187,975 research outputs found

    Assessing the Value of International Workers:a Case of Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria

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    As a result of globalization, many companies, be it corporate, public or international operates on a global scale. With the rise of companies operating in a global village, many companies are also expanding internationally. Mostly, international organizations operating abroad are faced with employees of foreign cultures with an entirely different perspective. Oftentimes, cross-cultural issues arise in the management of the company's human resources (HR). According to Laroche (1998), the rapid globalization of the world's economy has brought forth several changes. In view of this, it is the intention of this non-empirical article to investigate how to assess the international workers, by adopting the latest management trend

    Allocating Resources and Creating Incentives to Improve Teaching and Learning

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    Offers insights from scholarly literature, related theory, and practical activities to inform the efforts of policymakers, researchers and practitioners to allocate resources and create incentives that result in powerful, equitable learning for all

    Aggregate cost implications of selected Cost-Drivers \ud in the Tanzanian Health Sector\ud

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    \ud Health is an important aspect of life of which one of its determinants is healthcare which is consumed in order to restore back deteriorated health to optimal pre-illness levels. The consumption of healthcare however has cost implications and accounts for a large share of resources directed towards the health sector. In health sector financing, it is vital to identify major cost components and create awareness about the costs of decisions. It is thus vital to identify factors that can cause changes in the cost of identified activities. A number of costly programs have been initiated and some others are on the horizon. In order to create awareness about the financial consequences of these decisions and to draw attention to the financing needs of the health sector, it is considered necessary to analyze the major health sector programs and initiatives with regard to the changes in costs brought about by new strategies, guidelines and interventions (including the adoption of new technologies), and aggregate these costs. The main objective of this study was to identify cost-driving decisions in the health sector. The study methodology comprised of three independent but complementary methodologies and activities: (a) Desk review of literature and documents; (b) Interviews with officials from MOHSW, programs and agencies involved in setting and promoting standards at international level; (c) collection of primary data/information and subsequent analysis of the same. The study reviewed 11 plans, including summary plans like the Health Sector Strategic Plan III and the Primary Health Services Development Program 2007 -2017 and national disease control programme plans/strategies. However, not all of cost-driving decisions in these plans could be integrated into the analysis because the plans are undergoing reprogramming, as the previous cost estimates are regarded not to be realistic relative to achieving plan objectives. In addition the costs of some decisions in some plans/strategies HRH, infrastructure, health care financing strategy, mhealth, etc. are not established or are in the process of being costed or reviewed. It should also be noted that the consultants did not assess all plans/strategies and their associated costs as to their plausibility. This was neither task of the consultants, nor would the time allocated to the study have allowed such an in-depth review. The study reviewed a total of 11 multi-year plans/strategies and found four plans to be affected by costs of decisions. Such decisions are: the adaption of WHO recommendations on Anti-retroviral Treatment eligibility criteria; re-treatment of conventional nets; indoor residual spraying; sustaining availability of long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs); provision of delivery kits to pregnant women in public health facilities, and the potential future introduction of a malaria vaccine, human papilloma virus and pneumococcal vaccines, which affect the Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan II (HSHSP II) 2008 – 2012, the Malaria Mid-Term Strategic Plan 2008 – 2013 (NMCP), the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 – 2015 (the Road Map), and the Expanded Program on Immunization 2010 - 2015 Comprehensive Multi Year Plan (EPI), respectively. The study found that these decisions have a significant cost implication to a tune of US706,688,405overafiveyearperiod2011−2015.Theinitiallyestimatedcostsofprogramsthatarecurrentlybeingupdated(HSHSPII,EPI,NMCPandtheRoadMap)isUS 706,688,405 over a five year period 2011- 2015. The initially estimated costs of programs that are currently being updated (HSHSP II, EPI, NMCP and the Road Map) is US 2,297,009,378 exclusive of the identified cost drivers. The estimated cost of