7 research outputs found

    Long and short paths in uniform random recursive dags

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    In a uniform random recursive k-dag, there is a root, 0, and each node in turn, from 1 to n, chooses k uniform random parents from among the nodes of smaller index. If S_n is the shortest path distance from node n to the root, then we determine the constant \sigma such that S_n/log(n) tends to \sigma in probability as n tends to infinity. We also show that max_{1 \le i \le n} S_i/log(n) tends to \sigma in probability.Comment: 16 page

    On martingale tail sums in affine two-color urn models with multiple drawings

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    In two recent works, Kuba and Mahmoud (arXiv:1503.090691 and arXiv:1509.09053) introduced the family of two-color affine balanced Polya urn schemes with multiple drawings. We show that, in large-index urns (urn index between 1/21/2 and 11) and triangular urns, the martingale tail sum for the number of balls of a given color admits both a Gaussian central limit theorem as well as a law of the iterated logarithm. The laws of the iterated logarithm are new even in the standard model when only one ball is drawn from the urn in each step (except for the classical Polya urn model). Finally, we prove that the martingale limits exhibit densities (bounded under suitable assumptions) and exponentially decaying tails. Applications are given in the context of node degrees in random linear recursive trees and random circuits.Comment: 17 page

    Longest path distance in random circuits

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    We study distance properties of a general class of random directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). In a DAG, many natural notions of distance are possible, for there exists multiple paths between pairs of nodes. The distance of interest for circuits is the maximum length of a path between two nodes. We give laws of large numbers for the typical depth (distance to the root) and the minimum depth in a random DAG. This completes the study of natural distances in random DAGs initiated (in the uniform case) by Devroye and Janson (2009+). We also obtain large deviation bounds for the minimum of a branching random walk with constant branching, which can be seen as a simplified version of our main result.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Random structures for partially ordered sets

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    This thesis is presented in two parts. In the first part, we study a family of models of random partial orders, called classical sequential growth models, introduced by Rideout and Sorkin as possible models of discrete space-time. We analyse a particular model, called a random binary growth model, and show that the random partial order produced by this model almost surely has infinite dimension. We also give estimates on the size of the largest vertex incomparable to a particular element of the partial order. We show that there is some positive probability that the random partial order does not contain a particular subposet. This contrasts with other existing models of partial orders. We also study "continuum limits" of sequences of classical sequential growth models. We prove results on the structure of these limits when they exist, highlighting a deficiency of these models as models of space-time. In the second part of the thesis, we prove some correlation inequalities for mappings of rooted trees into complete trees. For T a rooted tree we can define the proportion of the total number of embeddings of T into a complete binary tree that map the root of T to the root of the complete binary tree. A theorem of Kubicki, Lehel and Morayne states that, for two binary trees with one a subposet of the other, this proportion is larger for the larger tree. They conjecture that the same is true for two arbitrary trees with one a subposet of the other. We disprove this conjecture by analysing the asymptotics of this proportion for large complete binary trees. We show that the theorem of Kubicki, Lehel and Morayne can be thought of as a correlation inequality which enables us to generalise their result in other directions

    On the Depth of Randomly Generated Circuits

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    This research is motivated by the Circuit Value Problem; this problem is well known to be inherently sequential. We consider Boolean circuits with descriptions length d that consist of gates with a fixed fan-in f and a constant number of inputs. Assuming uniform distribution of descriptions, we show that such a circuit has expected depth O(log d). This improves on the best known result. More precisely, we prove for circuits of size n their depth is asymptotically ef ln n with extremely high probability. Our proof uses the coupling technique to bound circuit depth from above and below by those of two alternative discrete-time processes. We are able to establish the result by embedding the processes in suitable continuous-time branching processes. As a simple consequence of our result we obtain that monotone CVP is in the class average NC. Key Words: random circuits, depth, recursive trees, domination by coupling, continuous Poisson process. 1 The Problem and Motivation A circuit is a ..

    On the depth of randomly generated circuits

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    This research is motivated by the Circuit Value Problem; this problem is well known to be inherently sequential. We consider Boolean Circuits with descriptions of length d that consist of gates with a fixed fan-in f and a constant number of inputs. Assuming uniform distribution of descriptions, we show that such a circuit has expected depth O(log d). This improves on the best known result. More precisely, we prove for circuits of size n their depth is asymptotically ef ln n with extremely high probability. Our proof uses the coupling technique to bound circuit depth from above and below by those of two alternative discrete time processes. We are able to establish the result by embedding the processes in suitable continuous time branching processes. As a simple consequence of our result we obtain that monotone CVP is in the class average NCPostprint (author's final draft

    On the depth of randomly generated circuits

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    This research is motivated by the Circuit Value Problem; this problem is well known to be inherently sequential. We consider Boolean Circuits with descriptions of length d that consist of gates with a fixed fan-in f and a constant number of inputs. Assuming uniform distribution of descriptions, we show that such a circuit has expected depth O(log d). This improves on the best known result. More precisely, we prove for circuits of size n their depth is asymptotically ef ln n with extremely high probability. Our proof uses the coupling technique to bound circuit depth from above and below by those of two alternative discrete time processes. We are able to establish the result by embedding the processes in suitable continuous time branching processes. As a simple consequence of our result we obtain that monotone CVP is in the class average N