93 research outputs found

    Discrete curvatures motivated from Riemannian geometry and optimal transport: Bonnet-Myers-type diameter bounds and rigidity

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    This thesis gives an overview of three notions of Ricci curvature for discrete spaces, including Ollivier Ricci curvature (motivated from optimal transport), Bakry-{\'E}mery curvature (from Bochner’s formula in Riemannian geometry) and Erbar-Maas entropic Ricci curvature (from optimal transport). The first part of the thesis provides background knowledge in optimal transport theory and Riemannian geometry which is essential to the understanding of generalized Ricci curvatures for metric measure spaces and the mentioned Ricci curvatures for graphs. For each of the three discrete curvature notions, discussed in their respective part of the thesis, we provide the definition of the curvature and use hypercubes as an example for the curvature calculation. We study various curvature results with an emphasis on upper bounds of diameter and lower bounds of the spectral gap for graphs with positive lower bound on the Ricci curvature. These results can be regarded as discrete analogues of the Bonnet-Myers theorem and the Lichnerowicz theorem in Riemannian geometry. In addition, we deeply investigate into the rigidity results (analogous to Cheng’s rigidity) in attempt to classify all graphs which yield the sharp diameter bound in the sense of Ollivier Ricci curvature and Bakry-{\'E}mery curvature

    BBP phenomena for deformed random band matrices

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    We study additive finite-rank perturbations of random periodic band matrices under the assumption that the nontrivial eigenvalues of the perturbation do not depend on the dimension. We establish the eigenvalue/eigenvector BBP transition in this model for band widths bN≫Nεb_N \gg N^\varepsilon. Our analysis relies on moment method calculations for general vector states.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Skeletonization methods for image and volume inpainting

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    Sketching-based Skeleton Extraction

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    Articulated character animation can be performed by manually creating and rigging a skeleton into an unfolded 3D mesh model. Such tasks are not trivial, as they require a substantial amount of training and practice. Although methods have been proposed to help automatic extraction of skeleton structure, they may not guarantee that the resulting skeleton can help to produce animations according to user manipulation. We present a sketching-based skeleton extraction method to create a user desired skeleton structure which is used in 3D model animation. This method takes user sketching as an input, and based on the mesh segmentation result of a 3D mesh model, generates a skeleton for articulated character animation. In our system, we assume that a user will properly sketch bones by roughly following the mesh model structure. The user is expected to sketch independently on different regions of a mesh model for creating separate bones. For each sketched stroke, we project it into the mesh model so that it becomes the medial axis of its corresponding mesh model region from the current viewer perspective. We call this projected stroke a “sketched bone”. After pre-processing user sketched bones, we cluster them into groups. This process is critical as user sketching can be done from any orientation of a mesh model. To specify the topology feature for different mesh parts, a user can sketch strokes from different orientations of a mesh model, as there may be duplicate strokes from different orientations for the same mesh part. We need a clustering process to merge similar sketched bones into one bone, which we call a “reference bone”. The clustering process is based on three criteria: orientation, overlapping and locality. Given the reference bones as the input, we adopt a mesh segmentation process to assist our skeleton extraction method. To be specific, we apply the reference bones and the seed triangles to segment the input mesh model into meaningful segments using a multiple-region growing mechanism. The seed triangles, which are collected from the reference bones, are used as the initial seeds in the mesh segmentation process. We have designed a new segmentation metric [1] to form a better segmentation criterion. Then we compute the Level Set Diagrams (LSDs) on each mesh part to extract bones and joints. To construct the final skeleton, we connect bones extracted from all mesh parts together into a single structure. There are three major steps involved: optimizing and smoothing bones, generating joints and forming the skeleton structure. After constructing the skeleton model, we have proposed a new method, which utilizes the Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) technique and the Laplacian mesh deformation technique together to perform skeleton-driven animation. Traditional LBS techniques may have self-intersection problem in regions around segmentation boundaries. Laplacian mesh deformation can preserve the local surface details, which can eliminate the self-intersection problem. In this case, we make use of LBS result as the positional constraint to perform a Laplacian mesh deformation. By using the Laplacian mesh deformation method, we maintain the surface details in segmentation boundary regions. This thesis outlines a novel approach to construct a 3D skeleton model interactively, which can also be used in 3D animation and 3D model matching area. The work is motivated by the observation that either most of the existing automatic skeleton extraction methods lack well-positioned joints specification or the manually generated methods require too much professional training to create a good skeleton structure. We dedicate a novel approach to create 3D model skeleton based on user sketching which specifies articulated skeleton with joints. The experimental results show that our method can produce better skeletons in terms of joint positions and topological structure

    Courbure discrète : théorie et applications

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    International audienceThe present volume contains the proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on discrete curvature, held at CIRM, Luminy, France. The aim of this meeting was to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, ranging from mathematics to computer science, with a focus on both theory and applications. With 27 invited talks and 8 posters, the conference attracted 70 researchers from all over the world. The challenge of finding a common ground on the topic of discrete curvature was met with success, and these proceedings are a testimony of this wor