decisions is about 8 % of the total costs for health sector in Tanzania (HSSP III estimate) and about 3.3% of the 2009 GDP and added nominal per capita health spending/cost of US17.3(2009populationestimate)forfiveyearperiod(annualpercapitacostofUS 17.3 (2009 population estimate) for five year period (annual per capita cost of US 3.46). This expenditure will definitely boost per capita health spending (US13.45in2008/9).However,concertedrevenueeffortisneededifwearetohitHSSPIIItargetofUS 13.45 in 2008/9). However, concerted revenue effort is needed if we are to hit HSSP III target of US 26.6 in 2014/15. The National Strategy for Non-communicable Diseases 2009 – 2015 did not include estimates, while most parts of the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 – 2015 are undergoing reprogramming, as the previous cost estimates are regarded not to be realistic relative to achieving plan objectives. The rest of the programs are not significantly affected by cost of decisions. However, the estimated cost is likely to be higher owing to the fact that costs of some decisions in MMAM components such as HRH, infrastructure, health care financing strategy, mhealth, etc. are not established or are in the process of being costed or reviewed. Prevention and treatment of illness are the major strategies used to maintain or improve the health status of a population. Allocation of health resources are usually skewed towards treatment probably because addressing existing illnesses seem a present and clear danger than addressing potential illnesses which is what prevention is all about. Prevention and health promotion however lead to greater benefits than treatment in the long run in the sense that it reduces future demand for treatment than treatment alone does and has stronger merit good characteristics than treatment of illness. Health planning should thus intensify focus on prevention through promoting lifestyle and behaviour changes as well as intensifying prevention and health promotion at community level. Most health sector multi-year plans are characterized by heavy resource dependence on development partners. Such levels of dependence tend to compromise control over some decisions especially those supported by financiers. That is, recipients may be tempted to accept a full funded activity even if there is an ongoing similar activity which ends up creating parallel rather than complementary activities with cost implications. Thus, the financiers and recipients should undertake thorough analysis of potential decisions based on their cost implications (direct and indirect) as well as the time parameters, while avoiding decisions that spin off similar activities rather than complementing the existing ones. This can be facilitated by coordinated analysis from the MOHSW by keeping and monitoring comprehensive cost driver table enriched by inputs from all health sector programs and plans. Continuous reviews of the plans enhance the capacity of programs to adequately identify cost drivers and therefore enhance the planning process. However, reviews are not always undertaken on time and as regular as possible due to lack of resources or transfer of resources set aside for review process to implement other pressing components of the plan. MOHSW should make costing part of the plan a compulsory exercise for approval by the management and should not endorse plans which have not been adequately costed. MOHSW should also consider making reviews of multi-year plans a prerequisite for release of fund for subsequent implementation. Moreover, the reviews should integrate all stakeholders and involve technical people who are knowledgeable in costing and planning. The fact that most of the multi-year plans had indicative budgets, while others are not costed at all, warrants the conclusion that the basic knowledge in costing such as collaboration, parameter assumptions, time, manpower, and resources is lacking. Emphasis should thus be placed on developing and improving costing capacity in the programs as well as the MOHSW in terms of acquiring costing tools and exposure. The MOHSW should ensure that the priority activities of the strategies/plans are funded. This could be done through lobbying the government and other stakeholders for more resources. Protocols such as Abuja Declaration 2001, in which African governments committed themselves to scale up health budget to 15% of the annual budget, could be useful in this end. Also the government and local authorities through laws/bylaws could establish and commit specific sources of resources for the health sector. This should be pursued by keeping a close eye on the ratio of available resources to required resources which can indicate opportunities which development partners can be of help as well as providing an indication of the realism of planning. A review of the plans found the ratio of available resources to required resources to be 76 and 84 percent, respectively, for the Health Sector Strategic Plan III and the Expanded Program on Immunization 2010 – 2015 Comprehensive Multi Year Plan. The Malaria Medium Term Strategic Plan 2008-2013 on the other hand had the lowest ratio of available resources to required resources of 35 percent.\u

