152,607 research outputs found

    Boundary clustered layers near the higher critical exponents

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    We consider the supercritical problem {equation*} -\Delta u=|u| ^{p-2}u\text{\in}\Omega,\quad u=0\text{\on}\partial\Omega, {equation*} where Ω\Omega is a bounded smooth domain in RN\mathbb{R}^{N} and pp smaller than the critical exponent 2N,k:=2(Nk)Nk22_{N,k}^{\ast}:=\frac{2(N-k)}{N-k-2} for the Sobolev embedding of H1(RNk)H^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{N-k}) in Lq(RNk)L^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{N-k}), 1kN3.1\leq k\leq N-3. We show that in some suitable domains Ω\Omega there are positive and sign changing solutions with positive and negative layers which concentrate along one or several kk-dimensional submanifolds of Ω\partial\Omega as pp approaches 2N,k2_{N,k}^{\ast} from below. Key words:Nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem; critical and supercritical exponents; existence of positive and sign changing solutions

    Global Monopole in General Relativity

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    We consider the gravitational properties of a global monopole on the basis of the simplest Higgs scalar triplet model in general relativity. We begin with establishing some common features of hedgehog-type solutions with a regular center, independent of the choice of the symmetry-breaking potential. There are six types of qualitative behavior of the solutions; we show, in particular, that the metric can contain at most one simple horizon. For the standard Mexican hat potential, the previously known properties of the solutions are confirmed and some new results are obtained. Thus, we show analytically that solutions with monotonically growing Higgs field and finite energy in the static region exist only in the interval 1<γ<31<\gamma <3, γ\gamma being the squared energy of spontaneous symmetry breaking in Planck units. The cosmological properties of these globally regular solutions apparently favor the idea that the standard Big Bang might be replaced with a nonsingular static core and a horizon appearing as a result of some symmetry-breaking phase transition on the Planck energy scale. In addition to the monotonic solutions, we present and analyze a sequence of families of new solutions with oscillating Higgs field. These families are parametrized by nn, the number of knots of the Higgs field, and exist for γ<γn=6/[(2n+1)(n+2)]\gamma < \gamma_n = 6/[(2n+1) (n+2)]; all such solutions possess a horizon and a singularity beyond it.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Positive solutions of a boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions

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    We consider boundary-value problems studied in a recent paper. We show that some existing theory developed by Webb and Infante applies to this problem and we use the known theory to show how to find improved estimates on parameters &#x3BC;*, &#x3BB; so that some nonlinear differential equations, with nonlocal boundary conditions of integral type, have two positive solutions for all &#x3BB; with &#x3BC;*&#x3C; &#x3BB; &#x3C; &#x3BB;

    Initial Value Problems and Signature Change

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    We make a rigorous study of classical field equations on a 2-dimensional signature changing spacetime using the techniques of operator theory. Boundary conditions at the surface of signature change are determined by forming self-adjoint extensions of the Schr\"odinger Hamiltonian. We show that the initial value problem for the Klein--Gordon equation on this spacetime is ill-posed in the sense that its solutions are unstable. Furthermore, if the initial data is smooth and compactly supported away from the surface of signature change, the solution has divergent L2L^2-norm after finite time.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX The introduction has been altered, and new work (relating our previous results to continuous signature change) has been include

    Positive solutions of nonlinear fourth-order boundary-value problems with local and non-local boundary conditions

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    We establish new existence results for multiple positive solutions of fourth-order nonlinear equations which model deflections of an elastic beam. We consider the widely studied boundary conditions corresponding to clamped and hinged ends and many non-local boundary conditions, with a unified approach. Our method is to show that each boundary-value problem can be written as the same type of perturbed integral equation, in the space C[0,1]C[0,1], involving a linear functional α[u]\alpha[u] but, although we seek positive solutions, the functional is not assumed to be positive for all positive uu. The results are new even for the classic boundary conditions of clamped or hinged ends when α[u]=0\alpha[u]=0, because we obtain sharp results for the existence of one positive solution; for multiple solutions we seek optimal values of some of the constants that occur in the theory, which allows us to impose weaker assumptions on the nonlinear term than in previous works. Our non-local boundary conditions contain multi-point problems as special cases and, for the first time in fourth-order problems, we allow coefficients of both signs

    A fractional porous medium equation

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    We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for a porous medium equation with fractional diffusion, ut+(Δ)1/2(um1u)=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + (-\Delta)^{1/2} (|u|^{m-1}u)=0 in RN\mathbb{R}^N, with m>m=(N1)/Nm>m_*=(N-1)/N, N1N\ge1 and fL1(RN)f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^N). An L1L^1-contraction semigroup is constructed and the continuous dependence on data and exponent is established. Nonnegative solutions are proved to be continuous and strictly positive for all xRNx\in\mathbb{R}^N, t>0t>0

    Growth of fat slits and dispersionless KP hierarchy

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    A "fat slit" is a compact domain in the upper half plane bounded by a curve with endpoints on the real axis and a segment of the real axis between them. We consider conformal maps of the upper half plane to the exterior of a fat slit parameterized by harmonic moments of the latter and show that they obey an infinite set of Lax equations for the dispersionless KP hierarchy. Deformation of a fat slit under changing a particular harmonic moment can be treated as a growth process similar to the Laplacian growth of domains in the whole plane. This construction extends the well known link between solutions to the dispersionless KP hierarchy and conformal maps of slit domains in the upper half plane and provides a new, large family of solutions.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, typos correcte