3 research outputs found


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    Suara merupakan identitas yang dimiliki manusia yang bersifat unik sehingga suara yang diucapkan dapat membawa informasi mengenai identitas pembicaranya. Hal ini disebabkan karena setiap suara manusia memiliki frekuensi khas yang biasa disebut frekuensi dominan. Dalam keadaan pengucapan yang normal frekuensi dominan setiap manusia selalu sama. Konsep frekuensi dominan ditanamkan pada ekstraksi ciri MFCC yang kemudian digunakan untuk mengekstraksi rekaman suara sehingga menghasilkan koefisien MFCC. Selanjutnya koefisien MFCC digunakan sebagai masukan untuk Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan(JST). JST menjadi komponen yang sangat penting dalam mengenali pola suara yang berupa angka numerik yang merupakan keluaran MFCC. Keluaran dari JST dihitung tingkat kecocokannya dengan target pembicara yang diujikan. Berdasarkan tingkat kecocokan ini diputuskan data uji berasal dari individu yang sama atau tidak. Sistem verifikasi suara dengan MFCC dan JST mempunyai tingkat keakuratan 96%. Kata-kunci : verifikasi suara, MFCC, jaringan saraf tirua

    Voice recognition through the use of Gabor transform and heuristic algorithm

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    Increasingly popular use of verification methods based on specific characteristics of people like eyeball, fingerprint or voice makes inventing more accurate and irrefutable methods of that urgent. In this work we present the voice verification based on Gabor transformation. The proposed approach involves creation of spectrogram, which serves as a habitat for the population of selected heuristic algorithm. The use of heuristic allows for the features extraction to enable identity verification using classical neural network. The results of the research are presented and discussed to show efficiency of the proposed methodology

    Security challenges in mobile assisted language learning in the millennium for education

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    Distance learning technologies enrich learning opportunities due to many advantages like ubiquity and flexibility. Although the usefulness of such technologies in teaching and learning is clear, their testing part is remained to be discussed due to the security issue. Administrators and teachers need to use more authentic and secure distant testing software in which the scores are guaranteed and the testees keep away from cheating. Static and online authentication systems like “username” and “password” and face detection have empowered educational parties to have more reliable testing outcomes. Mobile devices as the necessity of the new millennium need to use authentication software in their testing. Mobile devices with their multimedia course materials provide learners with many optimistic learning opportunities through collaboration, cooperation, interaction and testing. The unique chances of ubiquity, individualization, informality, and spontaneity make the mobile learning of particular importance not only for digital natives but also for teachers, administrators, developers, instructors, and policy makers. Yielding an economical learning opportunity along with providing authentic contexts for collaborative learning is beneficial for the economy of the country in general an d for the meaningful and deep learning of the learners. This paper will discuss how authentication techniques have applied to electronic devices like mobile phones