232,322 research outputs found

    On the distribution of source code file sizes

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    Source code size is an estimator of software effort. Size is also often used to calibrate models and equations to estimate the cost of software. The distribution of source code file sizes has been shown in the literature to be a lognormal distribution. In this paper, we measure the size of a large collection of software (the Debian GNU/Linux distribution version 5.0.2), and we find that the statistical distribution of its source code file sizes follows a double Pareto distribution. This means that large files are to be found more often than predicted by the lognormal distribution, therefore the previously proposed models underestimate the cost of software

    Debris Disk Radiative Transfer Simulation Tool (DDS)

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    A WWW interface for the simulation of spectral energy distributions of optically thin dust configurations with an embedded radiative source is presented. The density distribution, radiative source, and dust parameters can be selected either from an internal database or defined by the user. This tool is optimized for studying circumstellar debris disks where large grains are expected to determine the far-infrared through millimeter dust reemission spectral energy distribution. The tool is available at http://aida28.mpia-hd.mpg.de/~swolf/ddsComment: Comp. Phys. Comm, 2005, in pres

    The Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS) I: Overview

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    The Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS) is a new accurate Boltzmann code, designed to offer a more user-friendly and flexible coding environment to cosmologists. CLASS is very structured, easy to modify, and offers a rigorous way to control the accuracy of output quantities. It is also incidentally a bit faster than other codes. In this overview, we present the general principles of CLASS and its basic structure. We insist on the friendliness and flexibility aspects, while accuracy, physical approximations and performances are discussed in a series of companion papers.Comment: 19 pages, typos corrected. Code available at http://class-code.ne

    A practical guide to computer simulations

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    Here practical aspects of conducting research via computer simulations are discussed. The following issues are addressed: software engineering, object-oriented software development, programming style, macros, make files, scripts, libraries, random numbers, testing, debugging, data plotting, curve fitting, finite-size scaling, information retrieval, and preparing presentations. Because of the limited space, usually only short introductions to the specific areas are given and references to more extensive literature are cited. All examples of code are in C/C++.Comment: 69 pages, with permission of Wiley-VCH, see http://www.wiley-vch.de (some screenshots with poor quality due to arXiv size restrictions) A comprehensively extended version will appear in spring 2009 as book at Word-Scientific, see http://www.worldscibooks.com/physics/6988.htm

    Modelling the 3D physical structure of astrophysical sources with GASS

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    The era of interferometric observations leads to the need of a more and more precise description of physical structures and dynamics of star-forming regions, from pre-stellar cores to protoplanetary discs. The molecular emission can be traced in multiple physical components such as infalling envelopes, outflows and protoplanetary discs. To compare with the observations, a precise and complex radiative transfer modelling of these regions is needed. We present GASS (Generator of Astrophysical Sources Structure), a code that allows us to generate the three-dimensional (3D) physical structure model of astrophysical sources. From the GASS graphical interface, the user easily creates different components such as spherical envelopes, outflows and discs. The physical properties of these components are modelled thanks to dedicated graphical interfaces that display various figures in order to help the user and facilitate the modelling task. For each component, the code randomly generates points in a 3D grid with a sample probability weighted by the molecular density. The created models can be used as the physical structure input for 3D radiative transfer codes to predict the molecular line or continuum emission. An analysis of the output hyper-spectral cube given by such radiative transfer code can be made directly in GASS using the various post-treatment options implemented, such as calculation of moments or convolution with a beam. This makes GASS well suited to model and analyse both interferometric and single-dish data. This paper is focused on the results given by the association of GASS and LIME, a 3D radiative transfer code, and we show that the complex geometry observed in star-forming regions can be adequately handled by GASS+LIME

    Lemon: an MPI parallel I/O library for data encapsulation using LIME

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    We introduce Lemon, an MPI parallel I/O library that is intended to allow for efficient parallel I/O of both binary and metadata on massively parallel architectures. Motivated by the demands of the Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics community, the data is stored in the SciDAC Lattice QCD Interchange Message Encapsulation format. This format allows for storing large blocks of binary data and corresponding metadata in the same file. Even if designed for LQCD needs, this format might be useful for any application with this type of data profile. The design, implementation and application of Lemon are described. We conclude with presenting the excellent scaling properties of Lemon on state of the art high performance computers

    forqs: Forward-in-time Simulation of Recombination, Quantitative Traits, and Selection

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    forqs is a forward-in-time simulation of recombination, quantitative traits, and selection. It was designed to investigate haplotype patterns resulting from scenarios where substantial evolutionary change has taken place in a small number of generations due to recombination and/or selection on polygenic quantitative traits. forqs is implemented as a command- line C++ program. Source code and binary executables for Linux, OSX, and Windows are freely available under a permissive BSD license.Comment: preprint include Supplementary Information. https://bitbucket.org/dkessner/forq
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