9,949 research outputs found

    Cooperative Multi-Cell Block Diagonalization with Per-Base-Station Power Constraints

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    Block diagonalization (BD) is a practical linear precoding technique that eliminates the inter-user interference in downlink multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In this paper, we apply BD to the downlink transmission in a cooperative multi-cell MIMO system, where the signals from different base stations (BSs) to all the mobile stations (MSs) are jointly designed with the perfect knowledge of the downlink channels and transmit messages. Specifically, we study the optimal BD precoder design to maximize the weighted sum-rate of all the MSs subject to a set of per-BS power constraints. This design problem is formulated in an auxiliary MIMO broadcast channel (BC) with a set of transmit power constraints corresponding to those for individual BSs in the multi-cell system. By applying convex optimization techniques, this paper develops an efficient algorithm to solve this problem, and derives the closed-form expression for the optimal BD precoding matrix. It is revealed that the optimal BD precoding vectors for each MS in the per-BS power constraint case are in general non-orthogonal, which differs from the conventional orthogonal BD precoder design for the MIMO-BC under one single sum-power constraint. Moreover, for the special case of single-antenna BSs and MSs, the proposed solution reduces to the optimal zero-forcing beamforming (ZF-BF) precoder design for the weighted sum-rate maximization in the multiple-input single-output (MISO) BC with per-antenna power constraints. Suboptimal and low-complexity BD/ZF-BF precoding schemes are also presented, and their achievable rates are compared against those with the optimal schemes.Comment: accepted in JSAC, special issue on cooperative communications on cellular networks, June 201

    Precoding and Decoding Schemes for Downlink MIMO-RSMA with Simultaneous Diagonalization and User Exclusion

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    In this paper, we consider the precoder design for downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) systems. The proposed scheme with simultaneous diagonalization (SD) decomposes the MIMO channel matrices of the users into scalar channels via higher-order generalized singular value decomposition for the common message (CM) and block diagonalization (BD) for the private messages, thereby enabling low-complexity element-by-element successive interference cancellation (SIC) and decoding at the receivers. Furthermore, the proposed SD MIMO-RSMA overcomes a critical limitation in RSMA systems, whereby the achievable rate of the CM is restricted by the users with weak effective MIMO channel for the CM, by excluding a subset of users from decoding the CM. We formulate a non-convex weighted sum rate (WSR) optimization problem for SD MIMO-RSMA and solve it via successive convex approximation to obtain a locally optimal solution. Our simulation results reveal that, for both perfect and imperfect CSI, the proposed SD MIMO-RSMA with user exclusion outperforms baseline MIMO-RSMA schemes and linear BD precoding.Comment: 7pp, 2 figures, accepted to the Workshop on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G at the IEEE Intl. Commun. Conf. (ICC) 202

    Large-System Analysis of Correlated MIMO Multiple Access Channels with Arbitrary Signaling in the Presence of Interference

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    Presence of multiple antennas on both sides of a communication channel promises significant improvements in system throughput and power efficiency. In effect, a new clas s of large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems has recently emerged and attracted both scientific and industrial attention. To analyze these systems in realistic scenarios, one has to include such aspects as co-channel interference, multiple access and spatial correlation. In this paper, we study the properties of correlated MIMO multiple-access channels in the presence of external interference. Using the replica method from statistical physics, we derive the ergodic sum-rate of the communication for arbitrary signal constellations when the numbers of antennas at both ends of the channel grow large. Based on these asymptotic expressions, we also address the problem of sum-rate maximization using statistical channel information and linear precoding. The numerical results demonstrate that when the interfering terminals use discrete constellations, the resulting interference becomes easier to handle compared to Gaussian signals. Thus, it may be possible to accommodate more interfering transmitter-receiver pairs within the same area as compare d to the case of Gaussian signals. In addition, we demonstrate numerically for the Gaussian and QPSK signaling schemes that it is possible to design precoder matrices that significantly improve the achievable rates at low-to-mid range of signal-to-noise ratios when compared to isotropic precoding

    Beam Focusing for Near-Field Multiuser MIMO Communications

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    Large antenna arrays and high-frequency bands are two key features of future wireless communication systems. The combination of large-scale antennas with high transmission frequencies often results in the communicating devices operating in the near-field (Fresnel) region. In this paper, we study the potential of beam focusing, feasible in near-field operation, in facilitating high-rate multi-user downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. As the ability to achieve beam focusing is dictated by the transmit antenna, we study near-field signalling considering different antenna structures, including fully-digital architectures, hybrid phase shifter-based precoders, and the emerging dynamic metasurface antenna (DMA) architecture for massive MIMO arrays. We first provide a mathematical model to characterize near-field wireless channels as well as the transmission pattern for the considered antenna architectures. Then, we formulate the beam focusing problem for the goal of maximizing the achievable sum-rate in multi-user networks. We propose efficient solutions based on the sum-rate maximization task for fully-digital, (phase shifters based-) hybrid and DMA architectures. Simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed beam focusing scheme for both single- and multi-user scenarios. In particular, the designed focused beams provide a new degree of freedom to mitigate interference in both angle and distance domains, which is not achievable using conventional far-field beam steering, allowing reliable communications for uses even residing at the same angular direction