    Leading for Learning Sourcebook: Concepts and Examples

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    Provides a detailed discussion of ideas and methods that educators can use to enhance leadership in learning. Offers examples of leaders using the ideas and tools for assessment, planning, and teaching. Includes four annotated longitudinal cases

    SPEC Kit 356 Diversity and Inclusion

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    Today, diversity is defined beyond racial and ethnic groups and includes gender, sexual orientation, ability, language, religious belief, national origin, age, and ideas. The increase of published literature about cultural competencies, microaggressions, and assessment of diversity issues, as well as the inclusion of social justice movements in libraries, suggests diversity-related activities have increased and evolved over the last seven years. Over this time span, several libraries have obtained funding to support strategies to increase the number of minority librarians on their staff and support their advancement within the organization. There also appears to be an increase in the number of diversity or multicultural groups at the local, state, and national levels. However, these changes have not been consistently documented. Therefore, it is important to re-examine this topic to evaluate the impact of evolving endeavors, to see if more ARL libraries are involved, to see how diversity plans have changed over the years, and to document the current practices of research libraries. The main purpose of this survey was to identify diversity trends and changes in managing diversity issues in ARL libraries through exploring the components of diversity plans and initiatives since 2010, acknowledge library efforts since the 1990s, provide evidence of best practices and future trends, and identify current strategies that increase the number of minority librarians in research libraries and the types of programs that foster a diverse workplace and climate. The survey was conducted between May 1 and June 5, 2017. Sixty-eight of the 124 ARL member institutions responded to the survey for a 55% response rate. Interestingly, only 22 of the respondents to the 2010 SPEC survey participated in this survey, but this provides an opportunity to explore the diversity and inclusion efforts of a new set of institutions in addition to seeing what changes those 22 institutions have made since 2010. The SPEC Survey on Diversity and Inclusion was designed by Toni Anaya, Instruction Coordinator, and Charlene Maxey-Harris, Research and Instructional Services Chair, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. These results are based on responses from 68 of the 124 ARL member libraries (55%) by the deadline of June 12, 2017. The survey’s introductory text and questions are reproduced below, followed by the response data and selected comments from the respondents. The purpose of this survey is to explore the components of diversity plans created since 2010, identify current recruitment and retention strategies that aim to increase the number of minority librarians in research libraries, identify staff development programs that foster an inclusive workplace and climate, identify how diversity programs have changed, and gather information on how libraries assess these efforts

    How Leaders Invest Staffing Resources for Learning Improvement

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    Analyzes staffing challenges that guide school leaders' resource decisions in the context of a learning improvement agenda, staff resource investment strategies that improve learning outcomes equitably, and ways to win support for differential investment

    Moving into Adulthood: Implementation Findings from the Youth Villages Transitional Living Evaluation

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    The Youth Villages Transitional Living program is intended to help youth who were formerly in foster care or juvenile justice custody, or who are otherwise unprepared for adult life, to make the transition to independent living. Youth Villages, which serves emotionally and behaviorally troubled young people, operates a number of programs in addition to Transitional Living.All of its programs are based on a set of core principles that emphasize treatment planning, systematic assessment of participating youth, and delivery of only evidence-informed practices within a highly structured supervisory system. Transitional Living clients receive intensive, individualized, and clinically focused and communnity-based case management, support, and counseling from staff who carry caseloads of about eight clients each. Youth eligibility is determined through an extensive recruitment and assessment process. Once youth are enrolled, Transitional Living staff continue to assess them to identify needs and work with them to develop goals, which become the basis of required weekly meetings. Over nine months, on average, program participants get support for education, housing, mental or physical health, employment, and life skills. This support is provided in a variety of forms, including action-oriented activities that involve completing a specific task during a weekly session or through more traditional counseling techniques.The Transitional Living Evaluation is focused exclusively on the program in Tennessee, although Youth Villages also has Transitional Living programs in six other states

    A State of the Art of Governance Literature on adaptation to climate change. Towards a research agenda

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio
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