8 research outputs found

    CLP-based protein fragment assembly

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    The paper investigates a novel approach, based on Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), to predict the 3D conformation of a protein via fragments assembly. The fragments are extracted by a preprocessor-also developed for this work- from a database of known protein structures that clusters and classifies the fragments according to similarity and frequency. The problem of assembling fragments into a complete conformation is mapped to a constraint solving problem and solved using CLP. The constraint-based model uses a medium discretization degree Ca-side chain centroid protein model that offers efficiency and a good approximation for space filling. The approach adapts existing energy models to the protein representation used and applies a large neighboring search strategy. The results shows the feasibility and efficiency of the method. The declarative nature of the solution allows to include future extensions, e.g., different size fragments for better accuracy.Comment: special issue dedicated to ICLP 201

    Is protein folding problem really a NP-complete one ? First investigations

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    To determine the 3D conformation of proteins is a necessity to understand their functions or interactions with other molecules. It is commonly admitted that, when proteins fold from their primary linear structures to their final 3D conformations, they tend to choose the ones that minimize their free energy. To find the 3D conformation of a protein knowing its amino acid sequence, bioinformaticians use various models of different resolutions and artificial intelligence tools, as the protein folding prediction problem is a NP complete one. More precisely, to determine the backbone structure of the protein using the low resolution models (2D HP square and 3D HP cubic), by finding the conformation that minimize free energy, is intractable exactly. Both the proof of NP-completeness and the 2D prediction consider that acceptable conformations have to satisfy a self-avoiding walk (SAW) requirement, as two different amino acids cannot occupy a same position in the lattice. It is shown in this document that the SAW requirement considered when proving NP-completeness is different from the SAW requirement used in various prediction programs, and that they are different from the real biological requirement. Indeed, the proof of NP completeness and the predictions in silico consider conformations that are not possible in practice. Consequences of this fact are investigated in this research work.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, under revie

    Genetic algorithm in ab initio protein structure prediction using low resolution model : a review

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    Proteins are sequences of amino acids bound into a linear chain that adopt a specific folded three-dimensional (3D) shape. This specific folded shape enables proteins to perform specific tasks. The protein structure prediction (PSP) by ab initio or de novo approach is promising amongst various available computational methods and can help to unravel the important relationship between sequence and its corresponding structure. This article presents the ab initio protein structure prediction as a conformational search problem in low resolution model using genetic algorithm. As a review, the essence of twin removal, intelligence in coding, the development and application of domain specific heuristics garnered from the properties of the resulting model and the protein core formation concept discussed are all highly relevant in attempting to secure the best solution

    The dynamics of complex systems. Studies and applications in computer science and biology

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    Our research has focused on the study of complex dynamics and on their use in both information security and bioinformatics. Our first work has been on chaotic discrete dynamical systems, and links have been established between these dynamics on the one hand, and either random or complex behaviors. Applications on information security are on the pseudorandom numbers generation, hash functions, informationhiding, and on security aspects on wireless sensor networks. On the bioinformatics level, we have applied our studies of complex systems to theevolution of genomes and to protein folding

    On the complexity of protein folding (extended abstract

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    forefront of today’s science (often referred to dramatically as “breaking the genetic code ” or “the last phase of the We ahow that the protein folding problem in the two-dimensional Mendelian revolution”). This mapping cm be rou&ly &-H-P model io NP-complete. vided into three part & Of these the first (the mapping from DNA sequences to monomer sequences) is simple and