11 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach to Multiagent based Scheduling for Multicore Architecture

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    In a Multicore architecture, eachpackage consists of large number of processors. Thisincrease in processor core brings new evolution inparallel computing. Besides enormous performanceenhancement, this multicore package injects lot ofchallenges and opportunities on the operating systemscheduling point of view. We know that multiagentsystem is concerned with the development andanalysis of optimization problems. The main objectiveof multiagent system is to invent some methodologiesthat make the developer to build complex systems thatcan be used to solve sophisticated problems. This isdifficult for an individual agent to solve. In this paperwe combine the AMAS theory of multiagent systemwith the scheduler of operating system to develop anew process scheduling algorithm for multicorearchitecture. This multiagent based schedulingalgorithm promises in minimizing the average waitingtime of the processes in the centralized queue and alsoreduces the task of the scheduler. We actuallymodified and simulated the linux 2.6.11 kernel processscheduler to incorporate the multiagent systemconcept. The comparison is made for different numberof cores with multiple combinations of process and theresults are shown for average waiting time Vs numberof cores in the centralized queue

    Cache-aware static scheduling for hard real-time multicore systems based on communication affinities

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    The growing need for continuous processing capabilities has led to the development of multicore systems with a complex cache hierarchy. Such multicore systems are generally designed for improving the performance in average case, while hard real-time systems must consider worst-case scenarios. An open challenge is therefore to efficiently schedule hard real-time tasks on a multicore architecture. In this work, we propose a mathematical formulation for computing a static scheduling that minimize L1 data cache misses between hard real-time tasks on a multicore architecture using communication affinities

    An Implementation of a Predictable Cache-coherent Multi-core System

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    Multi-core platforms have entered the realm of the embedded systems to meet the ever growing performance requirements of the real-time embedded applications. Real-time applications leverage the hardware parallelism from multi-cores while keeping the hardware cost minimum. However, when the real-time tasks are deployed on the multi-core platforms, they experience interference due to sharing of hardware resources such as shared bus, last level cache, and main memory. As a result, it complicates computing the worst-case execution time of the real-time tasks. In this thesis, I present a hardware prototype that implements a predictable cache-coherent real-time multi-core system. The designed hardware follows the design guidelines outlined in the predictable cache coherence protocol. The hardware uses a latency insensitive interfaces to integrate the multi-core components such as the processor, cache controller, and interconnecting bus. The prototyped multi-core hardware is synthesized and implemented in a low-cost and high-performing FPGA board. The hardware is validated and verified on a tethered system that enables the design to run multi-threaded pthread applications

    On the design and implementation of a cache-aware soft real-time scheduler for multicore platforms

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    Real-time systems are those for which timing constraints must be satisfied. In this dissertation, research on multiprocessor real-time systems is extended to support multicore platforms, which contain multiple processing cores on a single chip. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on designing a cache-aware real-time scheduler to reduce shared cache miss rates, and increase the level of shared cache reuse, on multicore platforms when timing constraints must be satisfied. This scheduler, implemented in Linux, employs: (1) a scheduling method for real-time workloads that satisfies timing constraints while making scheduling choices that reduce shared cache miss rates; and (2) a profiler that quantitatively approximates the cache impact of every task during its execution. In experiments, it is shown that the proposed cache-aware scheduler can result in significantly reduced shared cache miss rates over other approaches. This is especially true when sufficient hardware support is provided, primarily in the form of cache-related performance monitoring features. It is also shown that scheduler-related overheads are comparable to other scheduling approaches, and therefore overheads would not be expected to offset any reduction in cache miss rate. Finally, in experiments involving a multimedia server workload, it was found that the use of the proposed cache-aware scheduler allowed the size of the workload to be increased. Prior work in the area of cache-aware scheduling for multicore platforms has not addressed support for real-time workloads, and prior work in the area of real-time scheduling has not addressed shared caches on multicore platforms. For real-time workloads running on multicore platforms, a decrease in shared cache miss rates can result in a corresponding decrease in execution times, which may allow a larger real-time workload to be supported, or hardware requirements (or costs) to be reduced. As multicore platforms are becoming ubiquitous in many domains, including those in which real-time constraints must be satisfied, cache-aware scheduling approaches such as that presented in this dissertation are of growing importance. If the chip manufacturing industry continues to adhere to the multicore paradigm (which is likely, given current projections), then such approaches should remain relevant as processors evolve

