2,408 research outputs found

    The Power of Quantum Fourier Sampling

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    A line of work initiated by Terhal and DiVincenzo and Bremner, Jozsa, and Shepherd, shows that quantum computers can efficiently sample from probability distributions that cannot be exactly sampled efficiently on a classical computer, unless the PH collapses. Aaronson and Arkhipov take this further by considering a distribution that can be sampled efficiently by linear optical quantum computation, that under two feasible conjectures, cannot even be approximately sampled classically within bounded total variation distance, unless the PH collapses. In this work we use Quantum Fourier Sampling to construct a class of distributions that can be sampled by a quantum computer. We then argue that these distributions cannot be approximately sampled classically, unless the PH collapses, under variants of the Aaronson and Arkhipov conjectures. In particular, we show a general class of quantumly sampleable distributions each of which is based on an "Efficiently Specifiable" polynomial, for which a classical approximate sampler implies an average-case approximation. This class of polynomials contains the Permanent but also includes, for example, the Hamiltonian Cycle polynomial, and many other familiar #P-hard polynomials. Although our construction, unlike that proposed by Aaronson and Arkhipov, likely requires a universal quantum computer, we are able to use this additional power to weaken the conjectures needed to prove approximate sampling hardness results

    Quantum Commuting Circuits and Complexity of Ising Partition Functions

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    Instantaneous quantum polynomial-time (IQP) computation is a class of quantum computation consisting only of commuting two-qubit gates and is not universal in the sense of standard quantum computation. Nevertheless, it has been shown that if there is a classical algorithm that can simulate IQP efficiently, the polynomial hierarchy (PH) collapses at the third level, which is highly implausible. However, the origin of the classical intractability is still less understood. Here we establish a relationship between IQP and computational complexity of the partition functions of Ising models. We apply the established relationship in two opposite directions. One direction is to find subclasses of IQP that are classically efficiently simulatable in the strong sense, by using exact solvability of certain types of Ising models. Another direction is applying quantum computational complexity of IQP to investigate (im)possibility of efficient classical approximations of Ising models with imaginary coupling constants. Specifically, we show that there is no fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) for Ising models with almost all imaginary coupling constants even on a planar graph of a bounded degree, unless the PH collapses at the third level. Furthermore, we also show a multiplicative approximation of such a class of Ising partition functions is at least as hard as a multiplicative approximation for the output distribution of an arbitrary quantum circuit.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    Data Structure Lower Bounds for Document Indexing Problems

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    We study data structure problems related to document indexing and pattern matching queries and our main contribution is to show that the pointer machine model of computation can be extremely useful in proving high and unconditional lower bounds that cannot be obtained in any other known model of computation with the current techniques. Often our lower bounds match the known space-query time trade-off curve and in fact for all the problems considered, there is a very good and reasonable match between the our lower bounds and the known upper bounds, at least for some choice of input parameters. The problems that we consider are set intersection queries (both the reporting variant and the semi-group counting variant), indexing a set of documents for two-pattern queries, or forbidden- pattern queries, or queries with wild-cards, and indexing an input set of gapped-patterns (or two-patterns) to find those matching a document given at the query time.Comment: Full version of the conference version that appeared at ICALP 2016, 25 page