    Skeletonization and segmentation of binary voxel shapes

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    Preface. This dissertation is the result of research that I conducted between January 2005 and December 2008 in the Visualization research group of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. I am pleased to have the opportunity to thank a number of people that made this work possible. I owe my sincere gratitude to Alexandru Telea, my supervisor and first promotor. I did not consider pursuing a PhD until my Master’s project, which he also supervised. Due to our pleasant collaboration from which I learned quite a lot, I became convinced that becoming a doctoral student would be the right thing to do for me. Indeed, I can say it has greatly increased my knowledge and professional skills. Alex, thank you for our interesting discussions and the freedom you gave me in conducting my research. You made these four years a pleasant experience. I am further grateful to Jack vanWijk, my second promotor. Our monthly discussions were insightful, and he continuously encouraged me to take a more formal and scientific stance. I would also like to thank Prof. Jan de Graaf from the department of mathematics for our discussions on some of my conjectures. His mathematical rigor was inspiring. I am greatly indebted to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for funding my PhD project (grant number 612.065.414). I thank Prof. Kaleem Siddiqi, Prof. Mark de Berg, and Dr. Remco Veltkamp for taking part in the core doctoral committee and Prof. Deborah Silver and Prof. Jos Roerdink for participating in the extended committee. Our Visualization group provides a great atmosphere to do research in. In particular, I would like to thank my fellow doctoral students Frank van Ham, Hannes Pretorius, Lucian Voinea, Danny Holten, Koray Duhbaci, Yedendra Shrinivasan, Jing Li, NielsWillems, and Romain Bourqui. They enabled me to take my mind of research from time to time, by discussing political and economical affairs, and more trivial topics. Furthermore, I would like to thank the senior researchers of our group, Huub van de Wetering, Kees Huizing, and Michel Westenberg. In particular, I thank Andrei Jalba for our fruitful collaboration in the last part of my work. On a personal level, I would like to thank my parents and sister for their love and support over the years, my friends for providing distractions outside of the office, and Michelle for her unconditional love and ability to light up my mood when needed

    Skeletonization methods for image and volume inpainting

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    Image and shape restoration techniques are increasingly important in computer graphics. Many types of restoration techniques have been proposed in the 2D image-processing and according to our knowledge only one to volumetric data. Well-known examples of such techniques include digital inpainting, denoising, and morphological gap filling. However efficient and effective, such methods have several limitations with respect to the shape, size, distribution, and nature of the defects they can find and eliminate. We start by studying the use of 2D skeletons for the restoration of two-dimensional images. To this end, we show that skeletons are useful and efficient for volumetric data reconstruction. To explore our hypothesis in the 3D case, we first overview the existing state-of-the-art in 3D skeletonization methods, and conclude that no such method provides us with the features required by efficient and effective practical usage. We next propose a novel method for 3D skeletonization, and show how it complies with our desired quality requirements, which makes it thereby suitable for volumetric data reconstruction context. The joint results of our study show that skeletons are indeed effective tools to design a variety of shape restoration methods. Separately, our results show that suitable algorithms and implementations can be conceived to yield high end-to-end performance and quality of skeleton-based restoration methods. Finally, our practical applications can generate competitive results when compared to application areas such as digital hair removal and wire artifact removal

    Shape segmentation and retrieval based on the skeleton cut space

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    3D vormverzamelingen groeien snel in veel toepassingsgebieden. Om deze effectief te kunnen gebruiken bij modelleren, simuleren, of 3D contentontwikkeling moet men 3D vormen verwerken. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn het snijden van een vorm in zijn natuurlijke onderdelen (ook bekend als segmentatie), en het vinden van vormen die lijken op een gegeven model in een grote vormverzameling (ook bekend als opvraging). Dit proefschrift presenteert nieuwe methodes voor 3D vormsegmentatie en vormopvraging die gebaseerd zijn op het zogenaamde oppervlakskelet van een 3D vorm. Hoewel allang bekend, dergelijke skeletten kunnen alleen sinds kort snel, robuust, en bijna automatisch berekend worden. Deze ontwikkelingen stellen ons in staat om oppervlakskeletten te gebruiken om vormen te karakteriseren en analyseren zodat operaties zoals segmentatie en opvraging snel en automatisch gedaan kunnen worden. We vergelijken onze nieuwe methodes met moderne methodes voor dezelfde doeleinden en laten zien dat ons aanpak kwalitatief betere resultaten kan produceren. Ten slotte presenteren wij een nieuwe methode om oppervlakskeletten te extraheren die is veel simpeler dan, en heeft vergelijkbare snelheid met, de beste technieken in zijn klasse. Samenvattend, dit proefschrift laat zien hoe men een complete workflow kan implementeren voor het segmenteren en opvragen van 3D vormen gebruik makend van oppervlakskeletten alleen
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