3,478 research outputs found

    On the evolutionary form of the constraints in electrodynamics

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    The constraint equations in Maxwell theory are investigated. In analogy with some recent results on the constraints of general relativity it is shown, regardless of the signature and dimension of the ambient space, that the "divergence of a vector field" type constraints can always be put into linear first order hyperbolic form for which global existence and uniqueness of solutions to an initial-boundary value problem is guaranteed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; The published version contains several updates of former one. The introduction is extended, and new sections with an explicit example and with concluding remarks had also been adde

    Multi-Hamiltonian formulations and stability of higher-derivative extensions of 3d3d Chern-Simons

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    Most general third-order 3d3d linear gauge vector field theory is considered. The field equations involve, besides the mass, two dimensionless constant parameters. The theory admits two-parameter series of conserved tensors with the canonical energy-momentum being a particular representative of the series. For a certain range of the model parameters, the series of conserved tensors include bounded quantities. This makes the dynamics classically stable, though the canonical energy is unbounded in all the instances. The free third-order equations are shown to admit constrained multi-Hamiltonian form with the zero-zero components of conserved tensors playing the roles of corresponding Hamiltonians. The series of Hamiltonians includes the canonical Ostrogradski's one, which is unbounded. The Hamiltonian formulations with different Hamiltonians are not connected by canonical transformations. This means, the theory admits inequivalent quantizations at the free level. Covariant interactions are included with spinor fields such that the higher-derivative dynamics remains stable at interacting level if the bounded conserved quantity exists in the free theory. In the first-order formalism, the interacting theory remains Hamiltonian and therefore it admits quantization, though the vertices are not necessarily Lagrangian in the third-order field equations.Comment: 19 page

    Anomalous character of the axion-photon coupling in a magnetic field distorted by a pp-wave gravitational background

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    We study the problem of axion-photon coupling in the magnetic field influenced by gravitational radiation. We focus on exact solutions to the equations for axion electrodynamics in the pp-wave gravitational background for two models with initially constant magnetic field. The first model describes the response of an initially constant magnetic field in a gravitational-wave vacuum with unit refraction index; the second model is characterized by a non-unit refraction index prescribed to the presence of ordinary and/or dark matter. We show that both models demonstrate anomalous behavior of the electromagnetic field generated by the axion-photon coupling in the presence of magnetic field, evolving in the gravitational wave background. The role of axionic dark matter in the formation of the anomalous response of this electrodynamic system is discussed.Comment: 26 pages, no figure

    Nonlinear electrodynamics as a symmetric hyperbolic system

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    Nonlinear theories generalizing Maxwell's electromagnetism and arising from a Lagrangian formalism have dispersion relations in which propagation planes factor into null planes corresponding to two effective metrics which depend on the point-wise values of the electromagnetic field. These effective Lorentzian metrics share the null (generically two) directions of the electromagnetic field. We show that, the theory is symmetric hyperbolic if and only if the cones these metrics give rise to have a non-empty intersection. Namely that there exist families of symmetrizers in the sense of Geroch which are positive definite for all covectors in the interior of the cones intersection. Thus, for these theories, the initial value problem is well-posed. We illustrate the power of this approach with several nonlinear models of physical interest such as Born-Infeld, Gauss-Bonnet and Euler-Heisenberg

    Non-minimal coupling of photons and axions

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    We establish a new self-consistent system of equations accounting for a non-minimal interaction of gravitational, electromagnetic and axion fields. The procedure is based on a non-minimal extension of the standard Einstein-Maxwell-axion action. The general properties of a ten-parameter family of non-minimal linear models are discussed. We apply this theory to the models with pp-wave symmetry and consider propagation of electromagnetic waves non-minimally coupled to the gravitational and axion fields. We focus on exact solutions of electrodynamic equations, which describe quasi-minimal and non-minimal optical activity induced by the axion field. We also discuss empirical constraints on coupling parameters from astrophysical birefringence and polarization rotation observations.Comment: 31 pages, 2 Tables; replaced with the final version published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Constrained Transport Algorithms for Numerical Relativity. I. Development of a Finite Difference Scheme

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    A scheme is presented for accurately propagating the gravitational field constraints in finite difference implementations of numerical relativity. The method is based on similar techniques used in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics and engineering electromagnetics, and has properties of a finite differential calculus on a four-dimensional manifold. It is motivated by the arguments that 1) an evolutionary scheme that naturally satisfies the Bianchi identities will propagate the constraints, and 2) methods in which temporal and spatial derivatives commute will satisfy the Bianchi identities implicitly. The proposed algorithm exactly propagates the constraints in a local Riemann normal coordinate system; {\it i.e.}, all terms in the Bianchi identities (which all vary as 3g\partial^3 g) cancel to machine roundoff accuracy at each time step. In a general coordinate basis, these terms, and those that vary as g2g\partial g\partial^2 g, also can be made to cancel, but differences of connection terms, proportional to (g)3(\partial g)^3, will remain, resulting in a net truncation error. Detailed and complex numerical experiments with four-dimensional staggered grids will be needed to completely examine the stability and convergence properties of this method. If such techniques are successful for finite difference implementations of numerical relativity, other implementations, such as finite element (and eventually pseudo-spectral) techniques, might benefit from schemes that use four-dimensional grids and that have temporal and spatial derivatives that commute.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Part I. The Cosmological Vacuum from a Topological Perspective

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    This article examines how the physical presence of field energy and particulate matter can be interpreted in terms of the topological properties of space-time. The theory is developed in terms of vector and matrix equations of exterior differential systems, which are not constrained by tensor diffeomorphic equivalences. The first postulate defines the field properties (a vector space continuum) of the Cosmological Vacuum in terms of matrices of basis functions that map exact differentials into neighborhoods of exterior differential 1-forms (potentials). The second postulate requires that the field equations must satisfy the First Law of Thermodynamics dynamically created in terms of the Lie differential with respect to a process direction field acting on the exterior differential forms that encode the thermodynamic system. The vector space of infinitesimals need not be global and its compliment is used to define particle properties as topological defects embedded in the field vector space. The potentials, as exterior differential 1-forms, are not (necessarily) uniquely integrable: the fibers can be twisted, leading to possible Chiral matrix arrays of certain 3-forms defined as Topological Torsion and Topological Spin. A significant result demonstrates how the coefficients of Affine Torsion are related to the concept of Field excitations (mass and charge); another demonstrates how thermodynamic evolution can describe the emergence of topological defects in the physical vacuum.Comment: 70 pages, 5 figure

    Electromagnetic field theory without divergence problems: 1. The Born Legacy

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    A fully consistent classical relativistic electrodynamics with spinless point charges is constructed. The classical evolution of the electromagnetic fields is governed by the nonlinear Maxwell--Born--Infeld field equations, the classical evolution of the point charges by a many-body Hamilton--Jacobi law of motion. The Pauli principle for bosons can be incorporated in the classical Hamilton--Jacobi formalism. The Cauchy problem is explained and illustrated with examples. The question of charge-free field solitons is addressed also and it is shown that if they exist, their peak field strengths must be enormous. The value The value of Born's constant is shown to be a subtle open issue.Comment: Minor corrections at galley stage incorporated. 66p; to appear in JSP vol. 116, issue dedicated to Elliott H. Lieb on his 70th birthday. Part II is math-ph/031103