793,875 research outputs found

    Global environmental change and sustainable development

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    The UC3M group of “Global environmental change and sustainable development: social trends and emerging policies” offers its experience on the following fields: • Sustainable Development. • Environmental Education. • Agenda 21. • Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Land Planning. • Environmental Impact Evaluation. • Sustainable Transport and Mobility. • Social Management and Saving Policies (energy, waste, water, noise). Within this framework, the work of this research group aims to: 1) The analysis and diagnosis of how Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Development can affect each specific organization. 2) The proposal of solutions. 3) The management of their implementation. 4) Instruction and training. These objectives are tackled from their basic study to their applied development through reports and consultancy services

    Sustainable Economic Development: The Main Principles and the Basic Equation

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    This work offers system and information content of the following economic categories: development, sustainable economic development. The author has formulated the fundamental principles of sustainable development: the principle of minimum resource dissipation and the equation of self-organization, the law of conserving the economic potential of a social system. The basic equation of development has been formulated. The model of sustainable development is viewed on the basis of the equation.economic system sustainable development; economic system selforganization,model sustainable development of the economic system

    Inside the Womb: Interpreting the Ferguson Case

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    Abstract The rise of globalization has made ​​the sustainability aspect emerged as a sign that peoples’ actions must change. Tourism is now one of the fastest growing industries in the world that has an impact on people, nature and cultures. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding how different tourism actors use and express the concept of sustainable tourism development in the co-operation organization Kiruna Lapland. One of the most visited places in the north of Sweden. The thesis was made by using a qualitative approach which included seven interviews with both experience and accommodation actors within the tourism industry to gain different perspectives. The result shows that there are some complications what sustainable tourism is, that it’s a complex concept. The tourism actors show mostly knowledge regarding the environmental part which they also show different thoughts and strategies to accomplish their company sustainable. Sustainable tourism is an interesting aspect that is important to adopt in every operation which needs consideration and responsibility. Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable tourism, co-operation organization Kiruna Lapland, qualitative study, tourism actors

    The HRM Cockpit: an instrument for developing and evaluating sustainable HRM in an organization

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    These days, a new approach is emerging in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM). Where strategic HRM has been the main approach for the last decades, nowadays more and more scholars are connecting sustainability to HRM (Ehnert, 2009, 2014, Kramar, 2014). There are many different conceptualizations for sustainable HRM, but most scholars agree on defining it as an extension of strategic HRM (Ehnert, 2009; Kramar, 2014). Thereby they agree that sustainable HRM has a broader focus on the organization’s performances than only accounting for the financial success of the organization. In fact sustainable HRM incorporates the triple bottom line, namely people, planet and profit (Elkington, 1997) and tries to balance these three different aspects. Even though literature (Ehnert, 2009, De Prins et al., 2014) provides different models about sustainable HRM, we face a lack of practical tools to explore and exploit sustainable HRM in an organization. To develop a practical tool for monitoring sustainable HRM in an organization, an extended literature review was conducted, complemented with qualitative data (i.e. explorative interviews with practitioners, trade unions and a test panel) to define the field of sustainable HRM. The development of the tool started with a literature review in several different domains such as strategic HRM, sustainable HRM, HR scorecards and strategy mapping. The tool is based upon the idea of scorecards and measuring progress in realizing an HRM strategy. Deriving from the literature review, two concepts were used as basic principles during the development of the tool. First, the idea of the HR value chain where an input, throughput and output model is presented as a strategic approach to sustainable HRM (den Hartog, Boselie & Paauwe 2004; Vanderstraeten, 2014). Secondly, to increase the applicability of the model, strategic mapping, starting with Kaplan & Norton (2004) and further developed in the field of HRM by Becker (2001) and Huselid (2005), is used as a guideline for implementing sustainable HRM. After the literature review, a first draft of the tool was developed. We used the Delphi methodology to gain consensus among practitioners about the components and definitions that were used in the first draft of the tool (Linstone & Turoff, 1975). HR managers of twelve organizations participated in this part of the development. This resulted in a tool with 12 different components. The resulting tool can be used to guide social profit and public organizations in the development of a sustainable HRM or to support the evaluation of their current sustainable HRM. For each of the different components (12) in the tool, validated questionnaires and measures are available so that organizations can collect data and measure their progress towards a sustainable HRM. Six experts in HRM were consulted to allocate the measures to the components. To further test the practical usefulness and correctness of the tool seven organizations were willing to test it more in detail and even started implementing it. Because of the importance of sustainability in organizations and the support that a sustainable HRM can provide in transitioning towards such an organization it is important to encourage more organizations towards sustainable HR. The developed tool provides organizations can guide them towards sustainable HRM. In addition more organizations can make the shift towards a sustainable organization based on a scientifically validated and evidence based HRM practice. Future research should reexamine the implementations that were made, their effectiveness and extend the implementation of the tool to different organizations


