13 research outputs found

    Characterizations of the set of integer points in an integral bisubmodular polyhedron

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    In this note, we provide two characterizations of the set of integer points in an integral bisubmodular polyhedron. Our characterizations do not require the assumption that a given set satisfies the hole-freeness, i.e., the set of integer points in its convex hull coincides with the original set. One is a natural multiset generalization of the exchange axiom of a delta-matroid, and the other comes from the notion of the tangent cone of an integral bisubmodular polyhedron.Comment: 9 page

    Bipolarization of posets and natural interpolation

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    The Choquet integral w.r.t. a capacity can be seen in the finite case as a parsimonious linear interpolator between vertices of [0,1]n[0,1]^n. We take this basic fact as a starting point to define the Choquet integral in a very general way, using the geometric realization of lattices and their natural triangulation, as in the work of Koshevoy. A second aim of the paper is to define a general mechanism for the bipolarization of ordered structures. Bisets (or signed sets), as well as bisubmodular functions, bicapacities, bicooperative games, as well as the Choquet integral defined for them can be seen as particular instances of this scheme. Lastly, an application to multicriteria aggregation with multiple reference levels illustrates all the results presented in the paper.Interpolation; Choquet integral; Lattice; Bipolar structure

    Signed ring families and signed posets

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    The one-to-one correspondence between finite distributive lattices and finite partially ordered sets (posets) is a well-known theorem of G. Birkhoff. This implies a nice representation of any distributive lattice by its corresponding poset, where the size of the former (distributive lattice) is often exponential in the size of the underlying set of the latter (poset). A lot of engineering and economic applications bring us distributive lattices as a ring family of sets which is closed with respect to the set union and intersection. When it comes to a ring family of sets, the underlying set is partitioned into subsets (or components) and we have a poset structure on the partition. This is a set-theoretical variant of the Birkhoff theorem revealing the correspondence between finite ring families and finite posets on partitions of the underlying sets, which was pursued by Masao Iri around 1978, especially concerned with what is called the principal partition of discrete systems such as graphs, matroids, and polymatroids. In the present paper we investigate a signed-set version of the Birkhoff-Iri decomposition in terms of signed ring family, which corresponds to Reiner's result on signed posets, a signed counterpart of the Birkhoff theorem. We show that given a signed ring family, we have a signed partition of the underlying set together with a signed poset on the signed partition which represents the given signed ring family. This representation is unique up to certain reflections

    Greedy Oriented Flows

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    Bipolarization of posets and natural interpolation

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    The Choquet integral w.r.t. a capacity can be seen in the finite case as a parsimonious linear interpolator between vertices of [0,1]n[0,1]^n. We take this basic fact as a starting point to define the Choquet integral in a very general way, using the geometric realization of lattices and their natural triangulation, as in the work of Koshevoy. A second aim of the paper is to define a general mechanism for the bipolarization of ordered structures. Bisets (or signed sets), as well as bisubmodular functions, bicapacities, bicooperative games, as well as the Choquet integral defined for them can be seen as particular instances of this scheme. Lastly, an application to multicriteria aggregation with multiple reference levels illustrates all the results presented in the paper

    Polynomial combinatorial algorithms for skew-bisubmodular function minimization

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    Huber et al. (SIAM J Comput 43:1064–1084, 2014) introduced a concept of skew bisubmodularity, as a generalization of bisubmodularity, in their complexity dichotomy theorem for valued constraint satisfaction problems over the three-value domain, and Huber and Krokhin (SIAM J Discrete Math 28:1828–1837, 2014) showed the oracle tractability of minimization of skew-bisubmodular functions. Fujishige et al. (Discrete Optim 12:1–9, 2014) also showed a min–max theorem that characterizes the skew-bisubmodular function minimization, but devising a combinatorial polynomial algorithm for skew-bisubmodular function minimization was left open. In the present paper we give first combinatorial (weakly and strongly) polynomial algorithms for skew-bisubmodular function minimization

    Isolating Cuts, (Bi-)Submodularity, and Faster Algorithms for Connectivity

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    Li and Panigrahi [Jason Li and Debmalya Panigrahi, 2020], in recent work, obtained the first deterministic algorithm for the global minimum cut of a weighted undirected graph that runs in time o(mn). They introduced an elegant and powerful technique to find isolating cuts for a terminal set in a graph via a small number of s-t minimum cut computations. In this paper we generalize their isolating cut approach to the abstract setting of symmetric bisubmodular functions (which also capture symmetric submodular functions). Our generalization to bisubmodularity is motivated by applications to element connectivity and vertex connectivity. Utilizing the general framework and other ideas we obtain significantly faster randomized algorithms for computing global (and subset) connectivity in a number of settings including hypergraphs, element connectivity and vertex connectivity in graphs, and for symmetric submodular functions