8 research outputs found

    Fuzzy interval net present value

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    In this paper we conjugate the operative usability of the net present value with the capability of the fuzzy and the interval approaches to manage uncertainty. Our fuzzy interval net present value can be interpreted, besides the usual present value of an investment project, as the present value of a contract in which the buyer lets the counterpart the possibility to release goods/services for money amounts that can vary, at time instants that can also vary. The buyer can reduce the widths of these variations by paying a cost. So, it is "natural" to represent the good/service money amounts and the time instants by means of triangular fuzzy numbers, and the cost of the buyer as a strictly increasing function of the level a in [0, 1] associated to the generic cut of the fuzzy interval net present value. As usual, the buyer is characterized by a utility function, depending on a and on the cost, that he/she has to maximize. As far the interest rates regard, we assume that the economic operators are only able to specify a variability range for each of the considered period interest rate. So, we represent the interest rates by means of interval numbers. Besides proposing our model, we formulate and solve the programming problems which have to be coped with to determine the extremals of the cut of the fuzzy interval net present value, and we deal with some questions related to the utility function of the buyer.net present value, fuzzy set theory, interval number theory, alpha-cut, utility function

    Fuzzy logic application for extruders replacement problem

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    In a scenario of uncertainty and imprecision, before taking the replacement analysis, a manager needs to consider the uncertain reality of a problem. In this scenario, the fuzzy logic makes an excellent option. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision based on the fuzzy model. This study is based on the comparison of two methodologies used in the problem of asset replacement. The study, thus, was based on a comparison between two extruders for polypropylene yarn bibliopegy, comparing mainly the costs involved in maintaining the equipment

    Fuzzy logic application for extruders replacement problem

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    In a scenario of uncertainty and imprecision, before taking the replacement analysis, a manager needs to consider the uncertain reality of a problem. In this scenario, the fuzzy logic makes an excellent option. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision based on the fuzzy model. This study is based on the comparison of two methodologies used in the problem of asset replacement. The study, thus, was based on a comparison between two extruders for polypropylene yarn bibliopegy, comparing mainly the costs involved in maintaining the equipment

    Uso de las cadenas de markov en la selección de políticas de mantenimiento

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    Actualmente el mantenimiento ha dejado de ser aquel campo que perseguía como único objeto mantener en un estado operacional los sistemas y se ha convertido ahora en la herramienta fundamental para toda empresa que busca conseguir objetivos corporativos que siempre recaen sobre un dominio total de los procesos productivos. Debido a la naturaleza estocástica inherente a los componentes de un sistema, en este artículo, se muestra el uso de las cadenas de Markov para la evaluación de políticas de mantenimiento, mostrando la forma de implementación y como decidir sobre diferentes políticas de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos

    Interactive fuzzy numbers arithmetic in financial analyses

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    Fuzzy arithmetic seems to be a well-developed and well-formalized branch of fuzzy sets theory. Nevertheless, there are some problems with its practical implementation. In practice, one can very often encounter the question of how to calculate the value of an arithmetic expression when its arguments are presented as linked fuzzy numbers. This article presents the generalization of Zadeh’s extension principle for arithmetic operations on fuzzy linked variables. Typical kinds of interaction between financial analyses parameters in industrial enterprises are discussed later. These interactions make use of nonlinear programming methods necessary to calculate the values of selected financial indices expressed by the fuzzy numbers. The article presents the problem of nonlinear programming applied to the calculation of the values of these indices. Additionally, the paper proposes the use of computer simulations in arithmetic operations on fuzzy linked variables. Furthermore, the example of gross profit calculations for two metallurgical companies is presented. The calculations done show that the interaction between the arguments of the arithmetic expression influences the final result significantly.extension principle, fuzzy arithmetic, financial analyses

    Tratamento de risco e incertezas em problemas de tomada de decisão seqüenciais: classificação, modelagem e aplicação

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.A presente pesquisa busca apresentar contribuições a problemas de tomada de decisão em um contexto de economia matemática, tais como: elaborar uma classificação genérica para descrever um problema seqüencial de múltiplos estágios, considerando medidas para mensurar os mais variados tipos de erros (vagueza, imprecisão, aleatoriedade); identificar a ordem de preferência entre as alternativas apresentadas pelo processo decisório, de modo a caracterizar uma seqüência de estratégias de decisão; e aplicar o modelo matemático proposto à bovinocultura de corte visando o momento interessante de colocar o produto à venda, em função das incertezas e dos riscos envolvidos. A metodologia está calcada na utilização das técnicas da tomada de decisão associada à estrutura da programação dinâmica difusa, bem como, a modelos econométricos, conforme a abrangência da natureza do erro, possibilitando, assim, encontrar o conjunto de estratégias pretendidas. A classificação de problemas seqüenciais multi-estágios é definida pela seqüência a / ß / ? / ? / ?, em que, "a" identifica o estágio, "ß" expressa a natureza do estado, a ação é determinada pela classe "?", o retorno por "?" e o horizonte de planejamento por "?". São indicadas estratégias possíveis para a tomada da decisão, tanto no que se refere à época de venda do produto, quanto ao tratamento a ser implementado a cada período de produção adicional, considerando as incertezas envolvidas no processo. As respostas são apresentadas por uma interface de apoio, que permitem uma avaliação imediata sobre todas as decisões possíveis a serem tomadas, dado que elas são listadas em ordem de prioridades. A qualquer instante, portanto, é possível fazer uma análise de sensibilidade identificando a alternativa de interesse a ser escolhida