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    The phenomenon of states changes of the world economy during the last 200 years shows that there is a certain 70-year regularity in its development, which is expressed in increased structural complexity of the global economic system every 70 years. The development happens after certain periods of bifurcation (up to 50 years) accompanied by the lower rates of economic development, and periods of adaptation (up to 20 years) with the higher rates. The theoretical justification of this process shows that the increased structural complexity of the global economic system is the external manifestations of the self-organization process in a large complex system we call the “world economy”. This process of development is based on two fundamental laws of nature: the principle of minimum dissipation of resources, and the law of conservation of economic potential; and is realized via two types of development mechanisms – bifurcation and adaptation.Formation of the world system model should rest on applying the natural laws of development, and lead towards the creation of a complex, two-level (regional and global) structure with the institution of geopolitical pluralism, based on implementing the “principle of minimum dissipation”. This will contribute to the development of the “global system” on the conflict-free base.system sustainable development, system self-organization, sustainable development of the “global system”

    Affective Sustainability. The Creation and Transmission of Affect through an Educative Process: An Instrument for the Construction of more Sustainable Citizens

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    Although for many years the debate on sustainability has focused on the generation of critical thinking based on the dynamic balance between the economic, social and environmental spheres, in the following text we propose to elaborate on the use of a eminently human condition, such as the capacity to love and create an emotional attachment, whether with our environment or our fellow men, as an initiator and main force for change to the building a more sustainable model of development. To do so we shall begin from the concept coined by Adriana Bisquert in the 90s, that is A ective sustainability, by analyzing it, delving into its possible definitions by means of the development of the project for Environmental Education and Development called “Educating for a more sustainable citizenship” undertaken by the Spanish NGO (non-governmental organization) or ITACA Ambiente Elegido, and developed in the locality of Paterna de Rivera, Cádiz (Spain). This is a practical and real example, which is used to establish a work educational methodology that enables us to consider this concept as the real basis for an exportable and replicable work in a painstaking search for the creation of a more sustainable city

    Needed now: a world environment and development organization

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    Global environmental policy certainly could gain strength if the management of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) were made more efficient. However, such a minimalist strategy of efficiency improvement is no panacea: it can only be an element, not the core of a new global environmental policy. Therefore, instead of merely calling for improved efficiency and coordination, in this paper a proposal is made to establish a World Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) as a new specialized agency of the United Nations. At the very least, such an Organization should integrate UNEP, the CSD and the relevant Convention Secretariats (climate, biodiversity, desertification conventions); close cooperation with the Bretton Woods institutions - the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) - and the existing UN specialized agencies would need to be ensured. Also, ideas are being presented on the decision-making procedures, the participation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and on the financing of such a World Environment and Development Organization. --

    Victory Through Organization: Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It by Dave Ulrich, David Kryscynski, Mike Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank

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    Authors Dave Ulrich, David Kryscynski, Wayne Brockbank and Mike Ulrich’s book released in 2017 — Victory Through Organization: Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It — offers tools business leaders and HR professionals need to better and more comprehensively respond to emerging opportunities as well as provide expert advice for building HR departments to deliver measurable business value. It helps build organization capabilities, strengthen systems, and empower human capital ― for sustainable success. This text both offers the reader a vast supply of updated ideas and insights on HR and underscores the importance of talent management and leadership development

    Step-By-Step Strategic Consulting

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    abstract: Step-By-Step Strategic Consulting is the professional consulting organization being created by Tanya Rincon and Kindra Maples in Phoenix, Arizona. Taking the initial steps into entrepreneurship is difficult without a guide or professional network to lean on and Step-By-Step plans to be there to make it more attainable. This organization functions with sustainable business practices as the foundation of every decision that is made. Beyond the assumed assistance that comes with partnering with a consulting service, Step-By-Step is dedicated to developing and fostering a network of values aligned startups and entrepreneurs that are prepared to support one another. The classic approach to capitalism has created incredible innovation for our world as a whole but it has also created massive issues for our environment and the communities that each organization serves. Sustainability issues are pervasive in every community, ecosystem, and economy yielding complex worldwide problems. As the business world shifts to supporting a new generation, it’s important to build resilient organizations prepared for the dynamic landscape that is currently forming. While the profession of business consulting and startup accelerators is not new, a new type of strategic business thinker is coming to be in the form of sustainable business practices. Step-By-Step Strategic Consulting aims to provide an additional option in the strategic consulting world, with sustainability at the center. Additionally, a roadmap has been created to provide a clear plan for future investors, clients, and employees. This plan includes a specific timeline detailing necessary steps to become a legitimate business legally, development plans for each business partner, and steps necessary for securing funding and strategic investors. Graduate Culminating Experience Sharing Permissions Agreement Mission: Step-By-Step guides and supports startup clients through the various stages of strategic growth with sustainable business practices as the foundation of success to create a positive impact environmentally, socially, and financially. Vision: A collaborative network of values aligned organizations working together to accomplish their individual goals, while also supporting the success of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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