90 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Generalizability of Neural Program Analyzers under Semantic-Preserving Transformations

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    The abundance of publicly available source code repositories, in conjunction with the advances in neural networks, has enabled data-driven approaches to program analysis. These approaches, called neural program analyzers, use neural networks to extract patterns in the programs for tasks ranging from development productivity to program reasoning. Despite the growing popularity of neural program analyzers, the extent to which their results are generalizable is unknown. In this paper, we perform a large-scale evaluation of the generalizability of two popular neural program analyzers using seven semantically-equivalent transformations of programs. Our results caution that in many cases the neural program analyzers fail to generalize well, sometimes to programs with negligible textual differences. The results provide the initial stepping stones for quantifying robustness in neural program analyzers.Comment: for related work, see arXiv:2008.0156

    Study of Distractors in Neural Models of Code

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    Finding important features that contribute to the prediction of neural models is an active area of research in explainable AI. Neural models are opaque and finding such features sheds light on a better understanding of their predictions. In contrast, in this work, we present an inverse perspective of distractor features: features that cast doubt about the prediction by affecting the model's confidence in its prediction. Understanding distractors provide a complementary view of the features' relevance in the predictions of neural models. In this paper, we apply a reduction-based technique to find distractors and provide our preliminary results of their impacts and types. Our experiments across various tasks, models, and datasets of code reveal that the removal of tokens can have a significant impact on the confidence of models in their predictions and the categories of tokens can also play a vital role in the model's confidence. Our study aims to enhance the transparency of models by emphasizing those tokens that significantly influence the confidence of the models.Comment: The 1st International Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness in Neural Software Engineering, Co-located with ICSE (InteNSE'23

    Tuning Models of Code with Compiler-Generated Reinforcement Learning Feedback

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on code have recently emerged as the dominant approach to program synthesis. However, the code that these models produce can violate basic language-level invariants, leading to lower performance in downstream tasks. We address this issue through an approach, called RLCF, that further trains a pre-trained LLM using feedback from a code compiler. RLCF views the LLM as an RL agent that generates code step by step and receives: (i) compiler-derived feedback on whether the code it generates passes a set of correctness checks; and (ii) feedback from a different LLM on whether the generated code is similar to a set of reference programs in the training corpus. Together, these feedback mechanisms help the generated code remain within the target distribution while passing all static correctness checks. RLCF is model- and language-agnostic. We empirically evaluate it on the MBJP and MathQA tasks for Java. Our experiments show that RLCF significantly raises the odds that an LLM-generated program compiles, is executable, and produces the right output on tests, often allowing LLMs to match the performance of 2x-8x larger LLMs.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Towards Demystifying Dimensions of Source Code Embeddings

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    Source code representations are key in applying machine learning techniques for processing and analyzing programs. A popular approach in representing source code is neural source code embeddings that represents programs with high-dimensional vectors computed by training deep neural networks on a large volume of programs. Although successful, there is little known about the contents of these vectors and their characteristics. In this paper, we present our preliminary results towards better understanding the contents of code2vec neural source code embeddings. In particular, in a small case study, we use the code2vec embeddings to create binary SVM classifiers and compare their performance with the handcrafted features. Our results suggest that the handcrafted features can perform very close to the highly-dimensional code2vec embeddings, and the information gains are more evenly distributed in the code2vec embeddings compared to the handcrafted features. We also find that the code2vec embeddings are more resilient to the removal of dimensions with low information gains than the handcrafted features. We hope our results serve a stepping stone toward principled analysis and evaluation of these code representations.Comment: 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Representation Learning for Software Engineering and Program Languages, Co-located with ESEC/FSE (RL+SE&PL'20

    TreeCaps: Tree-Based Capsule Networks for Source Code Processing

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    Recently program learning techniques have been proposed to process source code based on syntactical structures (e.g., Abstract Syntax Trees) and/or semantic information (e.g., Dependency Graphs). While graphs may be better at capturing various viewpoints of code semantics than trees, constructing graph inputs from code needs static code semantic analysis that may not be accurate and introduces noise during learning. Although syntax trees are precisely defined according to the language grammar and easier to construct and process than graphs, previous tree-based learning techniques have not been able to learn semantic information from trees to achieve better accuracy than graph-based techniques. We propose a new learning technique, named TreeCaps, by fusing together capsule networks with tree-based convolutional neural networks, to achieve learning accuracy higher than existing graph-based techniques while it is based only on trees. TreeCaps introduces novel variable-to-static routing algorithms into the capsule networks to compensate for the loss of previous routing algorithms. Aside from accuracy, we also find that TreeCaps is the most robust to withstand those semantic-preserving program transformations that change code syntax without modifying the semantics. Evaluated on a large number of Java and C/C++ programs, TreeCaps models outperform prior deep learning models of program source code, in terms of both accuracy and robustness for program comprehension tasks such as code functionality classification and function name prediction. Our implementation are publicly available at: https://github.com/bdqnghi/treecaps

