420 research outputs found

    Joint Source and Relay Precoding Designs for MIMO Two-Way Relaying Based on MSE Criterion

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    Properly designed precoders can significantly improve the spectral efficiency of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay systems. In this paper, we investigate joint source and relay precoding design based on the mean-square-error (MSE) criterion in MIMO two-way relay systems, where two multi-antenna source nodes exchange information via a multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relay node. This problem is non-convex and its optimal solution remains unsolved. Aiming to find an efficient way to solve the problem, we first decouple the primal problem into three tractable sub-problems, and then propose an iterative precoding design algorithm based on alternating optimization. The solution to each sub-problem is optimal and unique, thus the convergence of the iterative algorithm is guaranteed. Secondly, we propose a structured precoding design to lower the computational complexity. The proposed precoding structure is able to parallelize the channels in the multiple access (MAC) phase and broadcast (BC) phase. It thus reduces the precoding design to a simple power allocation problem. Lastly, for the special case where only a single data stream is transmitted from each source node, we present a source-antenna-selection (SAS) based precoding design algorithm. This algorithm selects only one antenna for transmission from each source and thus requires lower signalling overhead. Comprehensive simulation is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of all the proposed precoding designs.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    MIMO Transceiver Optimization With Linear Constraints on Transmitted Signal Covariance Components

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    This correspondence revisits the joint transceiver optimization problem for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. The linear transceiver as well as the transceiver with linear precoding and decision feedback equalization are considered. For both types of transceivers, in addition to the usual total power constraint, an individual power constraint on each antenna element is also imposed. A number of objective functions including the average bit error rate, are considered for both of the above systems under the generalized power constraint. It is shown that for both types of systems the optimization problem can be solved by first solving a class of MMSE problems (AM-MMSE or GM-MMSE depending on the type of transceiver), and then using majorization theory. The first step, under the generalized power constraint, can be formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP) for both types of transceivers, and can be solved efficiently by convex optimization tools. The second step is addressed by using results from majorization theory. The framework developed here is general enough to add any finite number of linear constraints to the covariance matrix of the input

    Robust Monotonic Optimization Framework for Multicell MISO Systems

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    The performance of multiuser systems is both difficult to measure fairly and to optimize. Most resource allocation problems are non-convex and NP-hard, even under simplifying assumptions such as perfect channel knowledge, homogeneous channel properties among users, and simple power constraints. We establish a general optimization framework that systematically solves these problems to global optimality. The proposed branch-reduce-and-bound (BRB) algorithm handles general multicell downlink systems with single-antenna users, multiantenna transmitters, arbitrary quadratic power constraints, and robustness to channel uncertainty. A robust fairness-profile optimization (RFO) problem is solved at each iteration, which is a quasi-convex problem and a novel generalization of max-min fairness. The BRB algorithm is computationally costly, but it shows better convergence than the previously proposed outer polyblock approximation algorithm. Our framework is suitable for computing benchmarks in general multicell systems with or without channel uncertainty. We illustrate this by deriving and evaluating a zero-forcing solution to the general problem.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Asynchronous Channel Training in Multi-Cell Massive MIMO

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    Pilot contamination has been regarded as the main bottleneck in time division duplexing (TDD) multi-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The pilot contamination problem cannot be addressed with large-scale antenna arrays. We provide a novel asynchronous channel training scheme to obtain precise channel matrices without the cooperation of base stations. The scheme takes advantage of sampling diversity by inducing intentional timing mismatch. Then, the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator and the zero-forcing (ZF) estimator are designed. Moreover, we derive the minimum square error (MSE) upper bound of the ZF estimator. In addition, we propose the equally-divided delay scheme which under certain conditions is the optimal solution to minimize the MSE of the ZF estimator employing the identity matrix as pilot matrix. We calculate the uplink achievable rate using maximum ratio combining (MRC) to compare asynchronous and synchronous channel training schemes. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the asynchronous channel estimation scheme can greatly reduce the harmful effect of pilot contamination

    Sum-Rate Maximization for Linearly Precoded Downlink Multiuser MISO Systems with Partial CSIT: A Rate-Splitting Approach

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    This paper considers the Sum-Rate (SR) maximization problem in downlink MU-MISO systems under imperfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Contrary to existing works, we consider a rather unorthodox transmission scheme. In particular, the message intended to one of the users is split into two parts: a common part which can be recovered by all users, and a private part recovered by the corresponding user. On the other hand, the rest of users receive their information through private messages. This Rate-Splitting (RS) approach was shown to boost the achievable Degrees of Freedom (DoF) when CSIT errors decay with increased SNR. In this work, the RS strategy is married with linear precoder design and optimization techniques to achieve a maximized Ergodic SR (ESR) performance over the entire range of SNRs. Precoders are designed based on partial CSIT knowledge by solving a stochastic rate optimization problem using means of Sample Average Approximation (SAA) coupled with the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error (WMMSE) approach. Numerical results show that in addition to the ESR gains, the benefits of RS also include relaxed CSIT quality requirements and enhanced achievable rate regions compared to conventional transmission with NoRS.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Rate Splitting for MIMO Wireless Networks: A Promising PHY-Layer Strategy for LTE Evolution

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    MIMO processing plays a central part towards the recent increase in spectral and energy efficiencies of wireless networks. MIMO has grown beyond the original point-to-point channel and nowadays refers to a diverse range of centralized and distributed deployments. The fundamental bottleneck towards enormous spectral and energy efficiency benefits in multiuser MIMO networks lies in a huge demand for accurate channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). This has become increasingly difficult to satisfy due to the increasing number of antennas and access points in next generation wireless networks relying on dense heterogeneous networks and transmitters equipped with a large number of antennas. CSIT inaccuracy results in a multi-user interference problem that is the primary bottleneck of MIMO wireless networks. Looking backward, the problem has been to strive to apply techniques designed for perfect CSIT to scenarios with imperfect CSIT. In this paper, we depart from this conventional approach and introduce the readers to a promising strategy based on rate-splitting. Rate-splitting relies on the transmission of common and private messages and is shown to provide significant benefits in terms of spectral and energy efficiencies, reliability and CSI feedback overhead reduction over conventional strategies used in LTE-A and exclusively relying on private message transmissions. Open problems, impact on standard specifications and operational challenges are also discussed.Comment: accepted to IEEE Communication Magazine, special issue on LTE Evolutio