228 research outputs found

    Extending Bayesian network models for mining and classification of glaucoma

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Glaucoma is a degenerative disease that damages the nerve fiber layer in the retina of the eye. Its mechanisms are not fully known and there is no fully-effective strategy to prevent visual impairment and blindness. However, if treatment is carried out at an early stage, it is possible to slow glaucomatous progression and improve the quality of life of sufferers. Despite the great amount of heterogeneous data that has become available for monitoring glaucoma, the performance of tests for early diagnosis are still insufficient, due to the complexity of disease progression and the diffculties in obtaining sufficient measurements. This research aims to assess and extend Bayesian Network (BN) models to investigate the nature of the disease and its progression, as well as improve early diagnosis performance. The exibility of BNs and their ability to integrate with clinician expertise make them a suitable tool to effectively exploit the available data. After presenting the problem, a series of BN models for cross-sectional data classification and integration are assessed; novel techniques are then proposed for classification and modelling of glaucoma progression. The results are validated against literature, direct expert knowledge and other Artificial Intelligence techniques, indicating that BNs and their proposed extensions improve glaucoma diagnosis performance and enable new insights into the disease process

    Implementación y precisión de un nuevo método de cálculo biométrico basado en técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    Se diseña un estudio para estimar la potencia emetropizante de la lente intraocular, modificando por distometría y de forma retrospectiva la potencia real de la lente intraocular implantada. Se implementarán unos modelos regresivos no lineales, que utilicen como variable respuesta la potencia recalculada retrospectivamente y como predictores una serie de inputs biométricos.Se recopiló una muestra de 481 ojos intervenidos de cataratas por 4 cirujanos con distintos tipos de implantes intraoculares. Todos los ojos fueron medidos preoperatoriamente con IOL Master® 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena, Alemania) y Pentacam® HR (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Alemania) para la curvatura posterior corneal. Se preparó y se analizó el dataset para la selección de las variables eliminando correlaciones que produjeran colinealidad. La muestra se aleatorizó y posteriormente se dividió en dos partes con una ratio 80/20: entrenamiento (training) y validación (test) respectivamente.Se implementaron en crudo modelos regresivos mediante técnicas de Machine Learning y se entrenaron con la partición training. Posteriormente se optimizaron e hiperparametrizaron para mejorar y potenciar la predictibilidad. Se utilizaron técnicas de mejora (stacking) para ensamblar los mejores modelos finales, obteniendo un modelo definitivo al que se llamó Karmona®..

    Analysis and Correction of Corneal Astigmatism in Modern Pseudophakia

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    Toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) are designed to reduce spectacle dependency by correcting corneal astigmatism at the time of surgery. However, these IOLs are reliant on the accurate prediction of post-operative corneal astigmatism through reliable ocular biometry and the accurate calculation of surgically induced astigmatism. In the thesis the repeatability of assessing corneal curvature was assessed using six commercially available keratometers. The results question the validity of corneal biometry and infer that much of the apparent change in corneal shape usually associated with surgically induced astigmatism may be due to measurement error. The use of the oblique cross cylinder formulae for the calculation of post-operative corneal curvature was also investigated. This formula is incorporated into all commercially available toric IOL calculators and is utilised in every toric IOL implantation. The results from this thesis indicate that the formula is not applicable to the human cornea and that the use of the calculator does not increase the effectivity of the toric correction. Furthermore, the thesis queries the assumption that post-operative corneal astigmatism is directly proportional to post-operative refractive error. The disparity between both the magnitude and axis of astigmatism measured by keratometry and manifest refraction in a pseudophakic population was investigated. The axis measurements in particular showed very poor agreement; far outside an acceptable level of misalignment, significantly decreasing the effective correction provided if the lens was aligned with the keratometry readings. Inclusion of the posterior corneal curvature and thickness, along with a smaller chord length may lead to a more accurate assessment of corneal power. Despite the difficulty in providing an effective toric IOL correction, it was found that the correction of corneal astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery might decrease the risks of falls. Uncorrected astigmatism and cataract both cause a reduction in stability when stepping oven an obstacle, which is one of the most common causes of trips and falls in the elderly population.Plymouth Universit

    Visual Impairment and Blindness

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    Blindness and vision impairment affect at least 2.2 billion people worldwide with most individuals having a preventable vision impairment. The majority of people with vision impairment are older than 50 years, however, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Reduced eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities, and the ability to access public services. This book provides an overview of the effects of blindness and visual impairment in the context of the most common causes of blindness in older adults as well as children, including retinal disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular or corneal degeneration

    Automating the eye examination using optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in eye clinics worldwide to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of eye disease. Much of this uptake relates to the ability to non-invasively capture micron-resolution images, enabling objective and quantitative data to be obtained from ocular structures. Although safe and reasonably quick to perform, the costs involved with operating OCT devices are not trivial, and the requirement for OCT and other imaging in addition to other clinical measures is placing increasing demand on ophthalmology clinics, contributing to fragmented patient pathways and often extended waiting times. In this thesis, a novel “binocular optical coherence tomography” system that seeks to overcome some of the limitations of current commercial OCT systems, is clinically evaluated. This device incorporates many aspects of the eye examination into a single patient-operated instrument, and aims to improve the efficiency and quality of eye care while reducing the overall labour and equipment costs. A progressive framework of testing is followed that includes human factors and usability testing, followed by early stage diagnostic studies to assess the agreement, repeatability, and reproducibility of individual diagnostic features. Health economics analysis of the retinal therapy clinic is used to model cost effectiveness of current practice and with binocular OCT implementation. The binocular OCT and development of other low-cost OCT systems may improve accessibility, however there remains a relative shortage of experts to interpret the images. Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to play a role in rapid and automated image classification. This thesis explores the application of AI within retinal therapy clinics to predict the onset of exudative age-related macular degeneration in fellow eyes of patients undergoing treatment in their first eye. Together with automated and simultaneous imaging of both eyes with binocular OCT and the potential for low-cost patient-facing systems, AI is likely to have a role in personalising management plans, especially in a future where preventive treatments are available

    Optical Methods in Sensing and Imaging for Medical and Biological Applications

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    The recent advances in optical sources and detectors have opened up new opportunities for sensing and imaging techniques which can be successfully used in biomedical and healthcare applications. This book, entitled ‘Optical Methods in Sensing and Imaging for Medical and Biological Applications’, focuses on various aspects of the research and development related to these areas. The book will be a valuable source of information presenting the recent advances in optical methods and novel techniques, as well as their applications in the fields of biomedicine and healthcare, to anyone interested in this subject

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans


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    This book addresses the basic and clinical science of glaucomas, a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve and visual fields and is usually accompanied by increased intraocular pressure. The book incorporates the latest development as well as future perspectives in glaucoma, since it has expedited publication. It is aimed for specialists in glaucoma, researchers, general ophthalmologists and trainees to increase knowledge and encourage further progress in understanding and managing these complicated diseases