16 research outputs found

    On the Decorrelated Fast Cipher (DFC) and Its Theory

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    Decorrelation: A Theory for Block Cipher Security

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    Pseudorandomness is a classical model for the security of block ciphers. In this paper we propose convenient tools in order to study it in connection with the Shannon Theory, the Carter-Wegman universal hash functions paradigm, and the Luby-Rackoff approach. This enables the construction of new ciphers with security proofs under specific models. We show how to ensure security against basic differential and linear cryptanalysis and even more general attacks. We propose practical construction scheme

    Decorrelation: a theory for block cipher security

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    Pseudorandomness is a classical model for the security of block ciphers. In this paper we propose convenient tools in order to study it in connection with the Shannon Theory, the Carter-Wegman universal hash functions paradigm, and the Luby-Rackoff approach. This enables the construction of new ciphers with security proofs under specific models. We show how to ensure security against basic differential and linear cryptanalysis and even more general attacks. We propose practical construction scheme

    Towards a Theory of Symmetric Encryption

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    Motivée par le commerce et l'industrie, la recherche publique dans le domaine du chiffrement symétrique s'est considérablement développée depuis vingt cinq ans si bien qu'il est maintenant possible d'en faire le bilan. La recherche a tout d'abord progressé de manière empirique. De nombreux algorithmes de chiffrement fondés sur la notion de réseau de substitutions et de permutations ont été proposés, suivis d'attaques dédiées contre eux. Cela a permis de définir des stratégies générales: les méthodes d'attaques différentielles, linéaires et statistiques, et les méthodes génériques fondées sur la notion de boîte noire. En modélisant ces attaques on a trouvé en retour des règles utiles dans la conception d'algorithmes sûrs: la notion combinatoire de multipermutation pour les fonctions élémentaires, le contrôle de la diffusion par des critères géométriques de réseau de calcul, l'étude algébrique de la non-linéarité, ... Enfin, on montre que la sécurité face à un grand nombre de classes d'attaques classiques est assurée grâce à la notion de décorrélation par une preuve formelle. Ces principes sont à l'origine de deux algorithmes particuliers: la fonction CS-Cipher qui permet un chiffrement à haut débit et une sécurité heuristique, et le candidat DFC au processus de standardisation AES, prototype d'algorithme fondé sur la notion de décorrélation

    Revisiting Iterated Attacks in the Context of Decorrelation Theory

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    Iterated attacks are comprised of iterating adversaries who can make d plaintext queries, in each iteration to compute a bit, and are trying to distinguish between a random cipher C and the perfect cipher C* based on all bits. Vaudenay showed that a 2d-decorrelated cipher resists to iterated attacks of order d. when iterations have almost no common queries. Then, he first asked what the necessary conditions are for a cipher to resist a non-adaptive iterated attack of order d. I.e., whether decorrelation of order 2d-1 could be sufficient. Secondly, he speculated that repeating a plaintext query in different iterations does not provide any advantage to a non-adaptive distinguisher. We close here these two long-standing open problems negatively. For those questions, we provide two counter-intuitive examples. We also deal with adaptive iterated adversaries who can make both plaintext and ciphertext queries in which the future queries are dependent on the past queries. We show that decorrelation of order 2d protects against these attacks of order d. We also study the generalization of these distinguishers for iterations making non-binary outcomes. Finally, we measure the resistance against two well-known statistical distinguishers, namely, differential-linear and boomerang distinguishers and show that 4-decorrelation degree protects against these attacks

    Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report is a deliverable for the ECRYPT European network of excellence in cryptology. It gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing. The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the recently proposed algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Differential Attacks on Generalized Feistel Schemes

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    While generic attacks on classical Feistel schemes and unbalanced Feistel schemes have been studied a lot, generic attacks on several generalized Feistel schemes like type-1, type-2 and type-3 and Alternating Feistel schemes, as defined in~\cite{HR}, have not been systematically investigated. This is the aim of this paper. We give our best Known Plaintext Attacks and non-adaptive Chosen Plaintext Attacks on these schemes and we determine the maximum number of rounds that we can attack. It is interesting to have generic attacks since there are well known block cipher networks that use generalized Feistel schemes: CAST-256 (type-1), RC-6 (type-2), MARS (type-3) and BEAR/LION (alternating). Also, Type-1 and Type-2 Feistel schemes are respectively used in the construction of the hash functions LesamntaLesamnta and SHAvite−3512SHAvite-3_{512}