    Evaluating the Robustness of Deep Learning Models on Automated Program Repair

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    Automated Program Repair (APR) helps improve the efficiency of software development and maintenance. In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) approaches have been applied to the APR field and have shown promising potential in fixing software bugs automatically. The DL-based APR models translate buggy code to correct code directly. Some recent works test the general performance of various deep learning models on downstream tasks, e.g., code search and method name prediction. However, there still needs to be a fair evaluation of the deep learning models on automated program repair. This paper aims to quantitatively and comparatively evaluate the repair performance and robustness of DL-based APR models. We first fine-tune seven pre-trained models and train two models from scratch on the unified dataset for a fair comparison of repair performance. Then, we conduct a robustness evaluation for nine trained models above against nine semantic-preserving code transformations. Our experiments show that DL-based APR models with pre-training perform better repair performance and robustness than those trained from scratch. Additionally, most APR models fine-tuned on the concrete code datasets have better repair performance than those fine-tuned on the abstract code datasets. Furthermore, most encoder-decoder-based and decoder-based APR models have better repair accuracy than encoder-based ones. Finally, compared with renaming-related code transformations, semantic-preserving transformations related to the change of syntactic structure have a more significant impact on the repair robustness of DL-based APR models. The results provide useful insights for achieving better DL-based APR approaches. Index Terms–automated program repair, deep learning, robustness testin

    WheaCha: A Method for Explaining the Predictions of Models of Code

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    Attribution methods have emerged as a popular approach to interpreting model predictions based on the relevance of input features. Although the feature importance ranking can provide insights of how models arrive at a prediction from a raw input, they do not give a clear-cut definition of the key features models use for the prediction. In this paper, we present a new method, called WheaCha, for explaining the predictions of code models. Although WheaCha employs the same mechanism of tracing model predictions back to the input features, it differs from all existing attribution methods in crucial ways. Specifically, WheaCha divides an input program into "wheat" (i.e., the defining features that are the reason for which models predict the label that they predict) and the rest "chaff" for any prediction of a learned code model. We realize WheaCha in a tool, HuoYan, and use it to explain four prominent code models: code2vec, seq-GNN, GGNN, and CodeBERT. Results show (1) HuoYan is efficient - taking on average under twenty seconds to compute the wheat for an input program in an end-to-end fashion (i.e., including model prediction time); (2) the wheat that all models use to predict input programs is made of simple syntactic or even lexical properties (i.e., identifier names); (3) Based on wheat, we present a novel approach to explaining the predictions of code models through the lens of training data

    Program Similarity Analysis for Malware Classification and its Pitfalls

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    Malware classification, specifically the task of grouping malware samples into families according to their behaviour, is vital in order to understand the threat they pose and how to protect against them. Recognizing whether one program shares behaviors with another is a task that requires semantic reasoning, meaning that it needs to consider what a program actually does. This is a famously uncomputable problem, due to Rice\u2019s theorem. As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, determining program similarity in the context of malware classification requires different tools and methods depending on what is available to the malware defender. When the malware source code is readily available (or at least, easy to retrieve), most approaches employ semantic \u201cabstractions\u201d, which are computable approximations of the semantics of the program. We consider this the first scenario for this thesis: malware classification using semantic abstractions extracted from the source code in an open system. Structural features, such as the control flow graphs of programs, can be used to classify malware reasonably well. To demonstrate this, we build a tool for malware analysis, R.E.H.A. which targets the Android system and leverages its openness to extract a structural feature from the source code of malware samples. This tool is first successfully evaluated against a state of the art malware dataset and then on a newly collected dataset. We show that R.E.H.A. is able to classify the new samples into their respective families, often outperforming commercial antivirus software. However, abstractions have limitations by virtue of being approximations. We show that by increasing the granularity of the abstractions used to produce more fine-grained features, we can improve the accuracy of the results as in our second tool, StranDroid, which generates fewer false positives on the same datasets. The source code of malware samples is not often available or easily retrievable. For this reason, we introduce a second scenario in which the classification must be carried out with only the compiled binaries of malware samples on hand. Program similarity in this context cannot be done using semantic abstractions as before, since it is difficult to create meaningful abstractions from zeros and ones. Instead, by treating the compiled programs as raw data, we transform them into images and build upon common image classification algorithms using machine learning. This led us to develop novel deep learning models, a convolutional neural network and a long short-term memory, to classify the samples into their respective families. To overcome the usual obstacle of deep learning of lacking sufficiently large and balanced datasets, we utilize obfuscations as a data augmentation tool to generate semantically equivalent variants of existing samples and expand the dataset as needed. Finally, to lower the computational cost of the training process, we use transfer learning and show that a model trained on one dataset can be used to successfully classify samples in different malware datasets. The third scenario explored in this thesis assumes that even the binary itself cannot be accessed for analysis, but it can be executed, and the execution traces can then be used to extract semantic properties. However, dynamic analysis lacks the formal tools and frameworks that exist in static analysis to allow proving the effectiveness of obfuscations. For this reason, the focus shifts to building a novel formal framework that is able to assess the potency of obfuscations against dynamic analysis. We validate the new framework by using it to encode known analyses and obfuscations, and show how these obfuscations actually hinder the dynamic analysis process

    Deep Neural Networks for Visual Reasoning, Program Induction, and Text-to-Image Synthesis.

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    Deep neural networks excel at pattern recognition, especially in the setting of large scale supervised learning. A combination of better hardware, more data, and algorithmic improvements have yielded breakthroughs in image classification, speech recognition and other perception problems. The research frontier has shifted towards the weak side of neural networks: reasoning, planning, and (like all machine learning algorithms) creativity. How can we advance along this frontier using the same generic techniques so effective in pattern recognition; i.e. gradient descent with backpropagation? In this thesis I develop neural architectures with new capabilities in visual reasoning, program induction and text-to-image synthesis. I propose two models that disentangle the latent visual factors of variation that give rise to images, and enable analogical reasoning in the latent space. I show how to augment a recurrent network with a memory of programs that enables the learning of compositional structure for more data-efficient and generalizable program induction. Finally, I develop a generative neural network that translates descriptions of birds, flowers and other categories into compelling natural images.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135763/1/reedscot_1.pd
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