7 research outputs found

    Positive Definite Solutions of the Nonlinear Matrix Equation X+AHXˉ−1A=IX+A^{\mathrm{H}}\bar{X}^{-1}A=I

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    This paper is concerned with the positive definite solutions to the matrix equation X+AHXˉ−1A=IX+A^{\mathrm{H}}\bar{X}^{-1}A=I where XX is the unknown and AA is a given complex matrix. By introducing and studying a matrix operator on complex matrices, it is shown that the existence of positive definite solutions of this class of nonlinear matrix equations is equivalent to the existence of positive definite solutions of the nonlinear matrix equation W+BTW−1B=IW+B^{\mathrm{T}}W^{-1}B=I which has been extensively studied in the literature, where BB is a real matrix and is uniquely determined by A.A. It is also shown that if the considered nonlinear matrix equation has a positive definite solution, then it has the maximal and minimal solutions. Bounds of the positive definite solutions are also established in terms of matrix AA. Finally some sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for the existence of positive definite solutions of the equations are also proposed

    The solution of the equation AX+BX*=0

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    We give a complete solution of the matrix equation AX+BX=0, where A, B ∈ C^mxn are two given matrices, X ∈ C^mxn is an unknown matrix, and denotes the transpose or the conjugate transpose. We provide a closed formula for the dimension of the solution space of the equation in terms of the Kronecker canonical form of the matrix pencil A+B, and we also provide an expression for the solution X in terms of this canonical form, together with two invertible matrices leading A+B to the canonical form by strict equivalence.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain through grant MTM-2009-09281Publicad