    Global EDF Scheduling for Parallel Real-Time Tasks

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    As multicore processors become ever more prevalent, it is important for real-time programs to take advantage of intra-task parallelism in order to support computation-intensive applications with tight deadlines. In this thesis, we consider the Global Earliest Deadline First (GEDF) scheduling policy for task sets consisting of parallel tasks. Each task can be represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where nodes represent computational work and edges represent dependences between nodes. In this model, we prove that GEDF provides a capacity augmentation bound of 4-2/m and a resource augmentation bound of 2-1/m. The capacity augmentation bound acts as a linear-time schedulability test since it guarantees that any task set with total utilization of at most m/(4-2/m) where each task\u27s critical-path length is at most 1/(4-2/m) of its deadline is schedulable on m cores under GEDF. In addition, we present a pseudo-polynomial time fixed-point schedulability test for GEDF; this test uses a carry-in work calculation based on the proof for the capacity bound. Finally, we present and evaluate a prototype platform --- called PGEDF --- for scheduling parallel tasks using GEDF. PGEDF is built by combining the GNU OpenMP runtime system and the LITMUS_RT operating system. This platform allows programmers to write parallel OpenMP tasks and specify real-time parameters such as deadlines for tasks. We perform two kinds of experiments to evaluate the performance of GEDF for parallel tasks. (1) We run numerical simulations for DAG tasks. (2) We execute randomly generated tasks using PGEDF. Both sets of experiments indicate that GEDF performs surprisingly well and outperforms an existing scheduling techniques that involves task decomposition

    On the Design and Implementation of a Cache-Aware Multicore Real-Time Scheduler

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    Multicore architectures, which have multiple processing units on a single chip, have been adopted by most chip manufacturers. Most such chips contain on-chip caches that are shared by some or all of the cores on the chip. Prior work has presented methods for improving the performance of such caches when scheduling soft real-time workloads. Given these methods, two additional research issues arise: (1) how to automatically profile the cache behavior of real-time tasks within the scheduler; and (2) how to implement scheduling methods efficiently, so that scheduling overheads do not offset any cache-related performance gains. This paper addresses these two issues in an implementation of a cacheaware soft real-time scheduler within Linux, and shows that the use of this scheduler can result in performance improvements that directly result from a decrease in shared cache miss rates

    Predictable Cache Coherence Protocols for Mixed-Time-Criticality Multi-core Systems

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    Modern real-time systems consist of a combination of hard real-time, firm real-time and soft real-time tasks. Hard real-time (HRT) tasks mandate strict timing requirements by requiring that a static timing analysis can be performed to compute a worst-case latency (WCL) bound. Firm real-time (FRT) and soft real-time (SRT) tasks, on the other hand, do not impose such stringent requirements. Instead, they tolerate infrequent violations of deadlines in favour of improved average-case performance. When deploying such a system on a multi-core platform, the hardware resources such as the main memory, caches and shared bus are shared between the tasks. This results in interference by FRT or SRT tasks on HRT tasks, which complicates the timing analysis for HRT tasks, and potentially yields unbounded WCL. This thesis presents a time-based cache coherence protocol, HourGlass, to predictably share data in a multi-core system across different criticality tasks. HourGlass is derived from the conventional Modified Shared Invalid (MSI) cache coherence protocol, and it is equipped with a timer mechanism that allows the cores to hold a valid copy of data in its private cache for certain duration. HourGlass is designed to ensure WCL bounds for HRT tasks, and it also provides performance improvements for FRT and SRT tasks. Such a coherence protocol encourages a trade-off between the WCL bounds for hard real-time tasks, and performance offered to firm or soft real-time tasks with the help of timer mechanisms. HourGlass was prototyped in gem5, a micro-architectural simulator, and evaluated with multi-threaded benchmarks

    Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) employs tight integration of, and coordination between computational, networking, and physical elements. Wireless sensor-actuator networks provide a new communication technology for a broad range of CPS applications such as process control, smart manufacturing, and data center management. Sensing and control in these systems need to meet stringent real-time performance requirements on communication latency in challenging environments. There have been limited results on real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. Real-time transmission scheduling and analysis for wireless sensor-actuator networks requires new methodologies to deal with unique characteristics of wireless communication. Furthermore, the performance of a wireless control involves intricate interactions between real-time communication and control. This thesis research tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions to the theory and system for wireless CPS. (1) We establish a new real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. (2) We develop a scheduling-control co-design approach for holistic optimization of control performance in a wireless control system. (3) We design and implement a wireless sensor-actuator network for CPS in data center power management. (4) We expand our research to develop scheduling algorithms and analyses for real-time parallel computing to support computation-intensive CPS

    Timing Predictable and High-Performance Hardware Cache Coherence Mechanisms for Real-Time Multi-Core Platforms

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    Multi-core platforms are becoming primary compute platforms for real-time systems such as avionics and autonomous vehicles. This adoption is primarily driven by the increasing application demands deployed in real-time systems, and the cost and performance benefits of multi-core platforms. For real-time applications, satisfying safety properties in the form of timing predictability, is the paramount consideration. Providing such guarantees on safety properties requires applying some timing analysis on the application executing on the compute platform. The timing analysis computes an upper bound on the application’s execution time on the compute platform, which is referred to as the worst-case execution time (WCET). However, multi-core platforms pose challenges that complicate the timing analysis. Among these challenges are timing challenges caused due to simultaneous accesses from multiple cores to shared hardware resources such as shared caches, interconnects, and off-chip memories. Supporting timing predictable shared data communication between real-time applications further compounds this challenge as a core’s access to shared data is dependent on the simultaneous memory activity from other cores on the shared data. Although hardware cache coherence mechanisms are the primary high-performance data communication mechanisms in current multi-core platforms, there has been very little use of these mechanisms to support timing predictable shared data communication in real-time multi-core platforms. Rather, current state-of-the-art approaches to timing predictable shared data communication sidestep hardware cache coherence. These approaches enforce memory and execution constraints on the shared data to simplify the timing analysis at the expense of application performance. This thesis makes the case for timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms as viable shared data communication mechanisms for real-time multi-core platforms. A key takeaway from the contributions in this thesis is that timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms offer significant application performance over prior state-of-the-art data communication approaches while guaranteeing timing predictability. This thesis has three main contributions. First, this thesis shows how a hardware cache coherence mechanism can be designed to be timing predictable by defining design invariants that guarantee timing predictability. We apply these design invariants and design timing predictable variants of existing conventional cache coherence mechanisms. Evaluation of these timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms show that they provide significant application performance over state-of-the-art approaches while delivering timing predictability. Second, we observe that the large worst-case memory access latency under timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanisms questions their applicability as a data communication mechanism in real-time multi-core platforms. To this end, we present a systematic framework to design better timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms that balance high application performance and low worst-case memory access latency. Our systematic framework concisely captures the design features of timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms that impacts their WCET, and identifies a spectrum of approaches to reduce the worst-case memory access latency. We describe one approach and show that this approach reduces the worst-case memory access latency of timing predictable cache coherence mechanisms to be the same as alternative approaches while trading away minimal performance in the original cache coherence mechanisms. Third, we design a timing predictable hardware cache coherence mechanism for multi-core platforms used in mixed-critical real-time systems (MCS). Applications in MCS have varying performance and timing predictability requirements. We design a timing predictable cache coherence mechanism that considers these differing requirements and ensures that applications with no timing predictability requirements do not impact applications with strict predictability requirements