6 research outputs found

    On the complexity of strongly connected components in directed hypergraphs

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    We study the complexity of some algorithmic problems on directed hypergraphs and their strongly connected components (SCCs). The main contribution is an almost linear time algorithm computing the terminal strongly connected components (i.e. SCCs which do not reach any components but themselves). "Almost linear" here means that the complexity of the algorithm is linear in the size of the hypergraph up to a factor alpha(n), where alpha is the inverse of Ackermann function, and n is the number of vertices. Our motivation to study this problem arises from a recent application of directed hypergraphs to computational tropical geometry. We also discuss the problem of computing all SCCs. We establish a superlinear lower bound on the size of the transitive reduction of the reachability relation in directed hypergraphs, showing that it is combinatorially more complex than in directed graphs. Besides, we prove a linear time reduction from the well-studied problem of finding all minimal sets among a given family to the problem of computing the SCCs. Only subquadratic time algorithms are known for the former problem. These results strongly suggest that the problem of computing the SCCs is harder in directed hypergraphs than in directed graphs.Comment: v1: 32 pages, 7 figures; v2: revised version, 34 pages, 7 figure

    Hypergraph conditions for the solvability of the ergodic equation for zero-sum games

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    The ergodic equation is a basic tool in the study of mean-payoff stochastic games. Its solvability entails that the mean payoff is independent of the initial state. Moreover, optimal stationary strategies are readily obtained from its solution. In this paper, we give a general sufficient condition for the solvability of the ergodic equation, for a game with finite state space but arbitrary action spaces. This condition involves a pair of directed hypergraphs depending only on the ``growth at infinity'' of the Shapley operator of the game. This refines a recent result of the authors which only applied to games with bounded payments, as well as earlier nonlinear fixed point results for order preserving maps, involving graph conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proc. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015

    Fast modularisation and aomic decomposition of ontologies using axiom dependency hypergraphs

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    In this paper we define the notion of an axiom dependency hypergraph, which explicitly represents how axioms are included into a module by the algorithm for computing locality-based modules. A locality-based module of an ontology corresponds to a set of connected nodes in the hypergraph, and atoms of an ontology to strongly connected components. Collapsing the strongly connected components into single nodes yields a condensed hypergraph that comprises a representation of the atomic decomposition of the ontology. To speed up the condensation of the hypergraph, we first reduce its size by collapsing the strongly connected components of its graph fragment employing a linear time graph algorithm. This approach helps to significantly reduce the time needed for computing the atomic decomposition of an ontology. We provide an experimental evaluation for computing the atomic decomposition of large biomedical ontologies. We also demonstrate a significant improvement in the time needed to extract locality-based modules from an axiom dependency hypergraph and its condensed version

    Computing the vertices of tropical polyhedra using directed hypergraphs

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    We establish a characterization of the vertices of a tropical polyhedron defined as the intersection of finitely many half-spaces. We show that a point is a vertex if, and only if, a directed hypergraph, constructed from the subdifferentials of the active constraints at this point, admits a unique strongly connected component that is maximal with respect to the reachability relation (all the other strongly connected components have access to it). This property can be checked in almost linear-time. This allows us to develop a tropical analogue of the classical double description method, which computes a minimal internal representation (in terms of vertices) of a polyhedron defined externally (by half-spaces or hyperplanes). We provide theoretical worst case complexity bounds and report extensive experimental tests performed using the library TPLib, showing that this method outperforms the other existing approaches.Comment: 29 pages (A4), 10 figures, 1 table; v2: Improved algorithm in section 5 (using directed hypergraphs), detailed appendix; v3: major revision of the article (adding tropical hyperplanes, alternative method by arrangements, etc); v4: minor revisio

    Fuzzy logic programs as hypergraphs. Termination results

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    Graph theory has been a useful tool for logic programming in many aspects. In this paper, we propose an equivalent representation of multi-adjoint logic programs using hypergraphs, which are a generalization of classical graphs that allows the use of hypergraph theory in logic programming. Specifically, this representation has been considered in this paper to increase the level and flexibility of different termination results of the computation of the least model of fuzzy logic programs via the immediate consequence operator. Consequently, the least model of more general and versatile fuzzy logic programs can be obtained after finitely many iterations, although infinite programs or programs with loops and general aggregators will be consideredAgencia Estatal de Investigación PID2019-108991GB-I00Junta de Andalucía FEDER-UCA18-108612European Union COST Action CA1712