321 research outputs found

    On the 2-extendability of planar graphs

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    AbstractSome sufficient conditions for the 2-extendability of k-connected k-regular (k⩾3) planar graphs are given. In particular, it is proved that for k⩾3, a k-connected k-regular planar graph with each cyclic cutset of sufficiently large size is 2-extendable

    Hamiltonian chordal graphs are not cycle extendible

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    In 1990, Hendry conjectured that every Hamiltonian chordal graph is cycle extendible; that is, the vertices of any non-Hamiltonian cycle are contained in a cycle of length one greater. We disprove this conjecture by constructing counterexamples on nn vertices for any n15n \geq 15. Furthermore, we show that there exist counterexamples where the ratio of the length of a non-extendible cycle to the total number of vertices can be made arbitrarily small. We then consider cycle extendibility in Hamiltonian chordal graphs where certain induced subgraphs are forbidden, notably PnP_n and the bull.Comment: Some results from Section 3 were incorrect and have been removed. To appear in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    On Cyclic Edge-Connectivity of Fullerenes

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    A graph is said to be cyclic kk-edge-connected, if at least kk edges must be removed to disconnect it into two components, each containing a cycle. Such a set of kk edges is called a cyclic-kk-edge cutset and it is called a trivial cyclic-kk-edge cutset if at least one of the resulting two components induces a single kk-cycle. It is known that fullerenes, that is, 3-connected cubic planar graphs all of whose faces are pentagons and hexagons, are cyclic 5-edge-connected. In this article it is shown that a fullerene FF containing a nontrivial cyclic-5-edge cutset admits two antipodal pentacaps, that is, two antipodal pentagonal faces whose neighboring faces are also pentagonal. Moreover, it is shown that FF has a Hamilton cycle, and as a consequence at least 152n2015\cdot 2^{\lfloor \frac{n}{20}\rfloor} perfect matchings, where nn is the order of FF.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The polynomial method for 3-path extendability of list colourings of planar graphs

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    We restate Thomassen's theorem of 3-extendability, an extension of the famous planar 5-choosability theorem, in terms of graph polynomials. This yields an Alon--Tarsi equivalent of 3-extendability

    Drawing Planar Graphs with a Prescribed Inner Face

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    Given a plane graph GG (i.e., a planar graph with a fixed planar embedding) and a simple cycle CC in GG whose vertices are mapped to a convex polygon, we consider the question whether this drawing can be extended to a planar straight-line drawing of GG. We characterize when this is possible in terms of simple necessary conditions, which we prove to be sufficient. This also leads to a linear-time testing algorithm. If a drawing extension exists, it can be computed in the same running time

    On the structure of the directions not determined by a large affine point set

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    Given a point set UU in an nn-dimensional affine space of size qn1εq^{n-1}-\varepsilon, we obtain information on the structure of the set of directions that are not determined by UU, and we describe an application in the theory of partial ovoids of certain partial geometries