work towards applying the branch-and-price approach to the GMEC problem. The preliminary results suggest that the max-product algorithm is very effective for the GMEC problem. Though the max-product algorithm is an approximate method, its speed and accuracy are comparable to those of DEE/A* in large side-chain placement problems and may be superior in sequence design.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA
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